Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 8 Have you heard of the werewolf story?

When he left the company and returned home, the first thing Feng Shuyun did when he entered the door was to open his laptop and log in to the official blog account. Although what Lin Yuan said made sense, the game trailer still had to be done!

There is a bit of sloppiness and a hint of poverty in the announcement, but now Nanxing can only use this method.

On the official Weibo account of Nanxing, Feng Shuyun organized the words.

After a moment, Feng Shuyun pressed a slender finger on the laptop and typed out a string of words, specifically @Lin Yuan, the chief planner of Nanxing.

That's right

That guy Lin Yuan actually plans to use his real name to access the Internet!

Isn't he afraid of being sprayed? You have to know that after digging for promotion, all the anchors on the Internet are looking for who the cheap narration voice is. If only they knew that the narration and the game producer are the same person! Damn it, this guy Lin Yuan wouldn't have this idea, right?

Let all the anchors on the Internet pay attention to him, and then attract the anchor's traffic to increase his fans? This guy won't have more fans than me by then, right? !

Feng Shuyun thought with some indignation.

There are only two people in the company now, and Feng Shuyun has always controlled Nanxing's official blog account, so there is no problem saying it is her account.

[Nanxing Game: Hello~ everyone, this is Nanxing Niang. First of all, thank you very much for your support of Digging for Ascension. Digging for Ascension has become the number one game on the new game list (Sahuaヽ(°▽° )ノ)~Secondly, I am very happy to announce to you that after digging for promotion, our chief planner has planned a second game. Nan Xingniang is very excited when she thinks that the second game will be released to you. Woolen cloth!

In the second game, we will change the style of digging for advancement, and instead will show you a different fairy tale card game. In the game, you can become nine different powerful professions and continuously obtain props. , the ability to strengthen yourself and defeat the evil and hateful BOSS! The picture below is the protagonist of the game, can anyone guess who she is ((▽`)○)】

Feng Shuyun took a look at the article he posted. Well, it's very good. It has his own style. He just takes the cute route!

Feng Shuyun feels that there is no problem at all in calling herself Guan Bo Niang, and there is no problem in using such cute words and facial expressions!

Because I am so cute!

At the bottom, Feng Shuyun also posted a picture of Lin Yuan’s modified version of Little Red Riding Hood, with a red hood, white hair, beautiful big eyes and a cute little round face, and he was holding on to a big black tree in panic. , behind her is a pair of evil red eyes, and at the top are four gilded and twisted words - Full Moon Night.

After it was released, Feng Shuyun stopped paying attention.

woo woo woo woo

Just like what Lin Yuan said, Nanxing only has more than 20,000 followers, and there are some zombie fans bought by Feng Shuyun, so after it is released, no one can see it, right?


Zhou He is a brick of the new generation and a talented college student.

His daily hobbies are live broadcasting and playing games. His favorite is card games. Zhou He is basically involved in all the card games that can be named on the market, and they are all big players in the industry.

Now, he is a college student as his main job, and as a side job, he is a Bilibili card game up owner with about 60,000 fans. With this size, he can be considered a mid-level up owner in a card game.

But in the past two days, I don't know what kind of wind has blown. Anchors on all platforms, no matter famous or unknown, have been asked by fans to broadcast Digging for Ascension, and Zhou He is naturally among them.

When a fan used a small TV to ask Zhou He to join Digging for Advancement and become a jar man, Zhou He agreed without thinking.

But an hour after agreeing, Zhou He began to regret it.

Is this fucking game meant for people to play?

The operating mechanism is incredibly difficult!

The audience feels comfortable watching it, but have they ever thought about the anchor's mood?

Do you feel so comfortable watching the anchor break the defense? ! How can it be repaired!

And today, Zhou He was forced to ask for a live broadcast of Digging for Advancement. After all, although he suffered misfortune and his mentality easily collapsed, the effect of broadcasting this game show was indeed good. His fan base was not so lively before, but since Zhou He started After broadcasting every night, the fan base is 99+. A group of people in the group mock the group leader and point fingers at the group leader's operations!

Not to mention, this game made Zhou He attract a lot of fans, so Zhou He, who was abused like this, not only did not resent Nan Xing, but was also very grateful to Nan Xing.

Because in every live broadcast, Zhou He, who has a lot of fan base, will be placed among the front-line anchors. Not many people watch the host area of ​​the broken site, but it is about appearance. There are many people watching in the two-dimensional area, and those who want to watch Dig Diqiu Passers-by will click into his live broadcast room and follow him after watching it for a while, which makes Zhou He very happy.

Because of this, he paid special attention to Nan Xing's meagerness.

Just after breaking the defense and smashing the mouse again tonight, Zhou He gasped and said loudly: Everyone, let's stop playing here today. In the rest of the time, we will play other games.

You can't play this game all the time. If you keep playing and the anchor is really angry, then none of you can escape. You will all be responsible for the death of the anchor!

[Ah, is it the card session again? Then I'll come tomorrow. 】

[Why don’t you broadcast it for another half hour? I haven’t finished my meal yet. 】

[I haven’t even seen the bat yet. I’m still waiting to see the host get frightened by the bat. 】

[It’s boring, withdraw! 】

Zhou He naturally saw the barrage, but he curled his lips and said nothing.

His main focus is on the card area. This is his preference and the foundation for his fortune. Although seeking promotion can make him popular and cater to the audience's preferences, he really can't stand it if Zhou He keeps playing. .

After just two days of playing, he successfully retired the mouse he had used for three years. If he played every day, he would need to replace three mice at least a week. Who can withstand this?

Therefore, Zhou He planned to see if there were any card games suitable for live streaming.

But card games are fun for those who play them, but not for those who watch them.

Because of this, Zhou He was also very distressed.

After all, card games are a niche category in the game category and do not conform to the mainstream of the market. Naturally, there are very few game companies willing to do this type of game. Of course, this is due to Zhou He’s preference. He believes that card games The game does not refer to a mobile game that earns money by developing cards, but a game of wits and battles!

Therefore, it would be great to have a good game of this type every year.

And just when Zhou He had just turned off the Dig Di Qiu Sheng, his phone suddenly lit up on the side.

Zhou He picked up his phone and turned it on. What appeared in front of him was a friend message, and below it was a Weibo notification that appeared ten minutes ago——

【The blogger you follow is Nanxing Game.】

South Star?

Zhou He was a little curious, so he opened Weibo and took a look.

After a while, Zhou He was stunned after reading the content.

He directly opened Weibo in the live broadcast room, then found Nanxing Games, then pointed at the content posted by Nanxing and said loudly:


Family, what the hell, this game company that tortured me for two days is actually going to develop a card game? No, why do I feel so scared?!

There is Digging for Advancement at the front, but the developer of the second game is still planned and developed by the idiot who is Digging for Advancement. Can Zhou He calm down then?

He wouldn't make card games so disgusting to players, would he?

But despite being nervous, Zhou He looked at the character design and looked forward to it.

Continuously strengthen yourself and defeat the BOSS while obtaining props. Isn't this game a player-versus-player game? Is it a tower-climbing card game?

Zhou He looked down, and then saw Lin Yuan, the chief planner of Nanxing who was @, and Zhou He clicked in.

The next moment, after entering, he saw a series of figures.

That is

Nine careers in Little Red Riding Hood?

The matching word is——

Have you ever heard of the werewolf story?

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