The old man was very busy, but he was lucky.

Because Yu Xunhuan had no shortage of these things, he was lucky. Even if he spent all his energy on planning the magic eye, he always got a lot of good things. He not only had a complete set of equipment, but also made rings and necklaces for himself with jewelry processing. He also stockpiled more than a hundred potions. He was not like Su Yitong who had nearly a thousand people. He only had a few people in the studio.

However, Yu Xunge's words reminded him that he was also an alchemy major! There were so many alchemy formulas. Although he only learned the elementary level, there might be one that could remove the curse?

He immediately opened the list and checked it. Soon, he found a formula called [Primary Vitality Potion]. The description of this potion said that it could remove various mild negative states. He asked, "Sister, do you have a primary vitality potion?"

Yu Xunge certainly had it, but she was not sure whether it could cure Yu Xunhuan's unknown curse: "No." She explained, "I have spent all my energy collecting materials for the treatment potion."

Yu Xunhuan begged, "Sister, can you help me find the materials for the vitality potion?"

Yu Xunge agreed immediately, "Okay, no problem." As she said that, she also Yu Xunhuan looked at the recipe in a pretentious manner, "Living root grass, tranquilizing flower, lion bone fish and squid heart, right? I'll help you find it."

Yu Xunhuan breathed a sigh of relief. He himself didn't realize how much he trusted Yu Xunge now. Not only did he trust Yu Xunge's ability, but he also trusted that Yu Xunge would help him if she said she would. He took out a blue bird tail ring he made with [Jewelry Processing] from his backpack and handed it to Yu Xunge: "Sister, I'll give it to you as a belated New Year's gift. This is also made by me." He didn't favor one over the other, and gave Yu Qingshan and Yi Qiuguo a similar fine-grade ring each.

The thing is very good, it can add 4 attribute points. The one Yu Xunge received can add 2 points of constitution and 2 points of agility. She put it on directly. Not bad, it's a profit. I don't know if Yu Xunhuan has noticed that their way of getting along has changed a bit. Every time Yu Xunge only needs to pay a little to get more.

The family is happy and warm.

After sending the person away, Yu Xunge turned invisible and Apparated to the home of the patient who had extracted dirty blood. She fainted and fell to the ground. Using the detection skill, she saw two bright red blood drops next to the person's ID.

[Unknown Curse II] All treatment effects are reduced by 10%; HP cannot be automatically restored and the upper limit is permanently reduced by 5%; It is contagious;

She directly drew a tube of this person's blood. She planned to take it to Zelan Star tomorrow to give it to Hufflepuff for research. The tutor must be very happy.

Yu Xunge did not draw this tube of blood in vain. She filled a bottle of primary healing potion to fill the other party's blood. She was in a very good mood and left a green equipment that exploded from the troll, just as a thank you for his blood.

On the 25th, the fourth day of the game invasion, Yu Xunge went to bed early and got up early. She went to Zelan Star first, gave the tube of blood to Hufflepuff, and explained the curse, especially pointing out that it was contagious. Hufflepuff took the blood into the laboratory with an expression of discovering a new world, and before leaving, he threw her a thin notebook with some alchemy experience.

Yu Xunge knew that she probably couldn't go to class today, so she went back to Blue Star and entered the dungeon for a whole morning, and successfully reached level 1.

That is, when she reached level 1, she received a prompt.

[Detected that the player entered the top 100 of the level list, please ask if you want to hide your name]

She chose no.

Then she saw her name appear at the end of the level list.

[Yu Xunge Level 1 0.016%]

The person ranked first is also level 1, but the percentage behind has reached more than 80, which should be someone from the Special Affairs Bureau, because although the avatars must be the person himself, players can add some decorations. There is a small golden dragon pattern in the upper right corner of these people's avatars.

Such a sultry person, it must be the Special Affairs Bureau.

She will definitely go to the Su family to play in the future. There is no point in hiding the level. She is not worried that Yu Xunhuan or the Su family will notice her leveling speed. If she wants to maintain equality, it is not enough to rely on the deterrence of the Special Affairs Bureau. She must have strength herself. As for why she is leveling so fast, she can just blame the Special Affairs Bureau.

In her previous life, Yu Xunhuan and his friends leveled so fast. When she asked, didn’t they tell her?

Just thinking about the Su family, she received a private message from Su Yitong. They also wanted to buy some primary healing potions.

[Yu Xunge]: This is hard to get. I have already spent all my favors last time.

[Su Yitong]: The price is negotiable

[Yu Xunge]: I heard that many hospitals already have pills and injections that can increase blood volume, and the price is quite reasonable

[Su Yitong]: That purchase limit

Even though she had experienced it once in her previous life, Yu Xunge couldn't help but sigh that the Special Affairs Bureau was thorough in doing things, preventing the rich and powerful from snatching these life-saving things from ordinary people. She relied on these to survive the most difficult period in her previous life. Although the blood-adding effect is not as good as the primary treatment potion, the injection that adds the most blood requires you to inject yourself to add 50 blood volume, but it is also half a life.

However, Yu Xunge has not thought about selling things to the Su family recently. She has sold 3,000 bottles of potions and 1,000 belts. Although she made money, cheated the Su family of gold, and hid her hostility towards the Su family more deeply, if she continues to sell, she will really help the enemy! She plans to get some parts of Su Yitong or Yu Xunhuan next month to make up for her psychological trauma.

[Yu Xunge]: Really no more. Some things involve contracts and I can't tell you, but you can go find someone from the Special Affairs Bureau

[Su Yitong]: I heard from Xunhuan that you can make medicine yourself?

[Yu Xunge]: Yes, if you have materials, I can also help you make them. I will give you ten potions for eleven materials

[Su Yitong]: What about equipment? Any more?

[Yu Xunge]: There are goods, but they are not much cheaper than the auction house, and at most I can only find you three or four pieces

Su Yitong was completely silent.

There are really a lot of things in the auction house, but the prices are very chaotic, and the transaction currency of the auction house is the gold, silver and copper coins of Zelan Star, just like the price that Yu Qingshan found out during the internal test period that 1 million could only be exchanged for one gold coin. Now everyone is shouting prices randomly, hoping that rich people who are not short of money will place orders.

A small green outfit that only adds a few attribute points is priced at 50 gold coins.

People with brains will not buy it, and people without brains can't afford it.

Thinking of this, Yu Xunge also threw a F-level [Mars Technique] that she had discovered today, priced at 199 gold.

She suddenly understood those people who made random offers. Maybe there would be some who were really sucked up?

Anyway, she didn't need it now.

After hanging up [Mars Technique], Yu Xunge instantly received many private messages from strangers.

Not only that, she also began to receive messages from some people on her phone, including people she knew when she was in the entertainment industry, actors she had worked with, and people from entertainment companies.

Yu Xunge slapped her thigh suddenly. Oh, I almost forgot someone, Liu Zhengliu!

I couldn't kill him before, but now I can.

People are dying every day now, so what's wrong with one more of her?

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