"Xia Guo's game? Neon background?"

  "Impossible, how could Xia people make such a pure neon background game?"

  "Is the designer of the game a Neon Man?"

  "How can I play this game?"

  Below the post, many Neon players left comments, and many of them were questioning whether the game was developed by Xia Guo designers.

  After all, it's hard for them to imagine that a designer from the Xia Kingdom actually knew so much about their local culture and made such a sophisticated game.

  Simply incredible.

  Many Neon players are asking the owner of this post at the bottom of the post, wanting to confirm the news.

  "The game "Sekiro: Shadows Die II" was indeed developed by the designer of Xia Kingdom. This game designer is very famous in Xia Kingdom and is one of the few B-level game designers in Xia Kingdom."

  Seeing that the post he posted has so many players concerned, the owner of the post also came out again to answer some questions.

  He gave accurate answers to players' doubts about whether "Sekiro: Shadows Die II" was a Xia Kingdom game, and even introduced Fang Zheng himself to other Neon players.

  "Fangzheng is not only a B-level game designer, but also the chairman of the palace game company. The "League of Legends" developed by him is very popular in Xia Kingdom, with more than [-] million simultaneous online users every day."

  Obviously, the owner of the post is also a game enthusiast. Although he studied in Xia Guo, he is familiar with the game industry and is no stranger to it.

  If you're not interested in games, you can't be so skilled.

  "League of Legends? What game is that?"

  "Ten million people online? My God, Kamishama?!"

  "It's amazing, a game that so many people like, it must be very interesting, I'm looking forward to it."

  "I don't know if it will be released on Neon, I think I will try it~"

  Nisso is the largest game platform in Neon, and its dominance is unshakable.

  Similarly, the Nisuo game platform is also the platform with the largest number of users of all Neon players, no one.

  Therefore, this post introducing "Sekiro: Shadows Die II" quickly spread among neon players, especially the video posted by the owner of the post, which was downloaded and watched by most neon players.

  Neon, East Sakura Hills Higher College, first grade, second class.


  "Ikeda-kun, what are you looking at?"

  Nagasawa heard a strange sound coming from Ikeda Tsuguchi's mobile phone, so he walked over and asked softly.

  The tinkling voice was very clear, and Nagasawa was a little curious.

  "It's a game. Many people in the forum are discussing it. Well, this is it."

  Ikeda moved his mobile phone to one side so that Nagasawa could see his video.

  "What game is this? Which manufacturer developed it?"

  At the first sight of the game screen, Nagasawa fell in love with this game.

  The setting of the ninja, the neat and tidy movements, and the strong sense of blow, instantly caught his heart.

  "It was developed by a manufacturer called Temple Game Company."

  "Palace? Does our country have this game manufacturer?"

  Nagasawa frowned slightly, and his eyes were a little confused. After thinking for a long time, he did not remember that there is this company in China, or other works of this company...  

  Seeing Nagasawa's expression, Ikeda slowly shook his head.

  "The Palace Game Company is not our country's game manufacturer, but Xia Guo's."

  Ikeda told Nagasawa about the Nisso game forum, and Nagasawa was shocked when he heard it.

  "This person must be Kami sama! A person from the Xia country can make such a pure neon style game, he must be Kami sama!"

  Ikeda let out a strange cry, shock written in his eyes.

  You must know that ninjas are their unique neon culture, and the game characters in "Sekiro: Shadows Die II" are not only ninjas, but also the background of the neon Warring States period.

  If you don't have a detailed understanding of the neon culture, you will never be able to make this taste.

  It's hard to imagine that a game designer from Xia Kingdom would study their neon culture so thoroughly.

  "Compared with this "Sekiro: Shadows Die Second Generation", our game designers are pigs! The games made by domestic designers are not as good as foreigners, not pigs!"

  Ikeda looked at Nagasawano's mobile phone screen with bright eyes. He recalled many games he had played, and none of them could compare to the games he saw at this time.

  "Ikeda-kun, how can I play this game?"

  Nagasawa likes games. In addition to going to school and doing homework, the biggest fun is playing games.

  When he first saw "0.3 Wolf: Shadows Die Second Generation", he was already deeply infatuated with this game.

  Ikeda on the side looked at Nagasawa's eager expression, sighed slightly, and said with a wry smile.

  "This game is currently only on sale in Xia Guo, and our Neon has not released it yet, and in the Nisuo game forum, the person who posted it also said that the palace does not seem to have plans to release an overseas version."

  "why is it like this?!"

  Nagasawa's face was full of disappointment. Seeing such a game that appealed to him but couldn't play it, it made him very uncomfortable.

  But there is no way. The developer of the game is a manufacturer of Xia Guo, and the designer is also a native of Xia Guo. They have no plans to release the game in Neon, and he has nothing to do.

  PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please! ! ! ! .

Chapter 108

  Nagasawa returned home in a daze, and the first thing he did when he put down his schoolbag was to turn on the computer and log in to the Nisso game forum.

  He wants to check the forums for the latest news about that game.

  Although the game was only released in the Xia Kingdom, and the designer himself is from the Xia Kingdom, but the folks have never lacked great gods, and it is natural to turn a wall or something.

  When Nagasawa entered the game forum, he didn't need to look for it at all. The most popular post that caught his eye was the one.

  "The anchor of Xia Guo played the recording of "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice"."

  Nagasawa saw this post and clicked it without thinking.

  "Brothers, today we will continue to challenge Genichiro Ashina, I don't believe that we can't beat him!"

  In the video screen, a chubby person in the lower right corner is saying something. Obviously, this is the anchor who tried the game.

  But Nagasawa couldn't understand Xia Guo's language, and he didn't know what the other party said. He could only watch the game screen.

  "Too bad, ninjas don't play like this!"

  "If it was me, I could definitely beat him."

  "This place should be avoided in advance."


  Nagasawa murmured something while watching the demo video brought over by the 16 folk gods over the wall.

  With that concentrated expression, he almost put his eyeballs on the computer screen.

  And as time goes on, the discussion of "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" in the Nisso game platform player forum is getting louder and hotter.

  Neon players shared this game with their friends after discussions, and the influence of "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" gradually spread.

  Many players came to hear the news, and the result was that "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" became popular. A game that was not released in Neon actually exploded in such an outrageous way among Neon players. Fire.

  Nagasawa licked his lips after watching the demo video brought from the forum, feeling a little unfulfilled.

  At this time, he should have been playing games, but today he learned about the Xia Kingdom game "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice", and he felt a little boring about the games he played before.

  Nagasawa roamed the forum aimlessly, looking for any clues about the game.

  "Ninja Romance."

  "One-armed wolf, the perfect combination of knife and ninja."

  "A young royal son and a ninja with many scars and no reputation."

  "Wei Ming, the people who pirate the country!"

  In the forum, more and more news about "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" has been announced, and even domestic players complained that the game is too difficult, some neon players moved over the wall to Nisuo players forum.

  After reading the complaints of players in Xia Guo, Neon players knew for the first time that 'Shadow Dies Twice' means 'Cooks come back to life and die again'.

  I also know that this game also has an alias, which is called the art appreciation of the word 'death'.

  From the words that the Great God conveyed to the players of the Xia Kingdom, it is not difficult to see that this game is very difficult, and if nothing else, the difficulty is not low.

  But because of this, Neon players are curious.

  Player groups have a very significant feature, that is, they are not willing to admit defeat. The harder the game is, the more challenging it is, and the greater the sense of achievement after passing.

  Looking at these remarks, Nagasawa Ye felt like a cat's paw, eager to experience this game.

  But unfortunately, the game was not released in Neon, and he couldn't buy it even if he wanted to.

  "Oh, it would be nice if I met a friend of Xia Guo."

  Nagasawa groaned dejectedly.

  But when he was about to leave the forum to relieve his depressed mood, he suddenly saw a post in the forum that was replied by many players.

  "Kami sama's Weibo has been found. Anyone who has the ability can go over the wall and leave a message, so that Kami sama can see the demands of our neon players."

  Weibo? ?

  Nagasawa didn't know what Weibo was, but looking at the content, it must be the contact information of Kammi Sama or something.

  Similar to the kind of Line and MSN.

  After clicking on the post and reading the content, Nagasawa knew that Weibo was similar to the INS and Twitter they used.

  Knowing this news, Nagasawa's eyes lit up immediately.

  If you can post your request under Kami sama's Weibo, is it possible for Kami sama to see his request?

  In that case, will Kami sama release the game "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" on Neon?

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