Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 12 Please help me find a marriage

Robb chuckled and said, "It seems that Aunt Lysa dotes on my Uncle Robin Arryn."

Catelin didn't expect her son to have the heart to make such a joke: "Be serious, she is your aunt after all! Although she didn't come, Uncle Blackfish came with me."

What the two said was related to the marriage relationship between nobles. During the reign of the Mad King, the lord and heir of the Stark family once went to King's Landing to ask for an explanation, but they were killed by the Mad King.

In the case of the sudden death of the lord and the eldest son, the second son Ned Stark took over the title of Duke of the North. The rebellion war broke out.

At that time, the Eagle Lord of Arryn Valley adopted Ned. The Eagle Lord was the former King's Hand Jon Arryn who died suddenly.

It can be said that Jon Arryn is Ned's adoptive father, but the duke married Lysa Tully, the sister of Ned's wife Catelyn, that is, Robb's aunt.

So now Robin Arryn, the Lord of the Vale of Arryn, is both an uncle and a cousin to Robb, and the relationship is very complicated.

Robb stopped joking with his mother and started to talk business: "I have been prepared for Aunt Lysa not to come. You have a bad relationship with her."

Catelyn was hurt by her sister: "I didn't expect her to be so heartless. After all, Ned is her family."

Robb comforted: "It doesn't matter. It's enough that grandpa and uncle's family are willing to help us."

Then Robb told his mother all about the recent war situation.

Catelyn is not clear about the Tully family's battle situation at present, so when she heard her son say that the Tully family was beaten back, her face was a little pale, not to mention the sad news that Tywin led his army to kill people in the riverlands.

She asked with a trembling voice: "What are you going to do?"

Robb looked into his mother's eyes: "I told my men that we will gather all our forces to confront Tywin's army and prepare for a decisive battle on the King's Road."

"What about your grandfather and Uncle Edmure?"

Robb told others his true intentions for the first time: "This is another plan, I didn't tell anyone. Everyone will think we are going to fight Tywin, but I will take 300 cavalry to Riverrun for support, and I want to capture the Kingslayer."

Robb took out a map and said to Catelyn. He said: "After we cross the swamp, the army will continue to confront Tywin along the Kingsroad. I will cross the Green Fork River to support Riverrun."

"Three hundred cavalry?!" Catelyn was a little surprised. "How can you beat the Kingslayer Jaime with only three hundred cavalry? He is a knight who has experienced hundreds of battles!"

Robb's face was firm: "How do you know you can win if you don't fight. And this is my military order, I will not change my mind."

Seeing Robb's stiff tone and confident expression, Catelyn could understand why those lords were so respectful to their son.

Unconsciously, her son has become a tough man.

Catelyn continued to ask: "If you leave the army, who will lead the main force? Tywin is not a kitten, he is an old and cunning lion. He has more soldiers than you, and his cavalry is far more than yours. Your main force is at risk of being eaten at any time."

Robb patiently answered: "I can only choose Old Peeler. I don't like that guy, but Great Jon and Rickard Karstark are too reckless. I need someone to hold Tywin back, not a fool who will rush into a decisive battle with Tywin."

"But I also plan to let Meiqi Severn serve as deputy commander. Although he doesn't have much military talent, he is also cautious in character. He will not adopt radical tactics to conflict with Old Peeler. The key is to help me monitor Old Peeler."

Catelin actually knows these lords very well. Her ideal candidate is also Roose Bolton. She is very happy that her son is not only tough, but also has the ability to recognize and use people.

Catelyn looked at the map and immediately saw a key obstacle to Robb's plan: "There is another problem now. If you want to cross the Green Fork River, you must go through the only ferry, Luanhe City. That is the territory of Lord Frey, the late Lord Frey. Although this person swore allegiance to your grandfather, your grandfather never trusted him."

Neither of them discussed the matter of taking Luanhe City, because this castle is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and Riverrun is in a critical situation. Now there is no time to waste on this hard bone.

Catelin thought for a while: "Let me talk to him. No matter what conditions, we can talk to him."

Robb smiled: "No, when I meet this Lord Frey, I will give him a condition that he can't refuse. You should go..."

In Robb's view, Catelyn's political negotiation ability is actually very remarkable, so it is a waste of talent to let her talk to a mere Lord Frey, so he said the idea he had planned long ago.

Catelyn misunderstood and thought Robb was going to send her back to Winterfell.

"I'm not going back to Winterfell," she heard herself say, and was surprised to find that the tears that suddenly gushed out had blurred her vision. "Your grandfather is lying in Riverrun, dying, and your uncle is surrounded by enemies."

Rob quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe his mother's tears: "Of course not, I have an important matter for you to do. I need you to go to the Rose Family in Highgarden and negotiate with them."

"Highgarden?" Catelyn was a little confused. Although the Stark family and the Tyrell family belong to the same dukedom, they have little intersection.

Robb remained calm: "I heard that the roses of Highgarden are old enough to get married. I think we should have an alliance to increase the affection between the two sides."

"We don't have a deep relationship with Highgarden. This matter..."

Robb spread his hands slightly: "The Tyrell family owns the rich Highgarden. It just so happens that our team's food is almost gone. Marrying with their family can greatly alleviate our food problem.

I also heard that they are interested in marrying King Robert's third brother. As long as they are not supporting the Lannister family, we can fight for them. But King Robert's third brother likes men, I think their marriage will definitely not succeed.

I know our family is not familiar with them, so you need to go there in person. When you arrive, I will also fight a perfect battle to enhance my prestige.

The Tyrell family has no ambition to dominate the continent. They only want their daughter to become the queen. When they see that we have the hope of replacing Joffrey, they will naturally agree to our marriage."

Robb said a lot, and Catelyn felt that her son made some sense. It was certainly a good thing to have an extra ally at this time, so she agreed.

The two problems Robb wanted to solve at the beginning were the obedience of the northern lords and the food and fodder needed for the army to go to war.

Now the first problem has been solved, and the second problem can be solved by marrying with the Tyrell family.

Of course, as Robb said, only if the Tyrell family can see the Stark family win and keep winning until they ascend the Iron Throne, will they bet on Robb.

Then the next battle to support Riverrun is crucial.

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