Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 227: Super ar game, Li Long!

The difficulty of developing the game "Custom Girl Boyfriend" is higher than Lin Yan expected.

The limited ten-day time is like quicksand between your fingers, and it has disappeared without any sound.

The progress of the new game on the official website of Burning Sky has reached 100%.

Perhaps it is because I am too pursuing perfection, I always want to be in place at one time, everything is in place, without leaving any flaws, and the gameplay is directly unparalleled, which can make people play forever.

But, do games that never get out of date really exist?

Lin Yan believes that it exists in theory, but it is definitely due to frequent updates of the expansion and keeping pace with the times, rather than an overnight product.

After thinking about this joint, Lin Yan watched the game development progress reaching 110%, and silently said in his heart: "Development is complete."

There are really no special abilities that he can appreciate in this love-building game, so there is no way to set some characters with special functions and immortality in it?

Speaking of the attribute of "cultivating immortals", it does exist in the game, but this "cultivating immortals" is not the other "cultivating immortals", which refers to the attribute that the character loves staying up late.

"Congratulations to the host, "Custom Girl Boyfriend" was successfully produced! The source code and installation package files have been entered into the host computer, please confirm!"

After Lin Yan took a quick glance, he put the game on the official websites of major platforms.

The recommended retail price of the digital version of the game is 200 dollars.

As a very rich human being in the small theater in his heart, Lin Yan made up its homophonic sound-"Love you" as soon as he saw this number.

"Is it a bit far-fetched?"

Lin Yanjian raised his eyebrows slightly, and still fixed the price intact.

"Anyway, I don't use it as a promotional word..."

At this point, it's not over yet.

These days, Lin Yan has not only made a game, he has even made an exclusive ARI peripheral for "Custom Girlfriend".

This peripheral is similar to the original, but closer to the lives of players.

If you want to make the kind of "virtual person" that is close to the real person, Lin Yan can do it by relying on the peripheral functions of the game development artifact.

However, the level of technology surpasses the productivity and average technology level of today's earth, and the required parts can only be produced through game development artifacts.

Because of the pursuit of universality, Lin Yan lowered his requirements and standards. Even so, with the prototype experience, the peripheral functions of this game are obviously more complete.

Therefore, the Fentian publicity department used the concept of “super AR game” when promoting this game.

It is divided into three categories: watches, gloves, and six-dimensional three-dimensional ARI. The prices are different, the effects are naturally different, and each has its own characteristics.


Westland, Chinatown.

Li Long has been an avid fighting fan since he was a child, wrestling, karate, taekwondo, bajiquan, tai chi, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu...

He will devote twelve points of enthusiasm to learning almost all the fighting skills he can access.

fifteen years!

From the age of 12, he began to devote himself to "Budo", and now, 15 years have passed!

Relying on his own pair of iron fists and severing his legs, he abruptly hit a world overseas and opened his own martial arts gym. The students gathered, the popularity is not half the sky, at least it can be regarded as fame.

However, he is completely successful and does not have a girlfriend.

At the beginning, in order to pursue the ultimate martial arts, and even cultivate the legendary internal strength or true energy, he was not close to female **** at all, even avoided like a snake and scorpion, reprimanding it as "the thing that killed my life."

Later, Li Long realized that there is no internal force in this world, let alone true Qi.

Those illusory things are almost invented by others, and they have never even appeared. How can he cultivate them?

The pursuit derived from martial arts novels gradually disappeared. As he grows older, although Li Long maintains his martial arts and combat capabilities, his heart for pursuing "martial arts" has completely faded.

He had been in love a few times, and none of them ended up breaking up.

Without it! The three views are different!

As a more traditional man in his bones, although Li Long does not advocate three wives and four concubines, he at least requires both husband and wife to be loyal to each other.

Li Long has thought about returning to China, but according to the explanations of domestic friends, it seems that the situation in China in recent years has not improved much. What's more, he can't let go of his own industry in the West.

To return to China, you have to start from scratch and work hard from scratch.

On this day, after finishing the work of coaching and performing, the gate of the martial arts hall was closed, and Li Long walked aimlessly in Chinatown.

"Super AR game! "Custom Girlfriend" is coming!"

"An epoch-making game, TA will become a part of your life!"

Overwhelming advertisements swept in, and even made people feel suffocating.

Li Long has been immersed in the world of martial arts, and has hardly ever played a game in person.

Seeing these advertising banners, he suddenly became interested.

He is a complicated person. Although he is relatively conservative in the relationship between men and women, he is quite high in accepting new things.

Since I was a child, I have the courage to try new things, otherwise I would not ignore everyone’s resistance, weird or ridiculous or contemptuous arguments, and firmly make a piece of my own world on the road of fighting.

Just do it! Resolutely and vigorously, he traveled to all game stores, and finally bought the Panshi V handheld and the advanced ARI of "Custom Girlfriend" produced by Fentian at an Oriental purchasing store.

After returning home, with the help of the manual, Li Long assembled the six-dimensional AR device and linked it with the Panshi V handheld.

Log in to Burning Sky official website through Rock V, register an account, recharge, purchase and download and install the game...

All in one go.

"The price of the digital version of this game is not expensive, it can even be said to be very cheap."

"It's just that the price of this so-called [Super AR] device is a bit painful. I don't know if it is worth the price."

Running the game, a "little light man" who was one head shorter than Li Long himself suddenly appeared in front of him.

" too exaggerated!"

"It's just like real!"

In fact, this level of immersion is still far away. After all, game characters can’t give players a sense of touch. TA can only simulate certain sounds and breaths, and it has not even reached the limit that AR can do.

However, not everyone is as critical as Lin Yan. For most players, this level is close to "sci-fi"!

This light man has no gender, no special features, soft light, and does not make people feel dazzling. Everything in it needs to be set by the player.

"I would like to ask the player [Yanhuang Zhilong], have you started to create your other half?"

The six-dimensional three-dimensional ARI vibrated slightly, and the voice of non-male or female rang in his ears, and Li Long nodded subconsciously...

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