Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 37 Prison Cell or Guest Room

Cersei hesitated for a moment, but immediately regained her angry expression: "You actually did such a despicable thing! The antidote must be in his body, and you can find it by killing him."

"If you want me to die, just do this. If they dare to send me here, they must have thought about the current situation."

At this moment, a cynical voice came from outside the lobby of King's Landing City.

A short man with a funny walk walked in. He ignored the strange looks from the people around him and walked straight to the box. When he saw the weak James, a sad expression appeared on his face.

"Forgive me, brother. Although I love you, if you want our situations to be reversed, I would rather die."

The little devil Tyrion joked to Jaime in the box, and Jaime inside forced out a weak smile. He finally saw his brother and lover again, just like in his dream.

Cersei looked at the little devil, her disgust palpable: "Aren't you at your father's place? Why are you here?"

The little devil jumped on the chair and put on a hand-spreading expression: "What a pity. I originally wanted to kiss your face, sister, to disgust you, but I didn't expect you to stand. As for why I came, it's not because of those stupid things you did... …”

Tyrion Lannister took out a letter of appointment from his arms, which was written by Lord Tywin, the current Hand of the King, making the little devil temporarily serve as the prime minister of the kingdom.

"Earl Tytos Lakewood had already met with his father before he came here. My father generally agreed to his request, but in the end it was your decision. I just took a look."

The little devil sat on the chair and looked at Earl Lakewood with interest: "I didn't expect you to put my brother in the box. My father and I were deceived by you. Your Majesty Robb is really brave. How dare you do this.”

Joffrey yelled: "He is not a king, he is a false emperor!"

Tytos Lakewood corrected him seriously: "My king has no intention of fighting for the continent of Westeros. He is a king, but not an emperor."

James struggled to stand up with the help of Cersei. He looked at Cersei and said apologetically: "Before coming, Robb and I made an oath. No matter whether you can reach an agreement or not, I will give him two Sister, don’t blame me, if you don’t agree, I will let them go secretly…”

Cersei looked at Jaime and knew that was who he was.

Although others called him the Kingslayer and thought he had no knightly honor, she always knew that James was such a person.

Moreover, when she saw the little devil, Cersei understood what her father meant: she wanted to agree to Robb's request.

This deal is definitely a good deal for the Lannister family.

Jaime and the two daughters of House Stark?

Even if I exchange it for ten daughters of the Stark family, it won’t be a loss!

So he must have other requirements.

Cersei looked at Lakewood: "Okay, tell me the request of the master behind you. What does he want before he is willing to give me Jaime's antidote?"

Lakewood said loudly: "First, my king's two sisters must be released and allowed to return safely to White Harbor from King's Landing by sea. He also announced that the engagement between Sansa and Joffrey Baratheon was officially terminated. ”

This request was completely acceptable to Cersei. Joffrey was very angry. He wanted to kill Robb, but he was unable to do anything.

"Second, return Lord Ned's remains immediately. We will fulfill Lord Ned's wish and bury him in the crypts of Winterfell, letting him sleep underground with his brothers and sisters. The guards who followed him to King's Landing The body must also be returned."

Joffrey was a little unhappy, for he had lost an interesting toy.

"Third, Lord Ned's great sword 'Ice' must be sent to Riverrun and handed over to my king."

"Fourth, Lord Tywin releases our knights and lords captured in the Battle of the Green Fork. After he does so, my king will immediately release all hostages taken in the Whispering Woods and the Battle of Riverrun."

The little devil found a glass of wine and drank it. Earl Lakewood had already reached an agreement with Tywin on this point, and now he just came to inform the adults in King's Landing.

"Finally, King Joffrey and the Queen Regent must declare to the whole country and relinquish their rule over the North and the Three Rivers region. From now on, our country will no longer have anything to do with it, but will be a free and independent kingdom, no longer the same as in ancient times. Different. Our territory includes all the Stark family fiefdoms north of the Neck, as well as the area where the Trident River and its tributaries flow, starting from the Golden Teeth City in the west and ending in the Mingyue Mountains in the east."

Although Lakewood's last request was not unexpected, it still shocked everyone.

It's like you knew bad news early on, but it never happened, and finally it happened before your eyes.

Cersei was so angry that her face turned pale, and Joffrey was even more furious: "Damn it! Damn it! I will never agree, I will kill him, I will kill him!"

"King Joffrey!" Earl Lakewood was not afraid at all and retorted loudly: "These are all my king's conditions. If you accept it, my king will bring peace to King's Landing. If you don't accept it, King's Landing will become the next Whispering Forest." !”

Seeing Joffrey being frightened again, Lord Lakewood felt an inexplicable joy in his heart, and the words Robb said to him echoed again.

Negotiation is a competition of forces behind the scenes. If you can't win on the battlefield, you won't get anything on the negotiation table, but now that I have won on the battlefield, the rest is up to you.

Cersei looked at Lord Lakewood and said, "We will not agree to that last request."

"Then when Lord Renly leads an army of 100,000 to attack King's Landing, Lord Tywin will find that his army is trapped in Harrenhal by my king."

Cersei sneered: "You want to form an alliance with Renly? Don't forget, Renly also proclaimed himself king. All kings have only one requirement, and that is surrender! Renly will never agree to your request."

Lakewood took a step forward without giving in. "That's not a question that someone who has his head on the wall should think about."

Cersei was speechless and said with difficulty: "We still have Dorne."

Lord Lakewood laughed loudly: "That Dorne who wants the Lannister family to die?!"

The halls of King's Landing were silent, and no one could refute Lakewood's words.

"Sir James still has one day. You can think about it slowly, but my king is not a patient person. You should make a decision as soon as possible."

Earl Lakewood looked at the people with unhappy expressions, bowed slightly and saluted, and said politely: "Now please take me to where I live. Whether it is a cell or a guest room in the castle, I am free to do so."

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