Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 204: Non-special, type month

Chaoyue Kingdom, Jinshan South District, Oryukdo.

This place is named after five or six small islands are exposed every day with the rise and fall of the tide. It is a protected natural area in Jinshan City.

It consists of Shield Island, Songdo Island, Eagle Island, Cone Island, Oyster Island and Lighthouse Island.

Night fell.

The passengers and staff have already left, and the island is deserted and deserted, only the sound of the turbulent waves hitting the shore can be heard far away, and the sea breeze exudes an unusually rich and **** breath.

At this moment, on the shield island, two indistinct figures appeared.

A young man in the uniform of a senior scientific researcher with an umbrella stands proudly. Three meters away, a weird and hideous translucent creature rickets with a terrible low roar from his throat.

The two are facing each other, and the atmosphere seems a little anxious.

The void predator, named "Alien", has absorbed a lot of cetacean genes and now has the ability to move freely in the ocean for a long time. Apart from regularly reporting his whereabouts to Lin Yan, most of his food All found in the ocean.

It still hasn't evolved language ability.

But its intelligence is not inferior to any human being.

The alien could tell at a glance that Alex Mercer in front of him was definitely not an ordinary human.

Alex also felt its ability to swallow gene evolution for the first time.

The communication between the two does not require any language.

Because every cell in their body is emitting hysterical howls and roars, telling them to devour each other!

If it hadn't been for the same faction and Lin Yan's pressure, otherwise Alex Mercer and Alien would have been fighting each other long ago.

Even now, they both look at each other and hate each other.


Compared with Alex Mercer, Alien suddenly felt that Dark seemed to be more pleasing to the eye.

At least his scope of work will not overlap with himself.

In any case, as the so-called "first come, last come", the Void Predator felt that he was a bit older than Alex.

As long as the ability to perform tasks is not much inferior to the opponent, you can always crush the opponent!

After thinking about this pass, it made a burst of awkward laughter, and immediately escaped into the surrounding environment.

The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and all traces disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Alex lowered his head, was silent for a while, stomped his feet suddenly, and got into the water like a torpedo.


The dust vibrated, and the sea water rushed out a few feet of curtain, gradually turning into a seven-color neon under the moonlight.

As the shield island under his feet, it suddenly shattered at the same time!

The rock slabs were torn apart and gradually sank into the deep sea...

Alex Mercer's mood was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

Before coming here, he always thought that he was the most unique one under Lin Yan.

The cruel reality told him that it was not.


Shinra Corporation.

"I was off guard for a while, but I was caught and deducted points."

"Hahahahaha I didn't get your spicy chicken when I missed work, hahaha..."

From the corridor, there was the slapstick and laughter of the assistants of the female cartoonist Xia Da.

Ma Ran patted the office door blankly.


"I really envy her. With so many energetic assistants, she can finish her work every day in her apartment..."

Stretching, Ma Ran's eyes flashed with envy.

He and Zheng Yuanjie, who also worked on writing, wrote works with a strong personal style.

This style is difficult to imitate, so "writing studio" and "text assistant" have no meaning to them.

Lin Yan seemed to realize this as early as when they were recruiting, so they didn't have assistants for them at all.

In this regard, Ma Ran just spit out casually.

His work progress is as slow as a snail crawling.

From accepting the project to the present, he was able to finish the main story of [Altria Pandoragon] and [The Two Ceremonies], and even their more than a dozen side stories have not had time to write.

I lit a tar-free low-nicotine cigarette sold in China by Shenluo, and the horse burned under the smoke. While flipping through the notes TIP manuscript, he sorted out his thoughts.

"Altria is a romantic knight who tempers herself every day in order to become the king of ideals. Because she is still a half-hearted, she has not been able to eliminate the girly side, and her heart is full of dreams and hopes."

"Partners when traveling around the world. With Kaiqing as a righteous brother and Merlin the guardian magician, they all started with Altolia's meddling..."

"Altria, loyal, upright, serious, with the honor and pride of being a knight, but deep down in her heart is still just a girl."

"She loves small animals and has raised cubs before. Since then, she cares about lions as a symbol of strength. She has a high degree of self-esteem. She has a strong personality and refuses to admit defeat. She is keen on winning and losing and ignoring the surrounding things... …"

Seeing this, he suddenly shook his whole body, the cigarette **** in his hand fell on the table, his whole expression almost collapsed.

"Wait! I won't confuse the human setting too!"

After carefully reading both sides of the manuscript, Ma Rancai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Considering that Altria's main story is divided into two parts: "Girl Knight Ji" and "British Fate Knight", my work progress has reached about 5%!"

As soon as Ma Ran thought of this, a sense of superiority from the heart spontaneously emerged.

Compared with him, Zheng Yuanjie, who is also engaged in writing work, is relatively slow in writing efficiency in Snail.

It is said that Zheng Yuanjie often confuses Magic Story with the setting of Oriental Gensokyo, deletes the manuscript and revises the manuscript to vomit blood, relying on the etheric holy water and Genova chocolate to support the body and mind.

However, Zheng Yuanjie did three tasks at the same time, and he didn't need to share dividends with his assistants. The efficiency of points acquisition at the Shenluo Company was the highest, which was completely sufficient for daily material consumption.

"Even with such favorable conditions, compared with the legendary Burning Sky Core Team's [Kong], it is still far behind... ..."

"Moreover, where did the BOSS collect such talents?"

His thoughts flew for a while, and Ma Ran continued to write the character stories of "Shaping Moon World", striving to enrich the framework of the Moon World.

"[Nero], full name: Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus."

"The fifth-generation emperor of the Roman imperial government, a notorious tyrant whose career was painted with strategy and poison."

"Extroverted, eloquent, loves luxury, self-expression, sexual orientation is as long as the appearance is beautiful, men and women take it all."

"He loves art and performance, and claims to be [an artist who is like the **** of Apollo], but his singing voice is not good, and the headache caused by his mother's poison also limits his ability."

"She has a good reputation among the civilian class, but because of her cruel suppression of Christian forces and resistance to the Senate, she triggered a rebellion in the power class. She was forced to suspend her life and escaped due to the turbulence of time and space.

According to Lin Yan's scope and wishes, Ma Ran was writing a detailed outline of Nero's story, but his cell phone bell suddenly rang...

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