Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 670: Informative content, long thread

If we want to create a suitable plot, then we must first clarify the role in the game, if the background of the times is the main entry point for role creation.

Then Lin Yan himself is more inclined to portray this role as a smuggling merchant who was rampant in the era of great voyages, and our protagonist must be one of these lawless men.

The desire for money and resources is the biggest driving force in the entire era of navigation. Never think of how beautiful and bright the elegance of Westerners is. People familiar with history know that the development of Western civilization, especially when entering After the period of transition to modern civilization.

A complete history of development is not as appropriate as a history of plunder. Although the era of great navigation is very important to the development of human civilization, in the end, in Lin Yan’s eyes, it was only the beginning of plunder. .

Since the desire for various resources, the desire for gold and power is the source of everything, then our protagonist is naturally not immune. There is nothing wrong with this, and it is not a bad person who smuggles.

They are nothing more than a greater desire for wealth.

Our protagonist, let's not say what the name is, after all, in this game, Lin Yan intends that the player can create this character by himself. As for the name, it depends on the player's own mind.

Initially, there was only one protagonist line, but as the plot advances and the game progresses, the plot module will naturally expand and open up more initial routes-just like the "Tai Ge Zhi Chuan 5" series.

The manipulable protagonist of the game has been an orphan since he was a child. He has survived in the darkest corners of the city since he was a child. He has been a thief, he has also been a poacher, and finally even almost got into a robbery business.

Yes, that’s right, because of the persecution of life, the 17-year-old protagonist went into the robbery business, and a few gangsters stole some weapons from the weapon arsenal in the city, and then looked at the targets of the robbery. The body of the noble lady.

It's just that the protagonist's first robbery failed because he discovered that he fell in love with the Hui lady who was about to be robbery by him, Elizabeth, the daughter of a duke.

For this, he even became enemies with his companions and prevented their robbery, but in that dark age in Europe, a poor boy at the bottom of the society wanted to marry the daughter of the duke. It was more than a toad who wanted to eat swan meat. Naive.

But God is kind, or it is more appropriate to say that things are impermanent. He and the noble lady once again met and saved the noble lady from the villain's hands.

Heroes save beauty is a story that can be passed down for countless years, but for a story, there is usually a relatively tortuous process before it becomes a story to be transmitted.

The love between the poor boy and the noble lady is not favored by countless people, whether it is the Duke himself or for others, and some people, even the bottom people who feed the duke herding sheep and iron, are also not optimistic about all this.

But the power of love between young people is great, even blind and fighting spirit. They eloped. It was true that the two eloped like this on the night when Miss Noble Elizabeth was about to get married.

Abandoning all the splendor and wealth, even the duke and the fiancé, his cousin, who is in a high position, are also aside.

The boys and girls managed to escape under the hunt of the duke's armored knights, and what was left was a plain life. They came to the beach and dreamed of a happy life.

However, the plundering and exploitation of the lower people between the pirates and the nobles made them see no hope of living in the future, and because the duke himself must recover his daughter, it is necessary to be afraid to see the two people wherever they go. .

In the end, in desperation, the two people boarded a smuggling ship called "The Good Charlie" and became a member of the ship.

And under the circumstances, the protagonist inherited the identity of the old captain as the owner of the ship, and from then on the real plot of the story...

In the story of the entire game, the protagonist controlled by the player is not actually a real smuggler, and sometimes even more inclined to be a pirate.

It's just that such a pirate is not a pirate who robs the poor people, but a pirate who specializes in robbing pirates, but all of these rely on the progress of the game in order to display the game content.

It can be said that in this game, the whole plot is very huge, and even the opening of many functions in the game has a great relationship with the progress of the plot.

Although the plot is very rich, the experience of the game itself is not limited by the plot. The mission plot in the game is carried out in the typical mode of RPG games.

There is no direct transition to the plot, so players in the game want to start the plot as long as they go to the mission location, but before reaching the mission location, the player can do anything, and these missions themselves do not have time. limits.

In the entire game, players still enjoy a very high degree of freedom. It can even be said that the degree of freedom has now become one of the Burning Games, the most core production direction when the game is made.

While maintaining the competitive and challenging nature of the game, it also maintains the greatest degree of freedom so that players can explore freely during the game's time, so as to maximize the experience of players in the game, and give this work continuous Add points.

The plot of the entire game is a time-consuming thing. After all, Lin Yan has to figure out the story of the entire game first. In Lin Yan’s opinion, this game is still like "Horse and Blade". A magical work that allows players to play for a year, so the duration of the story of the entire game must be very long.

At least it must be able to provide players with dozens of game hours of gaming experience. It can be said that this can make this game shine to the greatest extent. After all, such a big world map, only a few hours of gaming experience, is too sorry for the huge amount of it. The content of the game.

So after the last toss, Lin Yan expanded the entire game plot time to about 20 hours. If you count the various cutscenes, the experience time of the entire game's genuine plot can even exceed two. Eighteen hours.

This is very scary.

After the completion of the game plot, Lin Yan's next focus is on the setting of the entire game system. The importance of this aspect is also very important, and it is directly related to the player's overall game experience.

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