Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 22 Water Bird Sword Dance

Robb rushed into the battle, facing the Lannister family's army like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep, and directly started the simplest massacre mode.

The sword in his right hand split the head of a knight, and his left hand stretched out in the other direction. A ball of violently exploding flames directly burned a knight rushing towards him into charcoal.

On the battlefield, all fighting skills are forgotten to a fault.

Robb is now completely relying on instinct to mobilize various energies in his body.

Mechanically repeating slashing movements, subconsciously using various spells and prayers, and ruthlessly harvesting lives.

Lion Slash, Double Slash, Spin Slash, combat skills were displayed one after another.

Robb is like a dancer on the battlefield, elegant and cruel.

In less than ten minutes, a no-man's land appeared around Robb.

The corpses of Lannister soldiers were piled up together, and Robb's body was stained with blood, making him look like he had been soaked in a bucket of blood.

"Ghost! Ghost!"

"It's a vampire, here to claim your life!"

"Run, we lost!"

When the Lannister soldiers saw this hellish scene, they were all frightened to death. Finally, some of them couldn't resist the fear in their hearts, dropped their weapons and ran away.

The wolf cavalry became even more unscrupulous. They almost forgot that they were fighting a difficult battle with an enemy ten times their own. They surrounded Robb and strangled the remaining soldiers defeated by Robb. They resisted and wanted to continue to attack Robb. The cavalry charging around.

The military is a huge collective, not a simple whole.

Some people want to escape, while others want to organize forces to resist, so strange scenes of rout and bloody battles often appear on the battlefield.

Jaime the Kingslayer saw Robb as if he was in an uninhabited land, and it took less than half an hour to completely pierce through his own army, charging towards him unscrupulously.

He was a little distracted for a moment, and there were horse hooves running in his ears, iron boots splashing into shallow water, the dull sound of swords chopping oak shields, the friction of steel colliding, the whistling of bows and arrows, the thunder of war drums, and the simultaneous screams of a thousand horses.

After the trance, James immediately reacted: "Follow me! Follow me!"

Although the Chinese army's thousands of troops were defeated and the war supervising team could not change the morale of the defeated army, James still had his own bodyguards.

Jaime knew that there was only one way to turn this battle into victory, and that was to lead his own men to hold Robb back.

Once the central army is defeated, the frontier troops who are separated to attack the enemy's flanks will also be confused, and may even be turned around by Robb to defeat them one by one.

Jaime reluctantly gathered a few hundred men, holding a spear under his arm, and launched a final attack on where Robb was.


"Follow me and kill!"

Jaime yelled, cheering the team on.

But his cry also caught Robb's attention.

At this time, the blood had blurred Robb's eyes. After wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, Robb finally saw the situation in front of him clearly.

That iconic blond hair is definitely James the Kingslayer.

Can you actually organize people to charge at me?

Robb was a little surprised and stopped casting other prayer spells. He just held the sword and waited quietly for James' arrival.


Jaime roared and swung his sword, slashing several people, all of whom were defeated Lannister soldiers.

In the dark night, the two could clearly see each other, but the crowd was so crowded that the short journey took more than ten minutes.

James saw that all kinds of strange lights on Robb had disappeared at this moment, and he was no different from an ordinary person.

"His magic is gone! Catch him and kill him!"

James was in high spirits and continued to inspire his soldiers.

Robb watched coldly as the opponent rushed over. The wolf cavalry quickly gathered to prepare for a head-on attack on the opponent.

Robb waved his hand to calm the wolfrider's restlessness.

He dismounted.

When James saw this abnormal scene, he felt happy at first, thinking that the other party had taken the wrong medicine, and then his heart sank. He knew that the other party was not an idiot, and he must have some back-up for daring to make such a move.

But no matter what, this is the charge that determines victory or defeat. James thought.

Then James saw Robb clenching the sword in his hand, and then one man jumped high towards his army. He paused strangely in the air for a second, maintaining the posture of swinging the sword.


He rushed towards me at a speed and angle that violated common sense!

Robb sprinted in front of James, swung his sword, and countless sharp white sword energy appeared all around Robb instantly!

Ding Ding Ding Dang Dang Dang!

James felt that his armor was struck countless times at this moment, and then he lost his balance and fell off the horse.

His horse was instantly killed by one of the sword energy.

Robb didn't even look at him as he fell to the ground. His sword dance wasn't over yet.

There was another sprint, stopping at the place where the James army had the most iron hooves. Countless sword energies protected Robb's body, clearing out one no man's land after another in an instant.

Robb's figure is strange. To the Lannister soldiers, he is like an elusive ghost who suddenly appears in a place, takes away the life of the place, and then leaves quickly!

War is the art of killing, and Robb is the dancer on the battlefield.

Waterfowl sword dance!

The Valkyrie's iconic combat skills were once again displayed in Robb's hands.

The wolf riders were greatly encouraged when they saw Robb fighting in the enemy's formation. They all rushed forward and fought with the Lannister army.

Their spears were raised high, and any soldiers who blocked their way were instantly pierced.

The opponent had lost their souls and will to fight. As long as they fought, they would win.

As long as they followed Lord Robb, they would win.

Fight, follow the blood.

Follow the leader covered in blood.

Fight, and then defeat the enemy!

"Winter is coming!"

The wolf riders roared for the second time in this war. This time, they brought the direct army of the Kingslayer Jaime into the abyss of despair.

Jaime lay on the ground, his body covered with scars. He got up with some difficulty and wanted to organize the team to fight again. He didn't believe that Robb was made of iron and would never get tired.

But unfortunately, he was not made of iron either.

Sir Blackfish appeared in front of him. Seeing Jaime bleeding, he attacked without hesitation, knocked him to the ground with his spear, and then dragged the dizzy Jaime to parade around the field.

"Jaime is captured! Surrender and you won't be killed!"

"Jaime is captured! Surrender and you won't be killed!"

Sir Blackfish and several wolf riders ran around the battlefield, showing Jaime off to his cavalrymen.

The cavalrymen of the Lancaster family were truly doomed at this moment.

Except for a few scattered sworn knights who wanted to take back Jaime's body (they thought Jaime was killed by Robb), the rest of the cavalrymen began to flee aimlessly.

The wolf riders began a reckless pursuit.

Thanks to [Daojun Qingxunzi] for the 100-point reward.

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