The chicken wings were so thick that they were not as good as the chicken wings.

Yu Xunge had never heard such a weird "Hey", she said angrily: "... No! You are too sudden, even if you raise a tissue, I will look over it, okay!"

Tu Lan hesitated for a moment, thinking that this was a strong man from Blue Star who could defeat her with the weak, she silently lowered her head and continued to eat chicken wings, but Long was uncomfortable, and after taking a bite, he still cried "Hey".

"..." OK, you are amazing.

Yu Xunge gritted her teeth and said, "I don't need this little money."

Okay, this is the truth.

In the midst of laughter, the topic of celebrity dragons was naturally passed over.

The Special Affairs Bureau is very cautious about these powerful lone wolves. Whether it is a conversation or a transaction, they will pay attention to the other party's feelings.

For example, Yu Xunge does not like to take sides and get involved in factional disputes. Now Zhao Shuying is fully responsible for connecting with Yu Xunge, and Wu Qingbai is responsible for others.

Yu Xunge was not angry about the Special Affairs Bureau's little calculation. If the Special Affairs Bureau did not even have this little calculation, and was always so brilliant and innocent, then Yu Xunge would really start to be afraid...

What's more, this is all an open conspiracy, and Yu Xunge was never forced from beginning to end.

The meal took two hours, and Tu Lan and the three kittens were all full before they left. Before leaving, Yu Xunge also sold Zhao Shuying 100 kilograms of dragon dung.

5 silver coins per kilogram, Zhao Shuying paid without blinking, and got 100 kilograms of dragon dung in full at the age of 28.

Zhao Shuying patted the box filled with dragon dung and praised: "It's worthy of being dragon dung! It smells so good!"

Yu Xunge: "..." She knew it.

After watching the man, the dragon and the three cats drive away, Zhao Shuying reported the failure of the negotiation in the work group.

"Did you see the divine talent of that dragon?"

"Frozen Throne, SS level, but I can't find out what specific skills it has, and when I tried to use the prop skills to analyze the talent skills, the A-level props were damaged."

She took off the chain-style earrings hanging on her ears, twisted them lightly with her fingers, and the ear chain broke into two pieces, with a layer of frost on it that had not yet melted.

I don't know if the repairman in the bureau has returned.

"Did they refuse because they were dissatisfied with the compensation?"

"No, they were worried that they would be morally kidnapped by public opinion and the public."

"What a clever child... Do you think the dragon listens to her?"

"They seem to have a good relationship, respect each other, and have equal status. With Yu Xunge's style of doing things and her attitude towards the dragon, the dragon will definitely be able to help her in the future."

"Okay, keep a close eye on it and upgrade Yu Xunge's authority to another level to let her feel our sincerity. Don't force her to do something she doesn't want to do."

"Okay, I got it."

Yu Xunge left Zhao Shuying behind, took Tu Lan and Mao Mao home, opened a new game for Tu Lan and filled the snack area, and then went out to find the dragon.

She really didn't know which copy the dragon was in, she only knew which faction the copy belonged to.

She had to find them one by one...

However, as soon as she left the house, she received an email with an attachment. She thought it was a deposit from a customer, so she opened it immediately. If she had stock, she could send it out immediately. If not, she would have to come back to work at night.

The sender turned out to be her "old friend" - Ye Dong.

The attachment was 1 gold coin.

"Sister Xunge! Can you help us? We are being hunted by Lin Chengze and Lancheng. Can you help us contact Xunhuan? We can't contact him. Tell him that for the sake of brothers, can you ask him to help us talk to Lin Chengze and Lancheng? We really didn't think that things would get so serious. We can leave S City and never come back."

Yu Xunge: 6

Yu Xunge accepted the gold coin and forwarded the email directly to Yu Xunhuan.

For the sake of this gold coin, she could only help here.

It's so funny. It's strange that Yu Xunhuan would help Ye Dong to intercede. He might even ask the Su family to send people to help the two S-levels to hunt down Ye Dong before Ye Dong leaves S City.


The person who was tricked by the dragon in the previous life was the president of a guild called "Nameless". The members of this guild are all uncles and aunts in their fifties. This guild has a good reputation.

The uncle is not greasy and will not harass or tease young girls in a self-righteous way. The aunt is very good and will take care of young people when they meet them in the dungeon.

They may talk about some issues about marriage and childbirth that young people don't like to hear, but they never bully people. Whoever is in their dungeon will be bullied.

If you are bullied, just go to them. They are famous for being fair and just. They don't care about age, gender, talent or level. They just deal with the matter at hand.

These people are old friends for decades and have a very good relationship. Even though the guild leader became a slave of the dragon, less than 10% of the people in the guild survived.

The rest chose to stay and bear it together with the guild leader.

Although they made a lot of jokes, they really calmed the dragon with their meticulous service.

But this does not mean that the dragon is easy to coax. On the contrary, this dragon, who has lived for who knows how many years, is extremely smart...

Long before the dragon made a contract with humans, it could actually leave the dungeon and enter Blue Star at any time... It has been waiting, waiting for a Blue Star person with status, strength and voice who will not be easily touched by others to come to it.

After leaving the dungeon, it did not rush to eat people. Whether it was the people of the guild or other people who came to harass the dragon, the dragon only hurt people but did not kill them.

In this situation, even if the dragon had a bad temper and would abuse the members of the guild for fun whenever he was a little unhappy, the members of the guild endured it. It was okay to lose face, as long as they did not become the sinners of Blue Star, after all, it was they who brought the dragon out of the dungeon.

The official did not intervene. The dragon lived in the city center and refused to move. Encircling and suppressing the dragon would inevitably cause a large number of casualties. When it did not take the initiative to kill people and could not guarantee that it could be killed quickly, the official did not take action.

What's more, the dragon's life was still connected to the leader of a force. Although the guild token had not appeared at that time, most of the guilds established by everyone were small-scale, but was already well-known. The guild formed by this group of wealthy middle-aged people had more than 90 dungeon light screens, which were often rented to players.

If did not take the initiative to ask, it would be easy for them to be thankless in public opinion if they took the initiative.

It is said that when the dragon is in a good mood, it will take the initiative to help the group of people play the dungeon.

But in fact, the dragon was observing everything on Blue Star. He helped to play the dungeon only to level up himself, and most of the experience was shared by it.

When the dragon reached level 16, it began to secretly eat the people in the "Nameless People" guild, and only ate those with good God-given talents - very nutritious - and ate for half a year before being discovered.

Then it started killing, and nearly 80% of the people in "Nameless People" died in its stomach. After that, it fled into a level 20 dungeon and disappeared.

How could such a good thing not be left to Yu Xunhuan and the Su family? It can also save a group of good aunts and uncles!

She was even a little troubled for a while. Should it be left to the Su family, the Liang family, or the Han family?

There are too many enemies and too few dirty things, and it is also very distressed.

Forget it, forget it, such a powerful pet, she should leave it to Yu Xunhuan, the best things should be left to the person she hates the most.

Who made her a brother-supporting demon?

A girl who supports her brother is like this. She always thinks of her brother when good things happen.

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