At this moment, Lin Chengze actually believed that this was the person who dug out his eyeballs to compensate him. He felt that the man simply closed his chest, and then fed him a few bottles of medicine. The wound itched, the flesh and blood regenerated, and his body gradually warmed up. ——"If you don't want someone to take this heart away, it's best not to tell anyone about it. As for whether it is true or false, you can go to your character panel after you regain your sight." This was the last sentence that the man left for him, and then Lin Chengze fainted. When he woke up, he touched around and touched the familiar bed and bedside table. He knew that he was sent back again. When replacing Lin Chengze's heart, Yu Xunge was most worried that this immortal heart could be detected.

But in fact, after the gem touched Lin Chengze's bright red heart, it turned into black mist and drilled into it after a few seconds. After that, there was only a black cross next to the ID on Lin Chengze's character panel.

[Immortal Curse]: HP can never be lower than 1

Other than that, there is no information related to the curse.

Then there is his God-given talent, the suffix changed from S to S-level, and the skill description also changed.

[Breath of Winter] (S-level)

[Skill 1] You are Winter (Passive): All your skills will inflict frost damage, with a 7% chance of freezing enemies

[Skill 2] Drink Winter (Passive): When you eat S-level ice food, you will have a 3% chance of gaining ice skills. This passive skill is only triggered when you eat S-level ice food for the first time each natural day

[Skill 3] Breath of Winter: After using it, you will release the Breath of Winter, freezing all targets you want to freeze within an eight-meter radius around you. The casting time is 2 seconds and consumes 10 % mana, cooldown time 45 minutes

[Skill 4] Winter to Spring: After use, it can absorb frost energy and restore a certain amount of health. Every 8% of health restored consumes 1% of mana

Each skill has been weakened to a certain extent. The probability of triggering the freezing effect with normal attacks has changed from 10% to 7%, and the probability of comprehending ice skills has changed from 5% to 3%. Although the Breath of Winter is still powerful, the casting range has become smaller. The proportion of health that can be restored for every 1% of mana consumed by Winter to Spring has also changed from 10% to 8%.

She actually thought that this curse was a bit cost-effective?

But on second thought, no, strength is the key.

If you are not strong enough, once you provoke an extremely powerful enemy, then immortality is no longer something that everyone envies, but becomes a curse.

Health cannot be lower than 1? If your hands and feet are cut off, you can't die.

Thinking about it this way, it's no wonder that Hufflepuff calls the Undying Heart a cursed gem.

She was a little tempted to use it on Yu Xunhuan...

Forget it, it's safest for Yu Xunhuan to die and turn into ashes. She was worried that he would come back to life if he left a whole body, not to mention that he would not die.


Yu Xunge went to the Liang family's office building a few more times in the next few days, and found that she couldn't get in every time, so she never went there again.

Acting the whole thing.

She decided to go out of town to avoid the Su family putting the blame on her and snatching Yu Xunhuan's opportunity.

The copy at home can be apparitioned back at any time. Although it is a bit far, if you are not in a hurry, it is still very easy to teleport a few times and rest for a few minutes. At least it is faster than flying.

She said it directly in the family group.

[Yu Xunge]: I'm going to JL recently and I'm expected to be back next month. If you have anything, call me or chat in the game

[Yu Xunhuan]: Sister, why are you suddenly going to the next city?

[Yu Xunge]: The dungeon here has been discovered by other forces. We have no choice but to go to the next city. @Yu Xunhuan I will take you to a good place when you reach level 3

[Yu Xunhuan]: Oh

[Happy Qiuguo]: Take mom with you?

[Yu Xunge]: Of course I will take you with me when you reach level 3. You and dad don’t have to worry about food and drink. You can wait to enjoy the good life, but I still think you two should find a way to level up. Add up your physique and you will be healthy

Yu Xunge is happy to say a few nice words when it comes to speaking. She can’t say them face to face, but can’t she type them?

[Happy Qiuguo]: Do you need me to help you take care of the cats in the backyard?

[Yu Xunge]: No, they are all stray cats. They can feed themselves when I’m not here

[Happy Qiuguo]: Cats can feed themselves, but mom can’t

[Yu Xunge]: ?

[Yu Xunge]: @Yu Xunhuan, some gold coins

[Yu Xunhuan]: ...Mom, I sent it to you

[Yu Xunge]: @Yu Xunhuan I found the ingredients for the primary vitality potion, but few people sell it. I only got five copies and mailed them to you

[Yu Xunhuan]: Thank you, sister~sister, I will give you some pocket money

Yu Xunge didn't care. She packed her things and prepared to go out. As soon as she walked to the door, she received an email.

It was sent by Yu Xunhuan. Not only did it contain 1 gold coin, but it also contained 100 dishes with various buff effects.

——"Thank you, sister~for treating you~"

Yu Xunge sneered. It was worth her acting. Not only did she get gold coins, but she even specially noted that he was treating her when she ate.

But would she be touched? Of course not. Her touch was not so cheap.

Even if Yu Xunhuan noted that it was a treat, she didn't plan to eat them. She had a psychological shadow.

Yu Xunge drove away from S City. When the car left the villa area, she also met the Liang family's convoy. She didn't know where to go to play.

This is not the first time I have encountered this.

Everyone lives on the same hill. Since the internal test, the Liang family has been making a lot of noise. From time to time, players drive in and out. However, these people are quite sensible. I don’t know if they have been told by the Liang family not to cause trouble, or they are cautious. They will not take advantage of their status as players to run to other people’s homes without permission to do this or that, let alone do something as crazy as lying under someone’s bed.

Quite civilized.

Liang Yuchuan probably saw me too. After driving for a few minutes, Yu Xunge received a private message from Liang Yuchuan, asking her if she would sell the skill crystals.

[Yu Xunge]: Sorry, I have signed a contract with the Special Affairs Bureau. All the skill crystals of [Happy Again] must be given to them and they will sell them

[Liang Yuchuan]: I will pay a high price

Yu Xunge suspected that these people did not understand human language, or they thought that I dared not refuse them directly so they made up a reason?

[Yu Xunge]: Really not. If I breach the contract, the price I pay is almost the same as killing me directly. I can't even sell it to the Su family. I can't protect this thing by myself, so I have handed it over to the Special Affairs Bureau.

This time Liang Yuchuan didn't reply directly.

Alas, in comparison, Su Yitong is much more capable.

Although there was a little unpleasantness when they went to the Su family for dinner when they just came back from Zelan Star, after realizing her value, Su Yitong quickly found an opportunity to make up for it. Not only did he give her a car of things, but he never treated her condescendingly again.

But she was also surprised by Liang Yuchuan's attitude. According to Liang Yuchuan's violent temper, he might have threatened her at this time, so why did he stop talking so anticlimactically.

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