
The red-robed monk Soros was a little confused. He completely lost his memory and didn't know what happened.

He saw the members of the Brotherhood Without Banners kowtowing to him, and the Wolf Cavalry looked at him with complicated eyes.

In the end what happened?

What did His Majesty Robb mean?

The God I believe in is the Lord of Light.

Does God still have this emotion of fear?

"Why is it so hot? What is this...ahhhhh!!!"

While the red-robed monk Soros was still in a state of confusion, screams brought everyone's thoughts back to reality.

When the god descended, the torch in Thoros's hand fell to the ground and ignited the haystack where the body was placed. It was already burning.

The screams came from those 'corpses'.

Those corpses actually moved!

Can you still scream? !

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lord Beric Dondarrion was reborn in the flames, but his current appearance was a bit embarrassing. He was roasted by the smoke and screamed as soon as he was resurrected.

Robb snapped his fingers, and the horse beneath him jumped its hooves, and then a stream of white ice spread forward from the horse's feet, extinguishing the flames on Lord Beric Dondarrion's body.

Beric Dondarrion stopped screaming. He looked around in confusion, and looked at each other with the equally confused red-robed monk Thoros.

Didn't I just die?

I resurrected Beric Dondarrion?

The Lord of Light didn't abandon me? !

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Robb said kindly: "It seems that you still don't know what happened. Let your men explain it to you."

After the members of the Bannerless Brotherhood explained to the two what had just happened, the two finally had a clue, but at the same time they were even more confused and felt incredible.

The King of Light descends?

The test between His Majesty Robb and the Lord of Light?

These sound like fairy tales from ancient times.

But seeing Beric Dondarrion rising from the dead and so many people swearing by his words, they had to believe it.

After Robb saw that both of them knew what was happening, he also began to think about the current situation.

Although some of what the King of Light said were riddles, some were easy to guess.

The resurgence of dragon flames should be said to be about three giant dragons hatched by Dragon Mother in another continent. The flames of the dragons revived the ability of the King of Light.

It’s easier to understand when winter is coming, and we are talking about the Night King beyond the Great Wall.

Judging from what the King of Light expressed, does he want to join forces with him to deal with the Night King?

Having allies is a good thing, but choosing who to be your ally is a technical job. If you make a poor choice, you may encounter a backstabber.

Since the King of Light is the first to come to the door, let’s investigate first.

As for the two people in front of him, Robb also thought about how to arrange them.

First, Robb looked at the resurrected man: "Lord Beric Dondarrion, you are still willing to serve King Robert after the great changes in the royal capital. I admire your loyalty. You are willing to join me and the Lannister army. Fight?"

"If you don't want to, I will send someone to escort you back."

Lord Beric Dondarrion hesitated. He was the lord of Blackport City and his territory was in Dorne. This was one of the few areas not involved in the war.

If he says he wants to go back now, he can immediately stay away from these wars and live a peaceful life.

But those were not what he wanted. He could have left long ago, but after seeing what the residents of the Riverlands suffered during the war, he could not allow himself to leave.

Fraternity, loyalty, mercy.

The spirit of knighthood always shines in his heart.

Beric Dondarrion made up his mind and looked at Robb: "I want to stay and fight for the innocent people in the Riverlands."

Robb admired this warrior very much: "My uncle Ser Edmure is active around here. If you take the people with us, you will have a place with Sir Edmure."

Beric Dondarrion nodded in agreement. He didn't care who worked for him. What he cared about was whether he could save innocent people.

Robb looked at the red-robed monk Thoros again. This man had the experience of divine descent. He was the intermediary between the King of Light and himself and must be kept by his side.

"You should know what happened just now. My team happens to be short of warlocks, so you should join the Wolf Cavalry."

"As you wish, Your Majesty." The red-robed monk Soros did not refuse.

After he met Robb, the Lord of Light came to him and gave him the ability to resurrect the dead. The meaning of these phenomena could not be clearer.

The Lord of Light made himself a missionary to His Majesty Robb, serving Robb with the miracles God had given him.

The matter of God descending has come to an end for the time being.

After Robb took care of everything, he continued to lead the team around the riverlands, looking for the lackeys sent by Tywin.

Because of the addition of members of the Brotherhood Without Banners, the speed of the Wolf Cavalry has slowed down a bit, but the efficiency of clearing the ruins of villages along the way has improved a lot.

Every time he passed a village, Robb's anger grew unknowingly.

Robb didn't know how many people Tywin sent out to rob, but he had a clear idea of ​​their cruelty.

These people are simply beasts!

Even in this era, there is a qualitative gap in status between nobles and civilians, and no normal noble would think that civilians should be treated like this.

As long as the village was visited by Tywin's army, no one was left alive. From their bodies, it can be seen that they had suffered inhuman torture before their death.

The food and livestock in the village were either robbed or burned.

Civilians hung on poles to dry naturally.

Children torn apart alive.

The appearance of the woman was even more unbearable to look at. No kind-hearted person wanted to know what happened.

Robb became more and more angry.

"Move that Burton Crakehall out and let the horses drag them away. We will hang them on the spears when we rest. Let them see the crime they committed."

At this time, Burton Crakehall was no longer in shape.

He had lost his skin, and all his blood vessels and muscle fibers were exposed. Not to mention touching, even the sunlight made him feel miserable.

But what made him most crazy was that he should have died long ago!

Who can survive so long after such severe torture?

But every time he was about to die, a golden light would inexplicably appear on his body, repairing his injuries and maintaining his life.

Is this the legendary healing spell?

But is this how the healing spell is used?

Why would a spell that symbolizes mercy harm oneself like a demon?

The knights under his command were the same as him, the only difference being that they had lost their tongues and could not say a word.

They were now living a life worse than death, and their hearts were filled with regret.

However, Sir Burton Crakehe soon found some comfort,

because more and more people were experiencing the same thing as him.

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