Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 57 This year will be the Year of the Southern Star

In the early morning of May 26, a player logged into Tianyou and planned to play games. However, as soon as he logged in, he found that the interface of Tianyou, that is, where he logged in to his account, the previous login background page of Tianyou had changed. It no longer existed. It is the welcome to Tianyou interface, but a green, natural scene, accompanied by a pixel villain wearing a hat holding a hoe. Next to her, is a beautiful pixel font - Star Dew Valley.

After entering Tianyou, the first round of advertisements on the homepage also contained advertisements for Stardew Valley——

Stardew Valley is officially released at 12 noon!

When players click in, they will find the introduction given by Tianyou.

As well as the price, gameplay, and manufacturer information of the game.


Is Nanxing such a big name now?

How much money did Nanxing make for Tianyou? Damn it, you know the pig farm didn't get this kind of treatment before Shunhuonuan!

Originally I wasn't interested in farming games, but after watching the Stardew Valley video on Station B, I found it quite interesting. Plus, 40 yuan isn't very expensive. I'll buy one and give it a try!

Because of Tianyou's sudden news, many domestic players gritted their teeth.

Damn it. Today is a working day!

I posted this news in the early hours of the morning, and it won’t be released until 12 noon. No, I couldn’t play it the first time I bought it. Woohoo!

I can only wait until I get off work to go back and enjoy myself.

But even so, many people still ordered advance pre-orders and submitted payment.

There are two reasons why players do this. One is that Nanxing’s reputation during this period is really good. The second is that once you watch the videos on Station B, you will Feel the fun of this game.

You need to know the playback volume of forty videos. Although there is the possibility of overlapping users, the combined playback volume of the forty videos exceeds 10 million. Many people know about Stardew Valley!

This time, Nanxing was finally different from before. They finally came out to make announcements.

And by three o'clock in the morning on the 26th, the Stardew Valley data on Tianyou had also arrived——

Game: Stardew Valley

Developer: Nanxing

Type: Farming sandbox, leisure healing.

Price: 40

Pre-order: 70560

Tianyou highly recommends: Stardew Valley will be Nan Xing’s cross-generational work. Tianyou guarantees that this will be a phenomenal work! Players who like and dislike sandbox development games must try it!

Tianyou actually came forward to support Nanxing!

This gaming platform, which has always been rated as fair and does not accept bribes, seems to have gradually become a little crooked this time!

But the players are not surprised. There is no other reason. If other game companies can be like Nanxing and produce several hit games a year, that day's butt will definitely tilt towards it.

After all, if you don’t praise your good grades, should you belittle them?

The current domestic stand-alone market is in great need of people to lead it.

Both Tianyou and players are looking forward to Nanxing becoming a leader in domestic games.


Tianyou Headquarter——

Luo Feng looked at the latest data report on hand and swallowed, while Zuo Xuan, who was sitting opposite him, also looked excited.

Looking at it now, we finally have a domestic game with sales exceeding one million in the first month! This does not include overseas data, only domestic data! Zuo Xuan said excitedly.

There are still four hours before the official release, and the pre-orders have already exceeded 100,000, 1 million in the first month? Why do I think this number can be raised a little higher? Could it be 2 million? These are all paid for Okay, do these players really believe that Stardew Valley will be fun?

This data is indeed a bit exaggerated. Zuo Xuan, are you sure Nanxing didn't ask the navy to brush the data? The man sitting in the first place thought for a while and said.

Sales exceeded 100,000 in a single day?

No. Looking at it now, it is possible that the sales in a single day will exceed 200,000!

This is the first time such a thing has happened in China. No wonder Tang Jianghe doesn't believe it.

How can anyone believe this?

A game with a sandbox, farming, and a niche audience has sales exceeding 200,000 in a single day?

Have times really changed so fast? In the past, if the sales exceeded 5,000 in a single day, champagne would be opened. Now, if the sales exceed 50,000 in a single day, it seems to be a matter of course.

No, that’s not right, you can’t think like that!

The monthly sales volume of many domestic games has not exceeded 50,000!

Some small studios even fail to sell 50,000 copies in a year!

Damn, I almost mistakenly thought that the domestic market was really getting better because of the poor information provided by Nanxing.

Zuo Xuan immediately replied: There is absolutely no fraud, Mr. Tang, think about it, Nanxing has never even done serious publicity, and this time it only found us and some up owners of station B. They are There will never be any lies in this regard.”

Ms. Feng Shuyun and Mr. Lin Yuan will put their money on the game instead of on evil ways. No matter how good the data is, the players will know the quality of the game best after they have played the game in person. Yes, I think Nan Xing will not do anything so stupid.

Tang Jianghe nodded, I just said it casually. I made a mistake.

Do you want to help build momentum? I think if we help more, Stardew Valley's performance can still improve. Maybe then there will be the first domestic game with sales exceeding 8 million? Luo Feng thought for a while. said.

Have we opened enough roads for Nanxing now? I'm a little worried about public opinion. Tang Jianghe said.

Mr. Tang, players will not criticize us in this regard. If there is an attack from public opinion, I think it can only be the domestic game manufacturers who feel the differential treatment and speak out, but do we need to care about their opinions?

Instead of attacking our peers, it is better to think carefully and improve our own level. Domestic game manufacturers are already a little obsessed with suppressing their peers. If we, Tianyou, did not provide small studios and small manufacturers with platforms, they would have been defeated by big manufacturers long ago. All monopolized.”

What Nanxing is doing now is actually telling them how to make games and how to capture the hearts of players, instead of making games that are rejected by players after having fun. If they still want to play games because of performance problems, If the question is jealous of Nan Xing, then I can only say that they are really hopeless. Zuo Xuan said seriously.

Tang Jianghe also fell silent.

Luo Feng on the other side smiled, put his hands behind his head and said: Jealous? Why do I think it should be admiration? Ever since Nanxing made Animal Party, Nanxing and these game manufacturers are no longer on the same track. Above, you can be jealous if your grades are a little higher, but if your grades are sky-high, can you still be jealous?

This time Tang Jianghe and Zuo Xuan were silent together.

Damn, what Luo Feng said makes sense.

The most important factor in hoeing the strong and supporting the weak is that the strong one is only a little stronger than yourself. If the strong one is too strong, then this kind of twisted psychological problem will not arise.

can only say.

Although Nanxing may not be at the forefront in terms of company size, assets, manpower, etc., when it comes to making games, Nanxing has indeed left domestic game manufacturers too far behind.

Nan Xing: I only have a small game company!

Other game companies: You B!



Lin Yuan tilted his head and looked at Feng Shuyun who sneezed very cutely.

Being stared at by Lin Yuan, Feng Shuyun immediately glared: What do you want me to do?

Well, you can’t hide. The office is only such a big place. Instead of avoiding problems, it’s better to solve them head-on!

That's right, I have to face my heart. Not only do I not hate Lin Yuan, on the contrary, I also like Lin Yuan very much, and I am also very willing to let Lin Yuan take responsibility.

But so what?

Would it be a terrible thing to let Lin Yuan take charge of me?

I have big breasts, long legs, lots of gold, and cuteness, what else does he want?

So. No more hiding!

Well, get rid of Lin Yuan!

Feng Shuyun was moved by Xiao Jiujiu.

In the past two days, she had avoided Lin Yuan and looked at her heart.

She discovered that Lin Yuan was indeed more important than the game in her heart. At first, she could use the excuse that Lin Yuan was her good employee, making money for herself, and contributing to her retirement for the rest of her life. She thought it was normal for her to like him, but Slowly, Feng Shuyun realized that he was deceiving himself.

Liking for friends and liking for the opposite sex are two different things.

Fortunately, with her out-of-control temper and fierce personality, she quickly figured it out.

The two depended on each other and gradually brought up Nan Xing, a good daughter. A man and a woman who were strangers to each other have been together day and night for a year. How could they not develop a good impression?

If this doesn't produce any good impressions from the opposite sex, then it can only be a sign of admiration.

Damn it, Feng Shuyun got angry just thinking about this.

Then why can Lin Yuan look at him so directly? Why doesn't he think he's shy?

Does this guy really want to have sex with me?

I see you as a man, but you see me as your brother? !

Feng Shuyun stared at Lin Yuan with his bangs in the air!

Boss, take care of yourself and don't catch a cold. Lin Yuan said with concern.

Looking at Feng Shuyun's airy bangs, Lin Yuan knew the reason.

After the tooth mark incident occurred, Feng Shuyun came to the company the next day and had permed bangs on her head. Naturally, this was to cover up the marks left by Lin Yuan's pair of front teeth on her head.

I don't have a cold. My health is fine. Maybe someone is talking about me behind my back? Feng Shuyun said while rubbing his nose.

Stardew Valley's first month score should be around 1.5 million, but this game will have a person-to-person effect. We are doing a good job online. In August, during the summer vacation, high school students and college students will donate money for the game. No. , will buy our games. Lin Yuan said to Feng Shuyun.

Feng Shuyun immediately smiled and nodded his head with a crescent moon: Yeah.

Feng Shuyun is blinded by money!

Pre-orders have now exceeded 100,000. After the official launch at noon, I think we will have sold around 150,000 copies by 6 p.m. If we can exceed 200,000 today, we will have achieved a milestone. , Lin Yuan.

We are definitely the first to sell 200,000 copies of a domestic game that day!

Lin Yuan also laughed.

This is the charm of Stardew Valley. As a game that was independently developed by an individual in its previous life and only promoted by G Fat, it has achieved tens of millions of sales in one year. After many years of experience, it has broken through to the world. 20 million copies on the platform!

The charm of this game is timeless!

Seeing Lin Yuan smiling, Feng Shuyun smiled even happier.

We made the best sandbox game ever!

Lin Yuan, there shouldn't be any sandbox game more powerful than Stardew Valley, right? Feng Shuyun asked with a smile.


Lin Yuan failed to reply to Feng Shuyun's question.

Instead, he secretly opened the game treasure house and looked at several sandbox games that were also pixel style, as well as a non-pixel style sandbox game.



Emotion value: 250000

Type: Sandbox/2D


Emotion value: 150000

Type: Sandbox/2.5D

my world

Emotion value: 1,500,000

Type: Sandbox/3D

Feng Shuyun just asked if there is any game that surpasses Stardew Valley?

Lin Yuan could only say.

Too much.

If Feng Shuyun is asking about farming games, then Lin Yuan still needs to consider it. After all, Stardew Valley does have an unrivaled reputation among farming games. Its reputation is better than that of Harvest Moon. After all, there are many Harvest Moon series, except for a few A classic, nothing else can compare to Stardew Valley.

But Feng Shuyun asked if there is a sandbox game more powerful than Stardew Valley?


Do you understand the MC who ranks second in the history of game sales, with total sales of nearly 200 million across all platforms, and is known as the king of the sandbox?

An emotion value of 1.5 million has already established the status of MC.

Is MC difficult to do? It's really not difficult. With Nan Xing's current strength, it can be easily imitated and made. But the problem is that Lin Yuan doesn't have the emotional value to buy it. Stardew Valley may increase Lin Yuan's emotional value by hundreds of thousands, but he wants to buy it. MC is still far behind.

And what about MC’s profit?

Let’s put it this way, in 2014, Microsoft spent a full US$2.5 billion to buy the copyright of MC. That was in 2014.

Because of this, this game seems to have a crude style, and you can find all kinds of problems when you first play it. In fact, in the history of games, if we don’t talk about anything else, just in terms of weight, it is only inferior to Tetris.


It can only be said that if it were not for the shackles of the system, with the current strength of Lin Yuan and Nan Xing, he would indeed be able to directly build Minecraft. However, due to the system, if he does not buy from the system and directly build it, the result will be Lin Yuan and Nan Xing. In the long run, it will become Alzheimer's disease, and you will forget everything you think about.

You might start drooling while talking to Li Lin, which is okay, but if you have to talk to Feng Shuyun, your eyes will turn sideways and you will start drooling, then do you still want your own image?

Let everything take its time~

Stardew Valley has it, and MC will also have it.

Lin Yuan laughed, looked at Feng Shuyun and shook his head and said: No more, there will never be a more powerful sandbox game than Stardew Valley. Even if there is, it can only be made by me.

This made Feng Shuyun almost scream.

So handsome, what Lin Yuan said!

However, Boss Feng held back!

Regarding love, Feng Shuyun remembers that her sisters said - in love, whoever confesses first will lose!

Then boss, prepare for a celebration banquet.

No problem at all opening the champagne beforehand.

Feng Shuyun thought for a while and said, Then I'll go out later, book a restaurant, and have fun together tomorrow night.

The results of Stardew Valley will explode, so of course there must be something to celebrate.

Although the production of Stardew Valley is effortless, only about twenty employees are responsible for it. The rest of the employees are either doing daily fishing or doing maintenance at the animal party on full moon nights.

However, for happy events, the more people, the better.

After Feng Shuyun made up his mind, he went out directly carrying the small bag.

She has always been an activist!

Lin Yuan was left alone in the office.

After thinking about it, Lin Yuan went to Feng Shuyun's office chair and lay down on it. The residual warmth of the boss's body was still on it. He closed his eyes and squinted slightly. Lin Yuan began to think about Nan Xing's next step.

We've been making small fuss for long enough

Nan Xing is about to start his official journey to a big company.

Games like Animal Party, Full Moon Night, and Stardew Valley are not bad, but after all, the game size is small and does not require a large team to produce. But the problem is, Lin Yuan can let Feng Shuyun is recruiting people extensively. There are now more than 100 people in Nanxing Company. If the next game is also a small-type game, will everyone except those who work continue to support themselves?

Feng Shuyun is indeed getting richer and richer now, but that's not how money is spent.

And although college students are capable, have a clear and stupid beauty, and they will actively rush for jobs even if they can fish, but if they are idle for a long time, they will gradually develop inertia.

So. Next game.

Lin Yuan closed his eyes and began to select from the treasure house.

After a while, Lin Yuan opened his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

This year, the star in the gaming industry is the star of the South Star.

This year will be the Year of the Southern Star!

Lin Yuan made up his mind.

But there are still a lot of bad emotional values, so he can only wait for Stardew Valley to collect them first. After accumulating enough, Lin Yuan can try to make them.


This chapter is close to 5,000 words.

Today is also an update of nearly 8,000 words.

Work hard and work hard!

I won’t write about the game content of Stardew Valley in detail. I’ll just write my feedback. Because Stardew Valley is difficult to explain, and I may make everyone bored by talking about it. You really need to experience this game by yourself. Take a moment and feel it to know its beauty.

Mira-san, please give me strength!

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