Chapter 38: Central Area

【exit the game】

After completing the settlement, you can exit the game freely.

As for the magic dragon being a treasure, Lu Xuan is not very interested.

Because it can’t be taken away.

And most of his treasures are just shiny things.

“This wave… lie down?”

“I can play the promotion match!”

“Finally waited, the opportunity to be promoted to Xingyao.”

In fact, the major s-levels, for various reasons, will also be in the diamond card for a period of time.

Most of them will be stuck at this stage for several years or even more than ten years.

In the Diamond Game, only the top 30% of players can get promotion points. If the ranking is lower than 30%, they will still lose points.


real world–

A bald head waved his arm.

“It’s going well.”

He originally thought that it would take him a few more rounds to complete the promotion.

After all, in “Reincarnation”, there are more than just combat modes.

There are also some models that do not test combat effectiveness, but only test IQ.

In this mode, there is no way for a bald head.

“The king’s section.”

“When you reach the king, you should be able to find your opponent, right?”


【Tactical Hall】

Here, Ye summoned the one hundred players.

At the same time, a segment of video was played repeatedly.

Countless screens are playing videos recorded from the perspective of the dozen or so surviving players.

“According to the information now known, Yunluo has 100% SSS-level original talent ability.”

“At the same time, he also has an SSS-level skill.”

“The name of this skill is the gate of natural disasters…”

“At the same time, the weapon in his hand, if there is no error in the record, it is the 73rd SS-level weapon-the holy sword.”

This ranking is based on the order of discovery.

Instead of following intensity.

SS-level equipment has its own special features.

It cannot be simply generalized, divided by intensity.

But the holy sword is purely offensive equipment.

But in terms of lethality and destructive power, they are definitely among the best.

“Is he really only three hours into the game?”

“I really can’t believe it, I even suspect that the system announcements are wrong!”

“His rank is going to improve soon. Where did those top equipment and skills come from?”

In the conference hall, the major players discussed with each other.

But they are really puzzled.

“And the strangest thing is that all the memories of players who watched him will be erased.”

“We don’t have any information about him right now.”

“All the situations can only be obtained from the players who played the same game with him.”

“Have any of you tried to negotiate with him?”

Ye asked this question.

The players all bowed their heads.

Negotiate with him?

Just kidding, you can’t do it behind him, and you don’t even have a chance to have a conversation. Still negotiating?


【Central District】

A bald head touched his head and walked in from the door.

However, as soon as he came in, a red violent ape rushed out of the crack.

Facing the violent ape who suddenly rushed out, his bald head casually punched with his right hand.


The entire body of the violent monkey exploded directly!

“Why are there so many monsters here?”

The bald head curled his lips.

Then, I looked back.

Behind him, I don’t know when, there suddenly appeared a man wearing a dark blue tights, red underwear and a big S on his chest.

“Haha, Bald Capeman, you have finally been promoted to the king rank!”

“We are all waiting for you!”

“You really are the player who has the most hope to rise to the king rank in recent decades!”

The bald head glanced around.

It’s very luxurious here, that’s right.

Arguably the most luxurious area.

But at the same time, there are many fine spatial cracks in this area.

It makes people feel that terrifying monsters will jump out of the cracks in the next moment.

“Outside it is said how beautiful the central area is, it is a paradise for honey and wine, and all wishes can be fulfilled.”

“But they are only half right.”

“In fact, the central area is also the most dangerous place. Only king-level players can survive here.”

“We live here, actually guarding this land.”

“Otherwise, let the monsters here go out, the consequences would be disastrous.”

Just when I said so.

In the sky, a giant hand appeared!

This huge hand covers the sky and the sun.

“Yo, the big guy showed up.”

“This is the first king-level creature to appear today?”

“We are getting closer and closer to the day of prophecy, and more and more monsters are coming out.”

“This guy, who will solve it?”

Just as the bald head was about to jump up and punch the thing.

Suddenly, in the sky, the clouds broke open!

“Xianfa·Spiral Shuriken!”

A huge white spiral shuriken that is constantly spinning fell from the sky!


A wave of ripples shattered in midair.

The shock wave of terror spread.

Under this attack, this giant hand broke on the spot! He didn’t test any further, but directly retracted into the space channel.



“Advance to the tournament?”

Lu Xuan clicked to open the mall, he is about to be promoted to Xingyao, he has more than 30 million points.

“Thirty million points can be exchanged…”

“It feels basically useless.”

“I really want to redeem that supreme treasure.”

With more than one hundred equipment positions, coupled with more than one hundred equipment of the same level as the holy sword, it is easy to destroy the world.

“Forget it, just drive the next one.”

After these rounds, Lu Xuan also realized.

What can be exchanged in the mall now is estimated to be eliminated after one or two rounds.

Moreover, he has two SSS-level talents, plus he can get one when he enters the game, plus a holy sword, this configuration is already luxurious enough.

Lu Xuan couldn’t think of what he needed to prepare more.

If even he needs to prepare, no other players need to enter the game.

Lu Xuan waved his arms and relaxed his body.

“enter the game.”

[We are matching your opponent…][Your opponents this time will all be diamond promotion players]

However, after waiting for a while, Lu Xuan still did not enter the game.

[Selecting a suitable opponent… please wait a moment]


【Tactical Hall】

“Damn, the meeting is finally over.”

“We actually got the permission to be promoted to Xingyao!”

“One more game! Star Yao! Here is Ollie!”*

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