There are at least thousands of books in it, and what's even worse is that the spine of each book is blank. This means that if someone without the exploration skill comes, she needs to pull out each book to see the title, and these books have a very disgusting setting. Once they are pulled out, they must be read for 10 minutes before they can be put down. What's the difference between this and the advertisements on video websites? ! ! And there is another pitfall in this task, that is, all the titles and words in the books are dead language. If you want to understand them, you must have a translator. If you don't have one, you have to sign some extremely simple primary contracts with the dead and lend them dead knowledge. Yu Xunge used the detection skill to look through them one by one. Most of them were books related to the dead, such as "History of the Dead", "Let the Dead Be Great Again", "Blood and Tears of the Dead", "Heart of the Dead", "Dead: Miracle Creator", "Dead, Control Death"...

A strong marketing atmosphere was blowing in her face. This was simply forcing the people of Blue Star to take a history class on the dead here...

Yu Xunge planned to pretend and spend half an hour in there to find the book related to dragons and go out to hand in the task, but just as she walked past the bookshelf and prepared to get herself a cup of coffee at the bar not far away, a very familiar name appeared in her vision-"Hufflepuff, Alchemist Madman".

She took the book out without hesitation, and then walked to the bar with the book, and skillfully made herself a cup of coffee with the same coffee machine as the one in the alchemy shop on Zelan Star.

She took a sip of the hot coffee, and then she opened the book. After reading for less than ten minutes, she had the illusion that she had strayed into the female version of Tomato Novels.

Hufflepuff was born in a remote farm, the daughter of a farmer.

Unfortunately, when she was 8 years old, she was sold to a nobleman as a maid by her debt-ridden father. Fortunately, the nobleman's daughter was learning alchemy, and Hufflepuff's task was to serve the young master.

Perhaps some people are destined to be born for alchemy. Hufflepuff, who has excellent talent, only occasionally helps the young master to sort out books, or goes in to serve tea and fruit to the young master and the alchemist master during the young master's class. She began to learn the dead language and alchemy by herself.

Hufflepuff carefully concealed her talent, because for the nobles, a servant's talent is more outstanding than the master, which is simply a humiliation to them.

From the age of 8 to 16, for a full eight years, Hufflepuff frantically absorbed all kinds of knowledge, words, herbs, potions, gems... She learned alchemy knowledge even earlier than she started to learn the dead language.

The young master's talent was not good, and sometimes a potion needed to be repeated several times, which gave Hufflepuff a chance to check for deficiencies and make up for them.

However, the fact was that the alchemy teacher had long discovered that Hufflepuff was secretly learning. When Hufflepuff was 16 years old, the alchemist bought Hufflepuff from the nobles for 20 gold coins.

She led Hufflepuff out of the castle and told her that she was free.

The book says:

"In fact, I still don't understand why Rukia took me out. The noble family was not bad. Although I was a maid, I didn't sign a lifelong contract. It was a very good job. There were 5 maids older than me sharing the work with me. I actually worked less than 2 hours a day.

"There was no worry about food and accommodation. I could peek at the alchemy notes of the noble lady and secretly use the alchemy materials she threw away. But after Rukia took me out, I had to start working to earn money to support myself. I worked 8 hours a day in the herbal medicine store, and the money I earned was only enough to buy a root grass..."

- Excerpted from "Hufflepuff Autobiography·21 Years Old Edition"

Hufflepuff did not shy away from her maid background and her stealing behavior back then. Instead, she missed the time when she had free food and accommodation.

"Damn, is there anyone who can tell that bastard to return the 20 gold coins to me? "——Excerpt from "The Autobiography of Lucia"

After leaving the noble castle, Hufflepuff had to start to be self-reliant. She worked in a herbal medicine store relying on her ability to identify and process herbs. However, she only lasted half a year and didn't want to do this job anymore because she already knew all the herbs and wanted to get involved in alchemy... So she resigned and went to the alchemy store next door, starting as an alchemy apprentice.

Then she began her road to rise.

She didn't even have a real teacher, she learned everything by stealing and self-study

, and a lot of practice.

At the age of 18, she saved enough tuition by selling her own potions, and she decided to go to the cradle of alchemists - Princen Alchemy School.

There are four colleges in the school.

Yu Xunge:?

She closed the book, glanced at the title, and continued reading after confirming that she was not opening Harry Potter.

Hufflepuff was assigned to the "Moose" class, which values ​​talent the most.

After that, like the heroine in the heroine's novel, she was surrounded by voices mocking her. She was even discovered that she had been a maid, and her classmates gave her an insulting nickname - 20 gold coins.

In the midst of all the mocking voices, she kept slapping her in the face.

In the first grade, she slapped the second grade.

In the second grade, she slapped the fifth grade.

In the third grade, she began to slap the teachers of unpopular subjects.

In the fourth grade, she used alchemy to defeat the parents of students who came to her door.

In the fifth grade, he fought against the deans of the three major colleges, [Monitor Lizard], [Clouded Leopard] and [Otter].

In the sixth grade, Hufflepuff had read all the books in the school library. Hufflepuff, who could no longer learn anything, walked directly into the principal's office and applied for expulsion...

"I am not worthy of alchemy? Haha, I was born for alchemy."

"Alchemy loses me, just like Zeland loses the sun."


--The above content is excerpted from "The Unofficial History of Princen Alchemy School"

Yu Xunge, who almost scratched through the green boots on his feet: …………

Yu Xunge silently closed this masterpiece that he had only read one-third of, walked out of the library, held up the book and asked the butler with a serious face: "Can I take this book away? How much is it? I'll buy it."

The butler looked at the title and was stunned He paused for a moment, looking surprised, as if he didn't understand why this book appeared here, but he quickly adjusted his expression and smiled:

"This book will be updated every few years, but it will be subjected to extremely brutal cleaning after each update. The one in your hand happens to be the new version, which is an extremely precious book. However, if the warrior likes it, I will give it to the warrior. We welcome every friend who likes the dead."

Satisfiedly putting the book "Hufflepuff, Alchemist" in her backpack, Yu Xunge continued to read books in the library. She found that this library was not useless because she saw the book "The Autobiography of Lucia" that appeared in "Hufflepuff, Alchemist".

After asking the housekeeper, Yu Xunge also put the book in her bag.

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