Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 51 Hello, are you interested?

Wuwo is the up owner of a sandbox game on Bilibili. He has more than 30,000 fans, and the views of each video can be as high as 70,000 or 80,000, and as low as 5,000 or 6,000, and he is now We are in a stage of generating electricity for love.

At the end of each month, Broken Station's creative profits can barely cover the electricity bill and some money for drinks, and the time he spent making videos and driving screws in the factory has already earned tens of thousands.

The reason for this is that in recent years, no new sandbox games have been launched in the game market for a long time. Due to the repeated bombardment of foreign 3A works, the domestic online game market has been coming and going, but I am still persisting. He does popular science about sandbox games, and his videos did initially make some players interested in sandbox games.

But as time went by, the content in the games he played was gradually consumed. Wuwo could no longer figure out the details in that game, and the official did not update the game. The result was that Wuwo could not learn from a popular science , the teaching up master, gradually transformed into the hypnosis area up master.

This made him very anxious during this period, and he even had the idea of ​​changing careers many times.

If Nanxing hadn't suddenly announced that it was going to make a sandbox game some time ago, Wuwo would have gone to a factory to drive screws. I had no choice but to live under pressure, and Wuwo was full of expectations for Nanxing's sandbox game.

He put all his hopes on Nanxing, hoping that Nanxing could produce a good game that would make more players fall in love with sandbox farming games.

Looking at it now, Nanxing may really be able to change this market.

Nanxing has created miracles several times. Because of Nanxing, there are endless imitation games that combine card games and meat pigeons. There are also several new party fun games. And now, even the Xianxia stand-alone game that no one has touched for a long time. In terms of themes, several new projects have appeared on Tianyou.

Nanxing seems to be able to make any style of game, and not only can it be made, but it can also be made very well!

Therefore, whether he can turn around, whether he goes to work in a factory to drive screws, or whether he can continue to be a video blogger, depends on whether Nanxing can produce a popular farming game.

And now, Wu I is reading the private messages in the background of station B.

There are a total of forty-two private messages, all of which are greetings from fans who have not updated during this period.

Without me, how are you going to spend this month? It won't be instant noodles and steamed buns again, right? If you are short of money, tell your buddy and he will transfer you some living expenses.

No self, Baiyuanyou hasn't updated for two months. Aren't you planning to become a blogger?

Master Up, your videos are really good. I didn't play sandbox games before, but I found the fun of sandbox games just by watching your videos. You must stick to it! Your videos are amazing to me. All have coins.”

No self, why don't you really change the channel? Your exploration ability is very strong, and your calculation and explanation skills are also very good. You will definitely become popular if you change the card area. There is really no need for us to die in the sandbox. On the game.”

The sandbox game is dead. There is no self. Stop guarding the sandbox game. There is no shame in changing the channel.

These are all private messages sent to Wuwo by fans four months ago.

In a few months, I have only received dozens of private messages, which shows how cold I am now.

You should know that the cross-dresser is so shy in the comment section that he can receive hundreds of private messages greeting him in a month, but he, an up follower with thousands of fans, only has forty private messages.

After April, especially in the past few days, the number of private messages has increased significantly.

No self! Nanxing is going to release a sandbox game, you kid, just keep holding on!

The products produced by Nanxing must be high-quality, except for Digging for Promotion, Come Back Without Me, and there is an Up in the card game area because Nanxing became popular.

Nanxing is making a sandbox game! Come back soon!

The fan group has also been disbanded. You are not really driving screws in the factory, are you?

Wu I read them one by one. In these private messages, fans expressed their concern and concern about his current situation, and those who can still chase me and follow me for several months are true die-hard fans. , Wuwo looked at their private messages and felt a little moved in his heart.

Until a private message with a slightly different avatar appeared.

It was a Q version of a cartoon image, with a little star hat on her forehead, her mouth crooked and one eye closed, her right hand making a scissor-hand gesture in front of her, a cute blue-haired girl, this avatar.

Wuwo looked at the avatar and was immediately stunned!

Nanxing, Nanxing’s Weibo and Bilibili accounts use this avatar. This avatar is Nanxing’s logo and mascot! Nan Xing Niang!

Wuwo immediately clicked on the avatar to view it, and then he saw the certified little lightning next to the avatar, as well as 740,000 fans following it!

Yes. Nanxing, really Nanxing!

I feel my heart beating.

Nanxing, why is Nanxing looking for me all of a sudden?

No, it was Nan Xing who actually sent me a private message?

Wuwo immediately clicked on it and saw a few sentences.

Hello, dear up owner, I am Lin Yuan, the chief planner of Nanxing Game. After watching your video, I think you are very suitable to participate in our new game trial. Are you willing to participate in Nanxing's new game? Where’s the test?”

We will arrange your air tickets and accommodation, and hope that you can help us conduct video promotions for our new games. Based on your fan base and video like rate, we will pay corresponding advertising fees.

I hope this doesn't intrude on your time and I wish you a happy life.

Then, there is a series of links. After I click on it, there is a simple registration form.

actual name:

ID number:

(We will ensure not to disclose your personal information and collect ID numbers only to help you book air tickets and accommodation.)



Currently using platform ID:

Good at game classification: construction/management/development/exploration

current home address:

Nanxing thanks you very much for coming. Players who participate in the trial will receive a free gift of the new game, a limited edition exclusive accessory - Lin Yuan.

Wu-I stretched out his hands to the keyboard and typed his personal information directly on the keyboard without any hesitation.

Does he still need to hesitate?

No need!

If he doesn't change, he won't be able to afford food anymore! And Nanxing is traveling with food and lodging included, does this kind of thing still need to be considered?


Wuwo has put his hope in Nanxing's new game, and now that he can learn about Nanxing's games in advance and earn an advertising fee, Wuwo will definitely go.

Therefore, I finished writing the information and clicked OK to submit below.

The scene turned, and the lovely Nan Xingniang bent down and bowed her head in thanks.

Then, there is a waiting time of 2-3 days.

After Wuwo finished doing this, he logged into QQ again. After logging into QQ, he opened the sandbox area game up group, a group of more than thirty people, all of whom were sandbox game enthusiasts, but there were no fans in it before. The news group became lively.

No-self naturally knows the reason.

Since Nanxing will choose him, other up owners will naturally be chosen as well.

And half of the farming sandbox games in Broken Station are in this group.

[Damn it, did you also receive an invitation from Nanxing? 】

[+1, I just filled in the information! I took a look at the air ticket. It costs 1,700 to get to Los Angeles, and Nanxing will cover it! 】

[It’s bad, I said in the past that I didn’t succeed in having sex offline, but this time I really want to have sex with family members in person. 】

【What about no self? That kid should have received it too, right? That guy Wu Wo’s videos are great at popularizing science. Although he has few fans, there’s no reason why he can’t receive them. 】

Wu-I bubbled up immediately, and with a smile on his face, he typed: [Here it is, I received it too. 】

[Haha, Wu-Self has indeed received it. Everyone in our group should have received it, right? 】

[I asked them all, and indeed received them all, but two of them have already fought with reality, so they will not participate. 】

[Are you facing reality? If it doesn’t become popular this time, I will also face reality. My family has already urged me to go on a blind date. 】

[I'm okay, my family doesn't care about me very much, but with an income of one or two thousand a month, it's really not an option to continue like this. 】

[I hope Nanxing can make a hit, please Nanxing! 】

【Nan Xing will be my dad from now on! 】

[Everyone, no more talking, see you in a few days! 】

【See you in a few days! 】

Wuwo looked at the group that was once lifeless, but now it kept ticking messages, watching and listening silently. His nose felt sore, and he suddenly felt like crying.

They really love sandbox games, they really like to create, explore, and seek knowledge. Being a video blogger is really not about making money. There are only two or three people in this group who make more than 4,000 yuan a month from making videos, and most of them It’s the same as being selfless, earning money for electricity bills and drinks in a month is purely for generating electricity for love.

Escape from reality?

If insisting on doing what you want to do is called escaping reality, then they have indeed been escaping from reality.

Because there is no hope or market for sandbox games. They keep saying that they are chasing dreams and adhering to ideals, but in fact, this road is a dead end. What is the use of persisting?

But now

Hope comes, maybe.

I can hold on a little longer!

Without me as the up owner, everyone who plays Stardew Valley should know it, right?

Top encyclopedia, Academician of Stardew Valley!

Wiki? He just wrote it!

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