Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 10: Old Skinner Catch the Arrow

After killing three wolf riders who violated military orders in a nearly miraculous way, the rest of the wolf riders were completely shocked and confused.

They didn't understand what kind of power Master Robb showed.

Then they fell into a frenzy and began to worship Robb.

Since ancient times, humans have always had feelings of worship and fear for mysterious and powerful beings. In ancient times, the elves and ancestors of Westeros began to believe in the old gods in fear.

Especially after watching Robb summon a long sword composed of red thunder out of thin air, their worship of Robb almost reached the point of worshiping gods.

Some people have already determined in their hearts that Robb must be the incarnation of gods walking on the earth, otherwise there is no way to explain all this. They took the lead in getting off their horses, kneeling on the ground in the direction of Robb, and silently reciting the most commonly used prayers.

"God, please give me guidance."

Robb stood in the middle of the crowd and accepted the worship. He didn't think it was a big deal. When he took over the Golden Law and became the King of Eldon, he had already seen this kind of scene. Now these can only be regarded as small scenes.

Robb gathered the bodies that were split in half together: "Bury them and erect a monument. Even if they violated the military order, they are still members of the wolf riders."

That night, the lords of Cailin Bay knew about Robb's miracles in the woods. This was not the first time Robb showed his divine power. All the lords saw it when he rescued the wounded before.

They were more and more in awe of Robb. Since Winterfell, Robb has constantly shocked them. Now Robb is just a fog to them.

The actions of these lords are more and more respectful and disciplined.

In the next few days, Robb still took his wolf riders to train in the jungle. This time, in addition to training obedience, Robb also studied a set of small flag terms to cooperate with team tactics.

There are three colors of flags. Each color of flag waved in different directions represents different military orders, including retreat, attack, encirclement, etc.

Because the battlefield is noisy, and sometimes due to various force majeure factors, the soldiers' battle lines are stretched very long, so it is impossible to command the army by sound alone, unless your voice is louder than thunder.

Robb does have a high-volume spell like [Mountain Troll Roar] to use, but it can only emit one volume and cannot convey various battlefield information. After thinking about it, the time-tested method of battle flag terminology is the best.

During training, Robb did not forget his "money ability". As long as the team members performed well in training, they would be rewarded.

Under the atmosphere of high pressure, high bounty and honor of fighting for the lord, the hearts of these wolf cavalry were gradually won over by Robb.

The lords who were still looking at the map in the castle and preparing for the next battle never thought that in just a few days, the cavalry they sent out would be completely controlled by Robb.

After Robb's rigorous training, the wolf riders are now completely different from the team four days ago. Their individual combat capabilities have not improved much, but the entire wolf rider team can obey orders and their eyes are full of desire and killing.

It is no exaggeration to say that if we can travel through time and space and let this team fight against the wolf riders a few days ago, although it is impossible to completely wipe them out, they can definitely crush the opponent with a crushing situation.

The sunset is setting, and the afterglow of the sunset indicates that today's time has passed.

Robb looked at this group of brand-new wolf riders and said with relief: "Very good, you have completed my initial scheduled training. I am very happy that there are still so many soldiers around me. Tomorrow we will go to the battlefield and let the enemy tremble under our horses.

The wolf riders shouted in unison: "We must win!"

After shouting, everyone fell into solemnity. No one whispered a word of nonsense, and all looked at their commander with a firm look.

"Very good, let's go back to the castle. "


Accompanied by a long wolf howl in the jungle, all the wolf riders followed Robb and advanced slowly towards the castle of Cailin Bay.

Just when the team just walked out of the jungle, Robb suddenly reined in his horse, and the rest of the wolf riders also reined in their horse reins, waiting quietly behind Robb.

Robb suddenly drew his bow and arrow and shot an arrow at Grey Wind, the dire wolf leading the way in front.

The dire wolf is the emblem of the Stark family in the North.

Old Ned once encountered a dying mother wolf in the wild. There were six little wolves in her arms, which corresponded to the six children of the Stark family, so he gave these six dire wolves to the children to raise.

Each dire wolf has a special meaning to the Stark family, and it has long been separated from them. It has been extended to the category of pets, and has a similar symbolic meaning as the dragon of the Targaryen family. Grey Wind is the symbol of Robb. As long as you see Grey Wind, Robb must be nearby.

Robb's whistle arrow shot directly at Grey Wind. After training for a few days, all the wolf riders behind him instinctively picked up bows and arrows to shoot, but some people still hesitated and did not shoot arrows immediately.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Two hundred and seventy-six arrows hit Grey Wind accurately, but Grey Wind did not make any sound. The arrows went straight through Grey Wind's body and stuck straight into the ground, and Grey Wind's figure was like a reflection of the rippling water, which returned to normal after a few fluctuations.

[Luring the enemy's phantom]

[Create an illusory figure to confuse the enemy. ]

This Grey Wind was just an illusion created by Robb.

The eleven wolf riders who did not fire arrows behaved completely differently from the three before. They took off their armor on their own, jumped off their horses, and walked towards Robb with swords in hand.

There was no regret on their faces, only the determination to die calmly.

After these days of training, they have already agreed with the wolf rider culture established by Robb. With generous rewards and honors, they naturally have the awareness of dying.

They half-knelt in front of Robb, raised their swords above their heads, and asked their commander to kill them.

"Write your will, and I will give you the rewards you deserve to the person you think is most important."

Robb was a little soft-hearted. People are not plants, who can be ruthless?

These eleven wolf riders, Robb has long remembered their names, understood their families, and knew their preferences during these days of getting along.

They are living people, not cold numbers on the battlefield.

But military law cannot talk about human feelings, because as long as it talks about human feelings, more people will die.

Robb took the sharp blade they handed over.

Two hundred and seventy-six wolf riders, carrying eleven intact corpses, returned to the castle gate in a solemn atmosphere.

Just now was the final test given to them by Robb. Now Robb believed that the fighting power of this wolf rider would definitely exceed everyone's imagination.

When the last bit of sunset light was left, Robb's team could finally see the gate of Cailin Bay.

At the castle gate, Greatjon and Old Skinner were riding horses to leave the city and rush to the jungle of Cailin Bay. It seemed that they had some important information to report to Robb.

"This is a great time for the wolf riders to make their debut."

Robb looked at the two figures, smiled slightly, asked the wolf riders to wait here, and went to meet the two.

When approaching Old Skinner Roose Bolton, Robb did not hesitate, directly put an arrow on it, and shot an arrow at the guy's old face.

Then Roose Bolton saw the most unforgettable scene in his life.

A full two hundred and seventy-six arrows flew towards him.

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