Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 91 Sakura Girl is coming to Nanxing

Qingyin Girl has been in production since mid-December. After Fang Qingchan started this project, she attached great importance to it. After all, although Qingchan Anime is also very famous now, compared with the results of Nanxing Games

To be honest, Qingchan animation is still far behind.

Nowadays, Nanxing Games has been rated as the light of gaming by players and the future leader of domestic games. The two factories of Zhuge and Goose often came to communicate with Boss Feng and expressed the idea of ​​sponsoring Nanxing.

And what about Qingchan animation?

Without the business aspect, I would just sell Pokémon peripherals, but the profit is still not impressive.

Therefore, Fang Qingchan attaches great importance to every project. This is her character. Every project must be turned into a qualified online work.

So two days ago, Fang Qingchan made a decision. She wanted to find voice actors suitable for light-sound girls all over the world. As the voice actors of the two overseas Sakura girls of light-sound girls, Fang Qingchan found out after thinking about it. It's a bit demanding to find a Sakura girl who meets the requirements.

Especially when I first thought about inviting Sakura Girl.

The main perspective of the light-sounding girl is on the protagonist Mu Wan, who is paired with Wei, but this does not mean that the other female characters do not have many roles. As the appearance of the show, there is also the role of the mother. The voice actors of Mio and Ritsu are very important.

What is needed is a voice actor who can speak Japanese but also Chinese, and this condition has already screened out a large number of people. As for the Sakura girl voice actor who can speak Chinese in the island nation... Hehe, Fang Qingchan thought about it and felt that there should be none. of.

It's not that Sakura girls don't learn Chinese, but that very few Sakura girls learn Chinese. After all, many Sakura girls haven't learned English yet, and Chinese is a side course in university.

And the voice actor goes to college? Don’t be ridiculous, most voice actors have never gone to college. Studying professional courses is enough to squeeze out all their energy. Under such conditions, it is impossible for voice actors to learn Chinese.

Therefore, her current idea is to start from China, find Sakura girls studying abroad from island countries, and then ask them to do dubbing.

Anyone who comes to study abroad can fucking speak Chinese, right?

How about fucking chicken feathers?

Do you want to receive money like Nico?

As for whether the people invited can perform dubbing and whether there will be problems with their professional skills, Fang Qingchan thinks there is no need to worry about this.

Because the island country is leading the world in the field of voice actors. This can be seen from the fact that the island country has a small place and a small population, but it has many institutions and colleges for training voice actors.

Therefore, in the island country where the field of voice actors is particularly mature, many Sakura girls have more or less fantasized about becoming idols or voice actors when they were in high school. This is why when playing games on the island server, many Chinese people always think that the voice of Sakura Girl is nice, sweet, and full of emotions. She has a variety of sounds and is full of emotions.

Because they may have specially practiced it.

Therefore, most Sakura girls have skills, just because the conditions for becoming official voice actors in the island country are very strict. If you want to officially enter an agency and become a voice actor affiliated with a regular company, then there are three things you need to do first. year elimination phase.

This business is very curly!

Therefore, Fang Qingchan took advantage of Nanxing's official blog, Lin Yuan's Weibo, and Qingchan Anime Weibo to post on Weibo to find people online.

Once it was released, it immediately attracted the attention of the circle.

【Sakura girl please? What does Nan Xing want to do? Is it a new game that needs Japanese dubbing? Then Japanese is my strong point! 】

[Japanese is also my strong point. I have had too many teachers teach me Japanese. 】

[I don’t even want to talk about you before. Did you learn Japanese from a serious teacher? 】

[Are you going to make animation or a game? 】

[Nan Xing is so sensible, just like Sakura Girl! 】

Monkey, can your method work?

Well, I also think Weibo job recruitment is quite abstract.

In the office, Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun exchanged words.

Fang Qingchan, who was on the opposite side, rolled his eyes and said loudly: You two know a lot about each other, why can't we recruit workers on Weibo? Let me say it first. I have already decided on the candidates. Mu Wan will be paired with Dai Wei, and Candy Teacher Teacher Lin Zuo, Shu Shu, You, and for the eldest lady, Teacher Candy has helped find someone who is a professional dubbing person from their company and is of mixed race from four countries, so now the roles of the two Sakura girls are left.

I still think Weibo job recruitment is so abstract. Why don't you go to the university's confessional wall to post job recruitment? Feng Shuyun sniffed and complained.

No matter how you think about Weibo recruitment, it’s very abstract!

Are you coming? Fang Qingchan looked at Feng Shuyun.

I think it's pretty good. Feng Shuyun immediately changed his mind, looked at Lin Yuan and asked with a smile: Lin Yuan, what do you think?

I also think it's a very good idea. It's too smart. Lin Yuan also said seriously.

Lin Shushu, who was sitting on the sofa and eating potato chips, was so amused.

Fang Qingchan stamped her feet angrily and cursed: Bitch man and woman!

He turned around, opened the door and walked out.

She's not really angry, is she? Lin Yuan asked.

Feng Shuyun waved his hand casually, No, she will lick her face and come to me asking for money in the afternoon.

After saying that, Feng Shuyun said thiefly: I am her boss now, and she dare not show off to me.


Lin Yuan thought for a while but didn't say anything.

The incident just now does not count as an employee showing off to the boss. After all, the room was filled with acquaintances. It can only be described as a small interaction between sisters?


Magic City, as a first-tier city and a coastal city, not only has a prosperous economy and developed industries, but also has a large number of international students.

Every year, many domestic students go to Japan to study, and similarly, some students from island countries come to study in domestic coastal cities.

Yamanaka Masami is one of them. The school she studied in is one of the most well-known universities in China.

Today, when Yamanaka Masami was studying in the library, several boys who she had met in the anime club but had no contact with Masami suddenly came over.

Yamanaka-kun, what are you doing now? The boy in the lead lowered his voice, bent down and whispered to himself.

Yamanaka Masami nodded, stood up and looked at the member of the animation club in front of him. Is he called Zheng Xia?

When he and the other party walked out of the library, Yamanaka Masami asked curiously: Zheng Xia, what's the matter? Is there any new activity in the club?

No, no, no, what about that, Yamanaka-san, do you use Weibo?

Weibo? I don't play much. I play Xiaohongshu and Douyin. Yamanaka Masami shook her head, and then she smiled and said, Classmate Zheng, you can actually just call me Masami.

Okay, Yamei, I just want to ask, do you know about Edge Walker? Zheng Xia asked curiously.

The next moment, Yamanaka Masami's eyes suddenly lit up. She nodded and said loudly: I know, of course I know, I like that anime very much!

With excitement, her Chinese accent changed somewhat.

The most typical example is that people from the island country are indistinguishable. Masami Yamanaka didn't bother to change her accent.

Now that I was excited, the accent from my hometown came out again.

It'll be easier if you know! Zheng Xia patted her chest and said with a sigh of relief.

On one side, several other boys also smiled.

The reason why Zheng Xia came to find Masami Yamanaka was because he saw Nan Xing's Weibo post when he was visiting Tieba. A group of people in there were discussing why Nan Xing was looking for Sakura Girl, and Zheng Xia also joined in.

As a fan of Nan Xing who likes to play Stardew Valley and Animal Party, Zheng Xia is still very concerned about Nan Xing, but he doesn't play Weibo very much, so he doesn't know first-hand what Nan Xing posts on Weibo, but now it seems that not late.

The reason why he came to Yamanaka Masami was because the animation club had held a club activity before. The content of the activity was to dub anime characters, and Yamanaka Masami was the best at dubbing. Her gentle voice, lively voice, They were all very good at it, and they won the prize from that club—a figure worth several hundred yuan.

The animation company that produced Edgewalker seems to be recruiting voice actors now, and they are asking for islanders by name. The boys in our animation club unanimously think that you are very suitable. Don't you want to give it a try?

Me? Yamanaka Masami was stunned, then shook his head hesitantly: I can't do it, I'm an amateur.

But you match up really well! said a boy behind Zheng Xia.

You must not disagree.

We also hope that you can meet Lin Ce there and get Lin Ce's autograph for us!

Yes, and Nanxing needs islanders who can speak Chinese. Your conditions are very suitable. Don't you want to give it a try? Zheng Xia also said beside him.

Speaking of which, they are actually a little nosy, but the problem is that Yamanaka Masami's economic situation is not very good, and not all international students = rich second generation.

Yamanaka Masami had worked in the school's milk tea shop before, which was known to the club members.

Therefore, although the original intention was to ask Masami for help in getting Lin Yuan's autograph, how could this not be to help Yamanaka Masami?

If Yamanaka Masami can really succeed, then she won't have to work part-time. After all, Nanxing is famous for being generous in the industry!

I Yamanaka Masami hesitated even more after hearing this.

When Zheng Xia told her classmates, she was indeed a little moved.

The main reason why she came to China to study was that she participated in a voice actor trial in an island country, but was eliminated. She spent two years but failed to become an official voice actor. This gave Yamanaka Masami a big blow. , she began to study again, and then because she liked Chinese food and culture, she came here to study abroad.

Of course she likes animation, or in other words, in the island country, most people like animation. It is like idols to the Peninsula and TV series to China. Animation has become a part of the life of the island people.

Zheng Xia and several boys then said a lot to Yamanaka Masami.

Then, Yamanaka Masami finally made a decision.

She looked at Zheng Xia, took a deep breath and said:

Then let me give it a try?


Two days later,

Yamanaka Masami submitted a note of leave to the school, got on a plane and came to Luo City, which is the Nanxing Company that Zheng Xia and the others always called.

Looking at the tall building, Yamanaka Masami pursed her lips.

After calming down, Yamanaka Masami took a deep breath, and then followed a staff member from Seichan Animation into the building.

On the fourth floor of Nanxing, Baiwu Zhiyin's recording studio is often used by Qingchan Animation, and right now, Fang Qingchan is here with the selected voice actors.

Looking at Feng Shuyun triumphantly, she rubbed her nose and said loudly: Look, I just said it can be done, right?

It's only been two days and I've already found everyone.

In the recording room, several girls stood in a row. Lin Shushu was the one with the weirdest posture. She said hello to one and then to another.

What's so proud about this? Feng Shuyun rolled his eyes.

Damn it, I didn’t expect Weibo recruitment to be really useful.

Fang Qingchan really found Sakura Girl.

Not only was it found, people actually came to Nanxing.

Two orthodox Sakura girls with island nationality.

After all, it's not just the reputation of me and Lin Yuan that recruits people? Why don't you try using Qingchan's official account?

The next moment, Fang Qingchan stopped talking.

Then, she turned around and pretended not to hear what Feng Shuyun just muttered. Instead, she clapped her hands, took the notebook and said, Now, fellow voice actors, let's audition. If possible, we will sign a contract!

Hearing this, Yamanaka Masami shook hands nervously.

She was very afraid that she would fail again.

At this moment, a hand was placed on Yamanaka Masami's shoulder.

She is a girl who is nearly a head taller than Yamanaka Masami, has a sweet smile, looks beautiful and handsome.

Sister, don't be nervous. You will definitely be selected. An La, I can be selected, and so can you.

Yamanaka Masami was a little frightened, but still nodded.

Then, he secretly looked at the girl who went over to talk to another person.

So strong.

Social skills!

In the past few days, I have been preparing to attend Fa Xiao's wedding, so I have been busy updating.

If I hadn't saved the manuscript, I would have felt like I was going to die.

But don’t worry, I will try my best to ensure an update of about 4,000 words, and then resume daily updates when things are finished!

We want to thrive!

ps: I have to attend another one on New Year’s Day. (I finally feel like I’ve grown up, that is, everyone around me is getting married, so woo woo woo, I’m still single.)

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