Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 204 The thief who gave gifts

After returning to the manor, Robb was somewhat surprised to find a strange man.

The man was wearing a black classical robe and a pointed soft hat. He looked like a magician. His black curly hair and eyes added a bit of bookishness. His thin face often flashed a cunning light.

Robb saw at a glance that something was wrong with the man in front of him: "Doppelganger?"

The other party was not surprised that Robb could see his identity. He lifted up the monocle he was wearing and replied with a smile: "Yes, Mr. Robb, but when the real body dies, I will naturally be the original body."

"Which faction are you from? The seven major churches or the royal family of other countries?"

Robb was not surprised by the strangers who appeared in his home from time to time, because when he came to this world, he crossed the barrier and attracted the attention of many gods. And now there are so many weird beings outside. It is normal for them to worry about their composition and send people to check.

As long as it is beneficial to him, Robb doesn't care much even if the other party is a little guy who doesn't know manners.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Amon. They all call me..." At this point, Amon's thin cheeks showed a smile: "The Blasphemer."

Robb looked at him strangely: "I don't think you are very strong. The gods here are quite powerful. If you are really invincible, you should come to Backlund in person and fight those gods."

Amon was not discouraged, but continued to follow his own rhythm: "I don't belong to any force, or rather, I am a force myself. I came here this time to make a deal with you."

"What deal?"

Amon originally thought that the other party would refuse, but he didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

"I have a blasphemous slate in my hand. If you are willing, you can take a look."

The blasphemous slate?

Robb knew that this thing seemed to record the things that happened in this world. For Robb now, it is indeed a good thing that he needs.

"So, what's the price?"

"This is a big opening promotion. There's no price. It's just a small gift from us. It's not a big deal."


Robb quickly caught the loophole in Amon's words and couldn't help but sneer. Just now he said he was a force, and now there's a 'we'. What these people say is really unbelievable.

But Amon didn't feel embarrassed at all. He stretched out his hand and condensed an illusory stone tablet in his palm, and then smiled and sent it to Robb.

This is a stone tablet that records the secret of becoming a god. Robb closed his eyes and soon felt that this stone tablet was real, but it seemed to hide part of the content.

After a simple glance at the content on the stone tablet, Robb instantly remembered the content on the stone tablet.

"The path to godhood in the twenty-two sequence paths, as well as the way to godhood, the concept of similar sequences, the level of the Old Ones..."

The content on this slate is very rich. If an ordinary person or even a person of a low sequence sees this content directly, he might collapse directly. The content in it is really too blasphemous!

Gods should be high above and unchanging.

Now someone tells you that anyone can become a god, and even tells you the way to become a god. This is enough to completely destroy the faith of a believer.

But Robb already knew these contents, so he didn't care much. What really made Robb care was the content behind.

Above the gods, there are the Old Ones!

If several gods of adjacent sequences want to go further, they can only devour the gods of adjacent sequences, which is a very cruel thing.

But the desire to become the Old Ones is greater than everything!

"No wonder when the goddess asked me to choose the initial sequence, she didn't let me choose the one related to the Night Path. Was it because she was afraid of disputes..."

Robb also instantly understood the relationship between the gods.

After you determine your own sequence, you have basically determined your allies and opponents.

If a sequence has not yet produced a true god, then everyone in this sequence is basically your enemy. After becoming a true god, the gods of other sequences and you are in a worldview of the dark forest, or a worldview of the prisoner's dilemma, and you must kill Him first.

"The Augustus family has collected most of the sequence one of the judge sequence. If I want to become a god, I must be enemies with this family. No wonder... So you are the one who has been interfering with and guiding my destiny, wanting me to get in touch with all this and slowly make a deal with you."

Robb has his own judgment on the previous things: "All this happened after I got the quill pen, so what you want is the quill pen, which is the uniqueness of the visionary sequence, so that's it."

Amon still smiled: "Yes, what I want is that quill pen."

"Then what do you want to exchange with me?"

Robb is not a fool. The other party looks like he wants to become a god. If he gives up his uniqueness because of a blasphemous slate, it would be a bit funny.

"You may not know that the current Emperor George III is Sequence 1 of the Judge Sequence, but he is about to become not the Judge, but the Black Emperor of a similar sequence. He has made all the preparations, and he will be able to complete the ceremony and ascend to the throne of God after a few days of speech."

Amon's words still surprised Robb a little, because after reading the history books, Robb knew very well that no one had been able to become a god for a long time. If George III could become a god, it would definitely be a very powerful threat to him.

This matter is also very clear, because the Judge and the Black Emperor are of similar sequences, and the two sides are in a situation of life and death. Robb and George III are natural enemies.

And the other party can tell him this, which is indeed a very valuable information.

"We know that this is a very bad thing for you, so we are willing to make a little contribution to help you get two Sequence 1 potions, and then exchange the quill in your hand with you, how about it?"

Amon generously offered his conditions: two Sequence 1 potions in exchange for the quill, which is a very fair price for Robb.

But judging from the current situation, the two Sequence 1 potions are basically in the hands of the Augustus family, and it is not so easy to get them.

"When George III ascends the throne, He will hold a ceremony. After the ceremony fails, you will obtain these two extraordinary characteristics."

Amon directly put forward his conditions.

Robb was still very tempted by this deal, but he felt a little unconvinced about Amon and the people behind him.

"Then let's talk about it when the time comes. I will see how you perform."


Time soon came to the day when George III delivered a war speech.

"The people of the Mechanical Heart and the Church of Storms are assigned to protect the nobles, and only our people of the Church of Night are responsible for protecting the civilians. What does the Augustus family mean?"

Robb looked at the complaining Crested and laughed: "Aren't you the most sympathetic to the civilians? Why are you still unhappy?"

Crested snorted: "It's not a question of who I favor, but the royal family's attitude towards the church has a serious bias, which will make others think that our Church of Night is not as good as others!"

Robb smiled. He could see that the royal family seemed to have a little rift with the Church of Night. In other words, the goddess didn't really like the appearance of a god in the royal family.

But except for the goddess, it seems that other gods have no intention of obstructing this matter.

Even the goddess didn't obstruct it, but she didn't look so positive, as if she was not very happy.

"The main reason is that the gods and the Black Emperor have no competitive relationship."

Robb quickly received Amon's reminder. At this time, Amon was parasitic on a small flying insect, lying on Robb's shoulder, wearing a small black eye circle, and whispered: "George III here is fake, and he will soon ascend the throne in the underground mausoleum in the suburbs."

"Give me a location, I will rush over immediately."

Robb withdrew from the crowd and left quietly, then the whole person disappeared in an instant and appeared in a mausoleum in the suburbs.

After Robb appeared in the mausoleum, the whole person disappeared again in an instant, and the time he appeared was less than 0.1 second.

Amon, who was lying on Robb's shoulder, chuckled: "Don't be so cautious, we really need that feather pen, and time is running out, so we are sincerely cooperating with you."

"Who cares what you say, I will go and see it myself."

Robb just appeared in the mausoleum that Amon mentioned and disappeared in an instant, mainly to prevent the other party from setting a trap for himself, and to simply test it first.

After confirming that there was nothing targeting him in the mausoleum, Robb teleported back to the mausoleum again.

"George III is still giving a speech. To become a god, you only need to destroy one mausoleum. Then you can get everything."

The Black Emperor's coronation requires nine mausoleums, so the forces protecting George III are very scattered. George III himself naturally has the strongest troops, so Robb did not come to the heavily guarded center, but to the mausoleum of a Sequence 1 prince.

"William Augustus, Sequence 1 Hand of Order, can deprive many extraordinary abilities and can also make rules. People or animals who violate them will suffer terrible punishments."

Amon began to introduce this Sequence 1 ability to Robb. From his tone, it can be heard that he doesn't like this Hand of Order very much.

He is a thief, a worm that looks for bugs in the order to grab benefits, so there is an obvious restraint and being restrained relationship between him and the maker of the order. It is normal for both parties to dislike each other.

"You can go and deal with Him without worry. We have also prepared a backup plan for George III."

Amon was talking about Triss.

This girl has been promoted to Sequence 4. As a member of the Witch Cult, she was transformed into a vessel for Chike's advent. Although she will soon collapse, it is really easy to destroy a mausoleum that is not yet a god.

William looked very majestic, wearing a cloak, a little bored, and seemed to be silently waiting for the end of this ceremony.

In His opinion, there would be no accidents in this matter.

Because the Seven Gods have acquiesced to this matter, then with the power and ability of the Augustus family, it is almost impossible to fail.

If those evil gods dare to appear, the Augustus family doesn’t need to do anything. The Seven Gods can just take them all down with one descent.

But He soon felt that there was something wrong with his order.


Amon on Robb’s body screamed in pain, and his whole body began to weather, shrunken in an instant, and then turned into a ball of ash.

This Amon’s clone was only Sequence 4. Under the law of ‘no peeping and malicious intentions’ set by the Hand of Order, it collapsed directly and had no ability to resist at all.

This is the gap between Sequence 1 and Sequence 4.

For high-sequences, basically every time you upgrade a level, your ability and weirdness will increase exponentially.

Sequence 7 can still deal with Sequence 5, but when it comes to Sequence 1 and Sequence 4, basically you can kill them instantly with just one look.

Without Amon, Robb’s body was also severely weakened.

The whole person became listless. Because he violated the rules, he was weakened by this world and his ability was reduced by a level.

But a golden luster soon appeared on Robb's body.

This was the blessing of the golden tree, which could help Robb get rid of all the negative states and return his body to its prime.

Robb felt his body relaxed again, and all the previous restraints were gone.

One by one, purple circular caves appeared in the air, which were connected to the distant starry sky. Huge meteorites flew out of this space and began to wreak havoc in this mausoleum.

William's face changed, and he made a move in an instant. The entire mausoleum instantly became extremely solid, and the order was placed on top, making the gravity here light. He wanted to do his best to reduce the damage.

With his ability, it was not difficult to do this.

But for Robb, destroying the mausoleum was not important. Robb's real goal was actually this William.

Robb instantly turned into a thundercloud, and rushed over the moment William just made a move.

The violent red thunder had begun to get angry. In the sky above this suburb, a group of gray dark clouds appeared, and the thunder fell madly, hitting the top of the mausoleum.

Robb himself rushed at a speed that was difficult for common sense to react to, and arrived in front of William in an instant.

"The damage received has become small."

William had no time to react, and could only try his best to reduce the damage he received.

Fortunately, the Judge Sequence is also very strong in the body, because the execution of order requires strong force to ensure.

So He was just directly thrown away by Robb, and his body was damaged beyond recognition by thunder, but he did not die.

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