Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 29 Grandfather's Entrustment

Under the guidance of Uncle Edmure Tully, Robb came to his grandfather's study.

Riverrun is a three-sided shape, and the Duke's study is also triangular, with a protruding stone balcony on the east side, like the bow of a huge sandstone ship.

In Robb's memory, Grandpa Hoster Tully has always been huge, but now he seems to be a little shrunk, his muscles have melted into his bones, and his hair and beard have turned snow-white.

Uncle Edmure spoke softly: "Father, your grandson is here."

Hearing Edmure's voice, Duke Tully opened his eyes. He had blue eyes like Robb.

"Robb... Robb of the little Cat family, I remember him, he inherited my eyes..."

Duke Tully's voice was very small and painful. He groped with both hands, trying to hold Robb's hand.

Robb hurried forward and took his grandfather's hand.

Although the hand was big before, it now looked withered, with loose skin covering the bones, and it had long lost all its strength.

Even though he was seriously ill, Duke Tully still summoned his vassals without hesitation and fought for his family and the Lannister family. This feeling moved Robb a little.

Robb's palm burst into golden light: "Grandpa, it's me... Don't speak first."

Edmure was surprised to find that two golden rings suddenly appeared on the ground, with Robb as the center, and a comfortable air wave burst out.

Edmure had never felt this feeling before, but he inexplicably felt that this was a grace that only gods would bestow, and a baptism that only the most devout believers could enjoy.

[Blessing Grace]

[The prayer of the faded one with the capacity of a king. It can include the surrounding friendly characters and cure abnormal conditions. ]

The golden light exploded, and Duke Tully, who was wrapped in the golden light, only felt warm on his body.

Originally, his stomach was extremely painful, as if countless crabs were clamped in his stomach, and he could only rely on medicine to relieve the pain, but now it has recovered as before!

He was surprised to find that he was hungry!

For Duke Tully, who had not eaten well for a long time, this feeling had not come for a long time. At this moment, he even wanted to cry.

"I... my body doesn't hurt anymore?!"

Edmure was delighted to see his father's complexion improve: "This... what's going on? You just..."

Robb explained: "Grandpa's condition is very serious. I can't completely cure him. I can only relieve his pain."

"This is already very good, this is already very good."

Edmure murmured to himself. He hated himself very much when he saw his father's weak and painful appearance. Now that his father's pain has been alleviated, he feels very relieved.

Edmure said gratefully: "Thank you, Robb!"

Robb waved his hand: "We are all family, so there is no need to say thank you. If I have to say thank you, it's me who should say it. You have suffered for my father."

Uncle Edmure's body was covered with scars, and there was a bandage around his neck. It was left when he fought with the Kingslayer. He almost died on the battlefield.

Lord Tully's eyes regained their spirit. He looked at Robb with a loving smile on his face: "You were only this small before, but now you can lead troops to fight.

I asked them to carry me to the gate tower last night, and I saw it. You did a good job. The torches were like the tide. I heard screams on the other side of the river, and the siege tower was on fire.

You are better than your uncle."

Robb smiled and said, "It's just a trivial matter. Grandpa, not only me, but also Ser Brynden is here."

Hearing that his brother was back, Lord Tully's eyes lit up: "Is he back from the Vale of Arryn? Where is little Kate and Lysa, are they here too?"

"My mother went to the Deer House to find Robert's third brother. Aunt Lysa didn't come to the Vale of Arryn," Robb shook his head, "She has to take care of her son."

"She should come How could she not come? "Duke Tully was a little dissatisfied, "Is Blackfish married?"


Duke Tully was even more dissatisfied: "Humph, I told him, I ordered him to get married! I am his lord, he knows I have the right to arrange a marriage for him."

Robb saw that his grandfather was so old, but still had a childish temper, and he couldn't help but laugh: "Sir Blackfish is very brave in battle and knows how to use strategies. Without him, our war would be difficult to fight."

"He has been a material for leading troops to fight since he was a child. He does have this ability. He used to be called the Knight of the Bloody Gate, right? This Blackfish..."

Duke Tully looked at Robb, then at his son, sighed, and waved to his son: "I have something to say to Robb."

Edmure understood what his father meant and walked out a little disappointed.

"You did a good job. What are your plans next?"

Robb thought for a moment and told the truth: "I want to rescue my family first. Now I will send troops to attack the Lannister family's territory and put pressure on them, but I don't want to fight to King's Landing. The current situation is still complicated."

Lord Tully nodded: "Your idea is very good, worthy of being Ned's son. I don't have a few days to live, I know. Edmure is not as good as you. If it is a peaceful era, he can still be a good duke, but now, he can't defend the riverland."

Seeing that his grandfather spoke so bluntly, Robb did not hide his thoughts: "Although Uncle Edmure is not first-class in leading troops to fight, he has a good reputation among the lords and is suitable for managing all matters within the territory.

As for the military, I think Sir Blackfish would be a good candidate. "

Duke Tully stared into Robb's eyes, which were the eyes that inherited him: "You are indeed a thoughtful person, but this is a good thing for our family."

What he meant was that Robb had an interest in the Riverlands, but Duke Tully knew that the current situation outside was critical. The Riverlands had to rely on the North to overcome the difficulties. Surrendering to Robb was not difficult to accept.

Duke Tully is old and has experienced so many ups and downs on the mainland, so he knows what is the most suitable path.

With only such a few men, Robb defeated the Lannister army and captured Jaime the Kingslayer alive. This feat was enough to spread Robb's name throughout Westeros.

In contrast, his son was defeated by James and was captured by the other side. His reputation has been reduced to the lowest level. It is impossible for him to compete with Robb for the position of commander in any case.

Robb looked at his grandfather solemnly: "You are my family, and I will not let any family member be treated unfairly. At any time, you will be the Duke of the Riverlands, and Uncle Edmure will retain his title. ”

Duke Tully looked at Robb and said without saying anything more: "The future of the Riverlands will be left to you."

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