Chapter Fifty-Three: Bring it to the door by yourself?

“The Dugu game just ended.”

“Yun Luo followed up for promotion?”

“However, Yun Luo should also be promoted.”

Most players are not surprised by Yunluo’s promotion.

Even the longest time-consuming brave mode, Yunluo only took more than an hour to solve.

A qualifying match is most likely to be difficult for Yunluo.

Of course, under the huge population base, the diamond impact on Xingyao happens every day.

Lu Xuan may not be the same game as Dugu.

“Twenty minutes after the Dugu game ended, Yunluo was promoted… Is this a coincidence? Or?”

After the previous proofs, coupled with the last battle, Dugu demonstrated the ability.

The players have almost determined that there is someone else alone, not Yun Luo.

The difference between the power of the undead and the swordsmanship is not a little bit, it is completely irrelevant.

But this coincidence is too coincidental, right?


【Sword Hall】

This is the world’s largest Kendo headquarters.

All sword-related skills, most sword weapons, and the skills of using sword skills…

All can be inherited and learned here, and you can also use enough contributions to redeem your favorite sword.

Everything related to the sword is centered on this.

Other sword guilds also use the sword hall as their headquarters and radiate out.

At this time, in the secret room of the sword hall.

An old man, but his hands trembled.

“Finally… final sword pose.”

“Unexpectedly, it really appeared in this world!”

The old man took the game crystal card, and in front of him, a video screen was playing over and over again.

It was a scene of lonely battles.

“Sword Eight, Sword Ten, Sword Eleven…”

The old man watched again and again tirelessly.

With his other hand, he was turning over an old sword book.

In this sword book, information related to the final sword style is recorded.

But in the sword spectrum, most of them are just sporadic and incomplete deductions.

Looking at the score and the video, tears of excitement flowed from the old man’s eyes.

“The sky has eyes!”

“Grandpa! The ultimate sword style you said exists!”

“Grandpa, have you seen it? The ultimate sword style you said is finally being pushed today!”

“Yun Luo… Ha ha, how could Dugu be Yun Luo?”

“How can this ultimate sword style be owned by a kid who plays the side by side?”

The old man looked at another video.

In another video, Yunluo is in the City of the Demon King, holding a holy sword and cutting the ground.

Watching this video, the old man was out of anger.

“It’s really violent, swinging with such a good sword.”

“The technique of swinging the sword is so rough, it’s a waste of this good sword.”

The old man glanced at Yunluo and then at Dugu.

Looking at Yun Luo’s eyes, he was full of disgust.

Looking at Dugu again, he was full of appreciation.

“How can these two people be the same person.”


Soon, [Jiantang] immediately published two articles under the official name.

“The sword style mastered by Dugu is the ultimate sword style in theory! Dugu may become the real strongest sword saint! 》

“Dugu is a sword master, and has nothing to do with Yun Luo! 》

“Fuck? Official statement?”

“This shouldn’t be fake.”

“Sword Hall is the association that has the deepest research on swords. They all said this, and they must not be the same person.”

“It looks like it’s just a coincidence.”

“I think Jiantang is deliberately absorbing the talent of Dugu.”

“Could it be that the position of Sword Saint is about to change?”


After Lu Xuan quit the game, he didn’t rush to start the next game immediately.

Before that, Lu Xuan also plans to make some preparations.

He is in the real world and hasn’t left any other players.

After just staying in the game for a while, Lu Xuan probably sorted out the priority of what he should do next.

The most urgent thing is to lay out some back-ups for yourself.

No matter how strong the strength is, there must be a way out.

“I should now use the heart of natural disasters to set up my undead in the real world.”

“In this way, even if you die, you have a chance to be resurrected.”

The talent of the Heart of Natural Disaster, as long as Lu Xuan is still agile, he can turn around on the body of the undead.

Lu Xuan picked up the crystal card.

You picked up the item.

[Get 10,000 strength experience points][Strength increased by 3]

Because of the promotion of rank.

The countdown to Lu Xuan’s [Sustainable Growth (SSS)] has also ended.

The experience bar for attribute values ​​is also refreshed.

“This talent is really no one…”

Lu Xuan estimated it slightly.

The attributes that can be improved every day effortlessly are about 8000 points per attribute.

If you want to continue to improve, you may have to increase the intensity of your exercise, or find a place to spawn monsters in the real world.

There are five attributes, each with 8000 points, which is equivalent to a day without consuming any points and directly gaining 40,000 attribute values.

One hundred days is four million attributes.

Moreover, this can only be improved without any effort, and the degree can be improved simply by eating and drinking.

If you work hard and earn a little experience point deliberately, there can be more.

Lu Xuan stood by the window.

Look out the window.

This city is one of thousands of cities on this planet.

Specially supply black iron to the place where residents of the golden rank live.

“Buy advanced stealth potions.”

[Whether to consume 100,000 points to purchase advanced stealth potions? 】


A bottle of potion appeared in Lu Xuan’s hands.


[You have obtained the invisibility effect: 30 seconds]

It takes 100,000 points to be invisible for 30 seconds.

Lu Xuan jumped out of the window and flew out of the city.

In just ten seconds, he came to the edge of the city, and Lu Xuan flew directly over the high walls of the city.

Soon, he came to a forest outside the town.

Landing will remove the effect of invisibility.

As soon as the invisibility was lifted, there were bursts of snickers and whispers around him.


“Hey, humans, they are actually living humans.”

“Unexpectedly, if we couldn’t enter the city wall, human beings would come here by themselves!”*

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