Euron's swaggering and unscrupulous appearance on the street greatly encouraged the people who supported Daenerys.

Previously, most of the terrorist attacks caused by the Harpy Organization were people who expressed their high respect for Daenerys in public.

And Euron was provoking those people!

Wearing an eye mask, Euron wandered around the street for a while and returned to his house in Meereen.

Lord Hightower was studying materials in the living room. Seeing Euron coming back, he asked, "What's the situation?"

"I guess those people should take action." Euron said confidently, "These days, our little queen's decrees are getting better and better, and they will definitely not sit still."

Euron's publicity represents the strength of Daenerys's forces.

Those centrists in Meereen are very realistic. They will follow whoever is stronger, so Daenerys has suffered fewer terrorist attacks recently, and few people have raised objections to what she wants to do.

"That's good, our plan is going well."

Lord Heitar is very skillful. He has now figured out the forces in Meereen and sorted them out.

"Daenerys has three dragons, so she has attracted a lot of people's admiration and loyalty."

"Her most loyal troops are the Unsullied. These eunuchs are loyal to her and there is almost no possibility of rebellion."

"In addition, there are the Second Sons, led by "Brown" Ben Plumm; the Storm Crows, led by Daario."

"Our old friend, former Kingsguard Captain Barristan, is responsible for helping her train the knights."

"The local force supporting her in Meereen is called the Roundheads, and the leader is Hizdahr zo Loraq."

When Euron heard Hizdahr's name, he smiled: "The one called Hizdahr, he is the local leader who wants to marry Daenerys. I can see at a glance that he is an ambitious man. Even if he is different from us, he will never surrender sincerely."

This is Euron's intuition. He is very confident, just like his own kind can recognize his own kind at a glance.

Lord Hightower also nodded. He also had the same feeling: "You are right. This person hides well, but he can never get rid of the smell of conspiracy."

Euron said excitedly: "So, which one should we start with?"

Euron and Lord Hightower's plan is very simple. The first is to improve their status in Daenerys's mind and let her trust themselves.

The second is to cut off the confidants around Daenerys, and it is best to let her become a lonely person. At that time, they can easily control this little girl.

Lord Hightower laughed: "Hahaha, we don't even need to do anything. A force has already run away! The leader of the Second Sons, he heard that Daenerys could not fully control the dragon, and he has already run away."

"Oh? This is good news. Where did he run to?" Euron raised his eyebrows.

"Daenerys liberated Yunkai before, but soon the slave owners there restored their rule. They united several slave cities and wanted to attack us. The people of the Second Sons went to join them."

"Awesome, really awesome."

Euron praised the Earl Hightower in front of him. He was able to figure out the interpersonal relationships in a completely unfamiliar place in such a short time. This Earl Hightower was more terrifying than Euron imagined.

So the vigilance against Earl Hightower in his heart rose to a higher level.

Earl Hightower smiled proudly: "Then let's do this for now. I will report the betrayal of the Second Sons to that little girl, and you will solve the problem of the Harpy."

That day, Meereen was in turmoil.

The Hightower-Ironborn joint army stationed outside the city suddenly attacked and surrounded all the Second Sons mercenaries who were about to escape. All those who were not killed became prisoners.

The leader of the Second Sons was placed under house arrest by Daenerys. After asking about the cause and effect of the matter, Daenerys ordered the leader of the Second Sons to be killed.

But Daenerys did not continue to pursue the faults of other mercenaries, and ordered the other members of the Second Sons to be released.

These mercenaries who were released were grateful for Daenerys's kindness, so some of the small leaders brought their people to join Yunkai according to the original plan, preparing to take back everything that belonged to them with Yunkai's army.

At night, Daenerys's favorite, the newly surrendered Minister Euron Greyjoy, was assassinated by the Harpy.

At that time, Lord Euron was drunk and was walking from the gathering place of the poor girls to his home.

The streets were empty at night, and Euron's steps staggered, so the members of the Harpy hidden in the corner came out.

They wore masks and held daggers in their hands, surrounding Euron in the middle.

"Finally, I fished you out."

Euron showed a weird smile at the corner of his mouth. Under the moonlight, his shadow was like a tentacle, and began to twist and shake uncomfortably.


The next day, the Lord's Hall in Meereen.

Daenerys Targaryen sat on the throne, with Barristan and Grey Worm as her guards.

Her expression was complicated as she watched Lord Hightower report the latest results.

"Your Majesty, everything has been investigated. The leader of the Harpies is actually Hizda, the leader of the Roundheads!"

Euron is very active, not to mention the continent of Essos, even in the continent of Westeros, he is a unique existence.

The conspirators in the city of Meereen alone are not enough for him and Lord Hightower to play with.

After using black magic to capture several Harpy people, Euron followed the clues and soon found out the top brass of the entire organization.

Gray Worm and Barristan were a little confused: "This makes sense. It turns out that the Roundhead Party people have been lurking around us. No wonder we have been at a disadvantage in the confrontation with them."

Euron brought the bruised Hizda to the hall and said condescendingly: "Tell our great Queen about your conspiracy."

Hizda at this time was very different from what Daenerys remembered.

In the past, Hizda was a personable and polite nobleman. He even proposed to himself with high spirits and vowed to tell himself:

As long as you are willing to marry me, I will risk my life to personally visit all the noble families in Meereen to ensure that the harpy will never come out to hinder your rule.

And now?

Euron didn't know what method he used. This Hizda was completely in panic and fright. His hair was disheveled and there were scars all over his body. He knelt on the ground obediently.

Hizda cried bitterly and confessed all the plots of himself and other nobles: "We are going to use this incident to force you and me to get engaged. After we get married, I will invite you to visit the Colosseum. The Colosseum is ours." We will assassinate you there..."

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, I have told you everything I know, wuwuwu, please, please have mercy, kill me, kill me!

Don't hand me over to this devil again, oooooooo, kill me, please. "

Hizda kept begging for mercy, and his cries made anyone who heard him feel his fear and awe.

Daenerys didn't show any strange expression on her face, but she was very surprised in her heart. She didn't expect Euron to be so capable!

The harpy thing has been bothering her for a long time, and she even thought about whether to really get engaged to Hizda to solve this problem.

Unexpectedly, I was still too naive, thinking that marriage would solve all problems.

The politics of this world are full of intrigues and intrigues. You never know what kind of face everyone has behind their mask.

Daenerys constantly reflected on what she had done, and her mentality gradually changed.

Originally, she should have trusted Earl Hightower and Euron who helped her handle everything at this time, but after experiencing several betrayals and deceptions, Daenerys no longer trusts anyone.


Daenerys thought of another thing. Euron and Hightower were so capable that they didn't look like mediocre people. How could such people actually flee to her side?

So, what kind of person is Robb Stark who defeated these two men one by one?

A sense of curiosity and even a little fear arose in Daenerys's heart.

That person is the strongest enemy he will face after returning to Westeros!

Forget it, let’s deal with the matter at hand first.

"Execute them." Daenerys said coldly. "All nobles who participate in the Harpy organization will also be executed."

Daenerys thought for a moment and added: "Everyone."

In the past, many of the harpies' killers were children. Daenerys was unwilling to harm these people, thinking that they were just bewitched.

However, Daenerys is no longer so indecisive. She still has a kind and righteous heart, but her enemies are not qualified to be forgiven.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Queen."

Earl Hightower and Euron looked at each other, both of them were very satisfied with the results of today's handling.

The forces loyal to Daenerys suddenly lost two people. Whether Daenerys wanted to or not, she had to rely on two people.

Earl Hightower continued: "Your Majesty, because of your wise decision, the trade in Slaver's Bay has almost stopped. The nearby cities seem to be a little dissatisfied with you. They have entangled their troops in Yunkai and are about to fight. "

Daenerys had anticipated this situation.

The people of Yunkai sent gifts to ask for peace, but she refused, so this war will definitely happen.

This is a conflict of ideas and interests between the two parties, which is almost inevitable.

Daenerys stood up: "Get ready to fight!"

Euron was the first to respond: "Your Majesty, I am willing to take soldiers to sea to meet your enemies! Please give me this opportunity!"

Although Daenerys was wary of Euron, this man's performance was too positive. Now was the time to employ people, so she nodded and agreed to Euron's request.

Euron's face was overjoyed. With Daenerys' support, the strength of his fleet will be further improved!

In this way, when fighting against the Yunkai fleet, his trump card will be restored!

The Drowned God is Euron's most powerful trump card, but since the battle with Robb, the Drowned God has almost stopped responding to Euron.

The reason is also very simple. He was beaten to the point of death by Robb, and it was the time when he needed to recover. How could he still have the strength to respond to Euron?

And Euron happens to know how to help the god regain his strength.

Whether it is the old gods or the Lord of Light in Essos, the best way to help the gods is always blood sacrifice.

The children of the forest under the old god used the blood sacrifice of a thousand people to perform such terrifying spells as Poseidon's Hammer.

In the continent of Essos, blood sacrifices to the King of Light are even more commonplace.

Anyway, the lives of slaves and low-level people were used. In the eyes of the big nobles, the lives of these people were not even as valuable as their own livestock.

It can be used for sacrifice and gain power, which is perfect.

Euron is going to use this war to sacrifice all the blood of Yunkai's coalition army to the Drowned God in one fell swoop. When the power of the Drowned God is restored, he will be the great Euron who travels all over the world again!

Euron and Lord Hightower have gained Daenerys' trust. Most people are very happy, but some people have sad expressions on their faces.

Quentin, the prince from Dorne and the nominal King's Hand, feels like an outsider. He has no chance to speak at the royal meeting.

And he himself did not bring any troops, which resulted in him having almost no say.

Even Euron and Lord Hightower did not take him seriously at all, and excluded him when they counted the forces of Meereen.

Another one is Daario.

He was attracted by Daenerys' beauty, killed the leader and the deputy leader, and brought the mercenary group to join Daenerys.

He wanted to show off his skills and win the heart of the beauty, but he didn't expect that the situation was getting more and more unfavorable to him. The heart of the beauty seemed to be snatched away by these two newcomers!

The two men who were suspected of falling out of favor looked at each other and saw unwillingness in each other's eyes.

A kind of tacit understanding established a connection between the two.


Star City.

Robb took a quick look at the progress of the current buildings. After feeling that it was not bad, he prepared to ride Bahamut away.

There are still many things worth fighting for in the Slaver Bay on the Essos continent.

"Your Majesty, this is what you want."

Before leaving, the Minister of Engineering, Old Peeler, came over with several servants.

Several servants carried a huge spear on their shoulders, and they were not even sure whether this thing could be considered a spear.

This is a long-pole weapon, but the spearhead subverts people's cognition.

Rather than saying it is a spearhead, it is better to say that it is a giant sword!

A giant sword with a long pole!

Robb easily took it from the hands of several servants, waved it a few times, and felt very satisfied.

Old Skinner and the servants looked at Robb with envy and surprise.

"Your Majesty is really powerful. He can wave a weapon that can only be lifted by several people easily. No wonder the Mountain is not your opponent."

"What Mountain? It's just a toy in front of your Majesty!"

"Are you focusing on the wrong thing? The material of this weapon is the key point. Such a huge and heavy weapon is made of Valyrian steel. This is simply...too luxurious!!"

Robb's mood improved slightly after listening to his subordinates' flattery. He finally understood why some people like to listen to flattery.

Flattery never wears out!

But Robb still taught him a lesson: "Okay, don't just focus on these things, you still have to do your own things."

"As for this gun, its appearance is a replica of a legendary weapon I specially made. Let's call it the Dragon Hunting Lance!"

Hearing this name, Bahamut shuddered.

Robb laughed and flew to Bahamut's back: "The Dragon Hunting Lance with the ancient dragon is somewhat similar to the Nameless King."

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