Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 76 You are worthy of Musashi, you are Kojiro!

In the evening, Lin Yuan gave two copies of the first version of the script to Xu Xiao and Fang Qingchan. This was the first version, and then Lin Yuan had the second and third versions.

Don’t worry about the game. Pokémon is not a game that relies on scene modeling. After all, the first few versions are all pixel mosaic. But what Lin Yuan wants to do cannot be pixel mosaic style. The elves still have to be cute. .

Therefore, the requirements for programs are far less important than those for artists.

Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Pikachu, as the three big ones under Ash Ketchum and a phantom god, Lin Yuan requires that they must be drawn cute and cute. Pokémon is ultimately a development game. , the cuter the elves are drawn, the more satisfying the players will be when raising them.

As for Miss Gardevoir who appeared in the later versions, Lin Yuan can only say that human XP is free, but it is indeed not good to be too free.

Lin Yuan can actually understand what Gardevoir said. After all, Gardevoir is an anthropomorphic elf. If you look at it from a distance, she will look like a girl in a white dress. She is elegant and cute. But... what is the bite of Lu Shark Girl? ghost?

You're really not afraid of Shark Girl biting you off, are you?

Two days later, Lin Yuan finished sorting out the script, and Xu Xiao's art team officially started work. In just one day, Xu Xiao and the others built the basic framework of the game.

The next thing you need to do is to stuff it with data, pictures, and combat content. Anyway, it’s just like stuffing ducks.

Fang Qingchan's side is more troublesome.

She was ready to start recruiting voice actors, but they didn't have to worry about music, because upstairs was the Southern Star Music Department, where Pokémon music was also being worked on.

It is said that the theme song is a Japanese song, and Miss Muwan is currently practicing her Japanese pronunciation.

What NagaNagaNaga, singing in the studio all day long.

As for why it was a Japanese song, Fang Qingchan didn't understand. Feng Shuyun seemed to have asked Lin Yuan, and what Lin Yuan said was - it's a classic, good-sounding, and takes him back to the past as soon as he hears it.

What the hell did he go back to?

But here, seeing that everything had started, Lin Yuan logged into his Weibo account that afternoon.

Well. At first glance, the first thing he saw was the red 99+ private message. Ignoring the private message and not reading it, Lin Yuan touched his phone and directly posted a Weibo message.

Nanxing Lin Yuan: [Good afternoon, dear players, I am Lin Yuan from Nanxing. I am happy to tell you that Nanxing’s new game is already in production. The new game is a casual collection and development game~ Of course, the game Whether it is casual or not depends on how the players decide. After all, just like Stardew Valley, some players are casual, but some are so dizzy. Well, what I can tell you now is that the new The game is not difficult to get started and is suitable for all types of players. I believe that players who like to collect and develop games will fall in love with this game————Ps: Lin Yuan has been working hard to make games and loves you. . 】

The last time Lin Yuan posted on Weibo was when Edgewalker started airing.

So just ten minutes after this Weibo post was posted, it was caught by countless fans of Nanxing.

[Do you still know it came out? 】

[Collection and development game? Starting to look forward to it! 】

[Selling melon seeds, mineral water, and instant noodles in the front row]

[Edge Walker Part 2. I’m begging you! 】

[When will the game be released? Nan Xing, you guys have changed. You used to play games so fast and fiercely that it made me want to die. Now you guys haven’t been able to play a game for half a year! 】

[The little mascot also posted on Weibo, and also posted a cute yellow-skinned mouse. 】

[Is the new game meant for children? The case has been solved, I'm just a kid, come and play with me! 】

Lin Yuan read the comments for a while, then put down his phone.

On the third floor, Fang Qingchan has already started painting. Pokémon is easier to draw than Edgewalker, and the funding for the two animations is also very different. It is not easy to let experts like Qingchan do the painting.

The promotional video that has not yet been colored is also ready. It is a plot where Xiaozhi walks out of Zhenxin Town, carrying Pikachu on his shoulders, and then meets several Pokemon. It is very short, but Lin Yuan thought it was very useful after watching it.

In fact, you want to say that Pokémon has a plot?

It really doesn't have much of a plot, it's just that Ash tries his best to win the championship, win every gym, and finally get the title of Pokémon Master.

But it took Xiaozhi 24 years to get this title.

I'm the newbie Xiaozhi! This joke is often talked about by everyone.

After all, as an anime adapted from a game, the original Pokémon game has no plot to speak of. The main focus is on development and battle. The gameplay is more sandbox and there is little main line, so the anime team basically has original plots.

It's original, a little longer, a little more everyday, it's normal.

Another thing is that Pokémon was interviewed as a sub-supplier. Perhaps even the production team did not expect that this series could last so long. After all, who would have thought that a game that took an independent game producer 6 years to create, Will it become the number one IP in the world?

Therefore, animation is mainly about voice actors, and there are also publicity issues.

But publicity

Well, now Lin Yuan has to talk about the speed of Xiaopo Station.

Lin Yuan just said on Weibo that he was going to make a new game. Before Fang Qingchan could use Qingchan's official account to announce the creation of a new animation, Xiaopo Station took the initiative to come to her.

Just now, Feng Shuyun received a call from Cheng Xin, the person in charge of the broken station animation area.

The other party came up and asked: Miss Feng Shuyun, does Nanxing have any animation production plans recently?

Hey, how did you know we have new animation? Feng Shuyun felt strange.

Only insiders know about the new animation. Could it be that an employee leaked the news?

But what Cheng Xin said next left Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun speechless, both of whom had taken this issue seriously.

Ah? Is it really there? I just came to ask, I didn't expect it was really there. What about that, Miss Feng Shuyun, please be sure to consider our B station for new animations. We will purchase the exclusive license at the highest market price. Everything is easy to negotiate. , in terms of publicity and distribution, we will also give the animation the best publicity and distribution!


Station B took the initiative to help announce the issue, so do Nanxing and Qingchan still need to announce it?

Really not needed.

A company with a market value of tens of billions of dollars takes the initiative to help promote it, so let’s not talk about this traffic.

Therefore, the publicity aspect is not a problem, so now it is a question of voice actors.

On September 4th, the voice actor Fang Qingchan was looking for arrived at Nanxing, and Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun also went to join in the fun.

The company now has a total of three game projects, namely 2077, which has produced 0.1, Street Fighter 3, which has produced 60, and Pokémon, which has produced 80, and the Pokémon animation of the animation department.

Everything is left to the employees. Feng Shuyun and Lin Yuan are very free. After all, Li Lin leads the team to study and study 2077. Street Fighter 3 is handled by Luoyang. Pokémon Xu Xiao is so easy to do. Lin Yuan can do it. What kind of job?

His daily job is to brag with his boss in the office. Either he is playing games or Feng Shuyun is playing games.

Because of this, the two of them curiously came to the third floor to join in the fun.

When they arrived on the third floor, an employee told them that Minister Fang Qingchan had gone to the music department on the fourth floor, so Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun hurriedly ran up again.

Like thieves, they entered the music department on the fourth floor. Various soundproofed small rooms were arranged like solitary rooms. Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun searched around and found everyone in a recording room.

Fang Qingchan, wearing jeans and a shirt, was talking to Mu Wan, who was wearing a long skirt, and a group of people in the recording room.

Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun came closer. Because of the sound insulation, Feng Shuyun opened the door a little, and then the two of them stuck their heads up and down to listen to the conversation inside.

Mu Wan, it's up to you to dub Pikachu. Just hold your voice and pretend to be cute, okay?

Yes, I understand. Mu Wan, who was wearing a blue dress, nodded, pushed her hair with her hand, and tentatively said: Pi, Pi, Pikachu~

After saying that, her face immediately turned red visibly.

There are so many people watching this!

It's not good. It doesn't meet my expectations. Fang Qingchan shook his head.

Pikachu's voice should be a little higher, more cute and a bit sharp.

Although Mu Wan tried her best to pretend to be cute, she still lacked a bit of tea flavor.

It's just that the cuteness isn't thorough enough.

Teacher Candy on the side, the dubbing teacher of Han Lingsha and Rebecca for Nan Xing, smiled and said: This is more difficult. It would be better if you learn more. I can teach you how to pronounce.

Mu Wan looked at Candy, nodded gratefully and said, Thank you, teacher.

Hey, you're welcome. Try to lift your breath up your chest and use your head voice when pronouncing. This will make your voice more penetrating. It will be sharper.

Mu Wan followed suit.

Two cute Pikachu sounds came out of her mouth again.

Feng Shuyun and Lin Yuan watched secretly.

It wasn't until Fang Qingchan went to find a cup to drink water that these two guys were noticed.

Hey, hey, what are you two doing? Fang Qingchan looked at the guy with two heads sticking out in a funny way.

Ahem, we are here, inspecting the work! Seeing that Fang Qingchan discovered him, Feng Shuyun pulled Lin Yuan out.

Feng Shuyun said seriously.

The inspection work is very cunning, Fang Qingchan said in a funny voice, crossing her arms.

Lin Yuan was greeting the voice actor teachers on the side.

Teacher Candy, whom he had worked with several times, also smiled sweetly at Lin Yuan.

Teacher Candy. This guy is Lin Yuan’s ideal female V candidate.

Because the other party matched Rebecca very well. You must know that although Rebecca looks like a lolita, her voice is relatively thick. I originally thought that she, who has been paired with Han Lingsha, is not suitable, but who knows? It felt so good to know that she could actually make her voice thicker and rougher, curse and say dirty things.

What is the classic female V? That’s the sentence: Drafted!

There are also cute things that can create a sense of contrast, such as screaming ahhhhh~

Therefore, Lin Yuan actually wanted to sign Candy, but the other party now has a company, and the company behind it is quite big. It is called Duoyi Sound, which is a company that specializes in training voice actors. If Nanxing wants to sign Candy, he still needs It takes some time to prove your strength.

At least it can't be said that it took several months to find a job for Candy, because she would starve to death.

After all, artists don't just have to earn a living, performance is the most important thing.

Just tell me, boss, what's going on? Fang Qingchan stepped forward and pulled Feng Shuyun away from Lin Yuan.

This girl can't be beaten without Lin Yuan.

Sure enough, far away from Lin Yun, Feng Shuyun pitifully stretched out her hands to signal Lin Yuan to go to her, but Lin Yuan waved his head and went directly to the candy.

Seeing this, Feng Shuyun pursed his lips.

She looked at Fang Qingchan and said, I also want to dub.

My boss. You are a boss with a net worth of hundreds of millions. What voice do you have?

I want to match Pikachu!

Mu Wan on one side: .

Urgent, my boss wants to compete with me for the dubbing job, what should I do?

The reason why Mu Wan was asked to play Pikachu was because Mu Wan was not a professional voice actor and she could not play the role of Xiaozhi. However, Lin Yuan also needed Mu Wan to play an important role in Pokémon. After thinking about it, he only had three lines. Pikachu is the best fit.

In addition, the singing of the theme song can be used for marketing for Mu Wan. After all, she is the only artist in the company now, so of course she should be treated as a treasure.

And now, Feng Shuyun wants to grab a job.

You skin one first and I'll give it a try. Fang Qingchan didn't refuse directly, but looked at Feng Shuyun funny and said.

Feng Shuyun crouched his hands in front of him, bent his paws, and made a mouse gesture, then pouted: Pi, Pi~Ka~Qiu~

Okay, you can go back. Fang Qingchan waved her hand.

No! If Pikachu can't do it, I can do anything else!

Boss, this is not play, this is work, please be serious. Fang Qingchan said speechlessly.

On the side, Tang Xiaomeng, the original boss of Baiwu Zhiyin and now the head of the music department of Nanxing, said: I think the boss can be dubbed. The boss's voice is very high-pitched and thin. There is a character that is very suitable for the boss.

Feng Shuyun immediately looked at him and said excitedly: Who? Is it Xiaoxia?

No, it's Musashi.

Feng Shuyun: .

I'm going back. Feng Shuyun turned around.

No, boss, you are really good playing Musashi! You play Musashi, and then let Lin Yuan play Kojiro. Once this is publicized to the outside world, oh, there will definitely be a lot of people watching! Fang Qingchan caught it. When he got the chance, he immediately grabbed Feng Shuyun's arm as he turned to leave, and said loudly.

On the other side, Lin Yuan, who was communicating with Mr. Candy, had no idea that because Feng Shuyun loved to join in the fun, he had been assigned a dubbing job.

Candy, how did you feel playing Rebecca?

It's very cool, very cool. This is the first time I have said so many swear words during dubbing. Candy said with a laugh.

That's good. We have a game coming up. Are you interested in dubbing it? There are a lot of lines, which will basically keep you entertained from beginning to end. Lin Yuan said immediately.

Candy was stunned for a moment, and then asked weirdly: Is it that kind of cool?

Yes, it's that kind of fun. You can swear enough, but don't worry, you will definitely pass the trial. Lin Yuan said with a toothy smile.

He is not exaggerating, because Nanxing paid tens of millions in taxes to Luo City last year. If the game cannot pass the trial, the Luozhou City Government will be the first to stand up and help Nanxing.

You must know that in this third-tier city, Nanxing is already a major taxpayer.

If Nanxing develops well, it is helping the local area!

What's more, anime can pass censorship, wouldn't it be better for games?

Okay, then please let me know when the time comes, and I will push forward the work at hand in advance. It's really a pleasure to work with you~ Candy said immediately.

Nan Xing's games attach great importance to plot and dubbing, and Han Lingsha made her popular. She also dubbed Han Lingsha in the film and television series Fairy Sword, so she is very grateful to Nan Xing.

What's more, Nan Xing's games are so popular!

Originally, the dubbing industry was in turmoil. Everyone was scrambling for jobs, and they only knew what was going on in front of the stage and didn't pay any attention to the voice actors behind the scenes. However, Nanxing's game is different. Nanxing has done a lot of dubbing. The large space for performance allows them behind the scenes to appear in front of netizens.

This is opportunity.

Of course she had to catch it.

I'll contact you then. Lin Yuan shook hands with Candy and smiled.

At this moment, Feng Shuyun's shout came from over there.

Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan!

Hey, boss, what's wrong?

Come here and save me! Feng Shuyun shouted.

Lin Yuan walked over immediately. As soon as he passed, Fang Qingchan grabbed him, Feng Shuyun with one hand and him with the other.

Lin Yuan: ???

Don't even think about running away! You two have nothing to do in the company every day anyway, so why not come along and help with dubbing! It just so happens that the dubbing of Musashi and Kojiro hasn't been finalized yet, so I'll leave it to you! Fang Qingchan smiled arrogantly. He looked like a big bad guy.

Lin Yuan was confused after hearing this: ?

No, I just followed the boss for a walk and accompanied him to inspect the work. Why, how did I get a dubbing job?

It's really weird

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