The food was very delicious, but I didn't know how to cook it.

[Yu Xunge]: [Crispy spider legs] [Tender wolf steak] [Mysterious stew] [Crispy meat wings] [Rhapsody beer] [Mixed stew]

[Zhao Shuying]:?

[Yu Xunge]: I sent them all to you

Zhao Shuying has received them. She looked at the seven large storage boxes. The staff next to her quickly counted them. There were 1258 dishes, all with various attributes. She fell silent.

[Zhao Shuying]: I am a senior commissioner of the Special Affairs Bureau, not a grocery store

[Yu Xunge]: Ah, you don't want them, then return them

Yu Xunge did not receive the return, but received 3 dragon-shaped coins.

Again, they will not refuse any strategic resources that can be obtained without game currency.

They will not ignore these small transactions just because they are training professionals who can mass-produce equipment.

In fact, there are dozens of trading partners like Yu Xunge, some are [leatherworking], some are [sewing], more than a thousand here and more than a thousand there, which adds up to a considerable amount, and can save tens of thousands of gold.

And they did not fool these people. The dragon-shaped coins do represent the official attitude, not just empty promises. In the future, when there are good things, in addition to internal personnel, these people will definitely be given priority.

As early as after selling a thousand belts to the Su family, Yu Xunge has been paying close attention to the Su family's movements.

She not only placed undead spiders in the Su family, but also in Yu Xunhuan's studio and Yu Xunhuan's car.

Although I don't know how detailed the Su family's detection skills or props can be, because the spiders are small, the information on their heads is also small. The word is about the size of the smallest row of E on the eye chart. If you hide in the corner, you can't see it clearly.

Moreover, Yu Xunge's Soros pocket watch can modify personal panel information. This kind of control object belongs to her, so she can naturally repair it.

So the information of these undead spiders became: [Corrupted Spider] HP: 1/1 (Control: Yu Xunhuan)

It's okay if it's not discovered. If it is discovered, then just treat it as a surprise she left for Yu Xunhuan.

January 24th, the third day of the game, but the entire Blue Star has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Everyone seems to be in a hurry. All topics are related to the game. Even if you go out for breakfast, the topics you hear are "God-given talent", "game", "superpowers", "equipment"...

The beginning of the new century means a big reshuffle. One step ahead can make you soar to the sky, and half a step behind may never catch up.

In fact, as early as after the second internal test, not only the Su family, but many families had already started to prepare and acquire game-related things. However, at that time, there were still few players, and most of them were still hiding and dared not show up easily. Even the Su family only found a few hundred, and not many of them were willing to trade.

After the third internal test, these families took even bigger actions, recruiting players, inquiring about information, etc.

But it is difficult to turn around a big ship. It takes more than a few months to handle the industry. What's more, who is capable of taking over is not well-informed and knows that the situation is going to change? And those who don't know these news are not capable of taking over the Su family's things.

It's very embarrassing.

The Su family has a strong foundation. At the beginning, more than 4,000 gold bricks were robbed, which was less than half of the Su family's inventory. In fact, it was enough for them to develop for a long time. However, whether it was the transaction of belts and potions, or the way of Yu Xunge and the Special Affairs Bureau, they no longer accepted cash transactions, only gold, which made the Su family realize the importance of gold.

In the past half month, they not only used a large amount of liquid funds to purchase gold, but also sold some industries at a discount. However, they only accepted gold or equipment transactions. Now, one hundred green clothes can be exchanged for a property of the Su family in S City.

Yu Xunge heard from the undead spider that Su Langfeng asked Su Baige to be careful of the enemy in the dark, "You go in person for this batch of gold, but you bring 20 more people privately. You go together to hand over, each person takes a part, spread out, don't gather together and let people take it all away."

She couldn't help but sigh, really cautious.

She was just thinking of taking everyone down in one go, even if it was Su Baige, she had the confidence to kill him directly.

After hearing this news, Yu Xunge directly canceled all plans for today. She stayed at home while refining potions and paying attention to the movements of the little spider in her mind. After hearing Su Langfeng's arrangement, she directly controlled the little spider to leave the main building of the Su family and hide in the bushes.

The Su family is good at this. They do a good job in employee training. When the young master is going out, the driver will be outside early.


Otherwise, does Su Baige have to stand at the door and wait for the car like waiting for Didi?

After seeing the car, the little spider crawled to the one in the middle.

At the same time, the one hiding in Yu Xunhuan's car also crawled out and randomly picked a car to crawl in.

Yu Xunge was not sure which car Su Baige would take, but since the gold would be shipped in batches, it didn't matter who he picked.

Only those who traded things that were not decent would choose to trade in a remote corner in the middle of the night.

The time and place for the Su family to exchange gold were as lively as possible, just in the Su Family Restaurant in the city center, and it was the busiest time at noon.

At 12 noon on the 24th, Yu Xunge walked into the safe house, took out a wooden bow, and softly shot 6 arrows at the corner, and then used the camouflage skill to transform into a skinny old lady. Considering that there was a high probability of a head-on battle today, she also used the camouflage function of Soros pocket watch to change her ID to Wang Er.

Then, after using the Disillusionment Spell, he Apparated to the back kitchen of the Su Family Restaurant in S City.

Su Baige and his men were talking on the second floor.

There were so many people coming and going here, and even if no one was investigating, the little spider could easily be trampled to death. It would be better to stay in the car and continue to monitor their movements when they left, and it would be best to take a ride back to the Su family.

Yu Xunge did not go upstairs, but went to the garage, stood next to the exclusive parking space of Su Baige and his group, waited patiently, and drank some mana potions or coffee from time to time to replenish mana and maintain the Disillusionment Spell.

Half an hour later, Su Baige and his group came down.

Yu Xunge was stunned when she saw them. Why were there so many people? It was like a concert had just ended, and it was full of people.

Weren't there only 17 players when they went out?

Nearly a hundred people surrounded Su Baige and walked into the parking lot.

She was convinced.

How much gold was exchanged?

A group of people dispersed in the underground garage, with four people in one car. It looked like a motorcade would drive out of the underground garage in a mighty manner.

They were dispersed but not completely. Once one car had an accident, the others could quickly surround it, and the people who took action could not find out who had the gold for a while.

However, although Su Baige had set up smoke bombs, she was able to live again and recognized that two of them were Su Baige's confidants, and they were also among the 17 players who set out from the manor. The two were still walking on the outermost edge, walking towards the two adjacent cars.

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