Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 51 The battlefield between two people

The power of the Magic Mountain is beyond everyone's expectation.

It's normal for knights to wear chainmail under their armor, but the Magic Mountain's armor is no ordinary armor!

No one thought that Magic Mountain also wore an extremely thick chainmail armor inside the armor!

Normal chainmail Daisy can cut it off with absolute certainty, but not Magic Mountain's.

"Go to hell!"

The roar of the Magic Mountain resounded throughout the battlefield. He had just felt the threat of death. A substance called adrenaline, but no one knew what it was called, was secreted crazily in his body.

He waved his arms desperately and directly lifted up Little Jon who was holding his right hand!

In Little Jon's incredible eyes, the Mountain directly broke Little Jon's neck.

With the pressure of losing one person, the remaining four can no longer control the Magic Mountain.

The Mountain struggled to its feet again.

He directly grabbed Daisy Mormont lying on his chest. She was the direct source of the death threat.

Like a bug, the Mountain threw her out, slamming her against the wall and falling down limply.

The other three centurions were also caught by the magic mountain and were either thrown out or had their necks broken before being thrown out.

In just a few minutes, the Mountain turned defeat into victory and defeated five centurions.

"Hail! Long live the Mountain! Long live Clegane! Long live Lannister!"

Notepad and Sweet-tongued Rafe, who had been watching the battle, instantly showed expressions of ecstasy.

They know that from now on, no matter how amazing the legendary Wolf Cavalry is, there is no chance of a comeback at this moment.

Unless Lord Magic Mountain died suddenly, but how could that happen?

"Long live!"

Magic Mountain's men also regained their confidence.

Although they were still a little scared when they looked at the Wolf Cavalry, they believed that as long as they followed Lord Magic Mountain, they would be invincible.

The faces of the Bracken family were all covered in shadow at this moment.

They have gone through too much today.

The despair at the beginning, the hope of the arrival of the wolf cavalry, but now the magic mountain has shattered this hope with his own hands.

This pain is more intense than if there was no hope in the first place!

"It's over, it's all over," murmured Hendry Bracken.

The others said nothing, they were in complete fear.

Beth looked gloomy and prayed silently in her heart: The seven gods are above, if it can save my family and Stone Fence City, I am willing to go to the monastery and become a nun and serve for life.

I don't know whether it was because she was not noticed by the Seven Gods or because her prayers were not heard by the Seven Gods, but nothing happened on the battlefield.

The Demon Mountain army, which had regained its composure, began to counterattack again.

The situation once again turned towards the Magic Mountain.

Is this the end? Beth's face was filled with despair.


A loud wolf howl interrupted the gradually rising momentum of the Magic Mountain troops on the battlefield.

Then, a huge direwolf appeared on the city wall, overlooking the battlefield from a high position.

However, no one focused on the direwolf, because next to it stood a tall figure.

He has auburn hair and blue eyes, a strong build, wears a close-fitting and simple leather armor, and holds a long sword in his hand.

The battlefield seemed to come to a standstill at this moment, and everyone stopped fighting at this moment.

That figure seemed to have an innate aura that no one dared to ignore.

After the wolf cavalry saw the figure, they first knelt down together, then immediately picked up their weapons and confronted the men of the Magic Mountain.

"Your Majesty Robb! It must be His Majesty Robb!"

"King in the North! Your Majesty Robb!"

"It's Robb! That Stark boy, we're going to get rich!"

"Seize Robb, maybe we can become knights immediately, wealthy knights!"

"King Joffrey won't be so stingy, maybe he can become a baron!"

"What are you dreaming about? You idiot!"

The performance of the Wolf Cavalry instantly made everyone on the battlefield realize the identity of that person.

In an instant, Robb was surrounded by the last hope, greedy eyes, and complex emotions in all his eyes.

Beth Bracken looked at Robb's figure, and a glimmer of hope rose in her heart again.

Is this the salvation that the Seven Gods brought to themselves after hearing their call?

Robb didn't care about what others thought. He stretched out his hand to touch Gray Wind's neck, then used hound steps, dodged several times, and appeared in front of the Mountain.

Ignoring the terrifying look in the Mountain's eyes, Robb looked around and looked at his five centurions.

"As a Centurion of the Wolf Cavalry, his performance on the battlefield can only be described as barely adequate."

Daisy Mormont's head was dizzy after the impact, and her body was in severe pain, but she still heard Robb's words and lowered her head in shame.

Little Jon may also be ashamed, but his neck has been broken by the Mountain and he can't hear any sound.

Robb waved his hand: "After we go back, we still need to practice more to avoid a situation like today again."

Magic Mountain's dull voice sounded from the flat-top helmet: "Huh? What are you talking about? I have broken the necks of these little pets you raised."

"It doesn't matter, but it's not something you should worry about anymore."

Robb's height stood before the Mountain, like a toddler standing before an adult.

But Robb spoke as if he were the adult.

Notepad laughed: "Master Magic Mountain, twist off the head of that false king!"

‘Sweet-tongued’ Raf also started shouting and cheering: “Kill him, Lord Magic Mountain!”

Bess on the side was also puzzled: "Why is Your Majesty standing alone in front of the magic mountain? Why don't the people around you go up to protect?!"

It seemed to them that Robb was within range of the Mountain.

All the Mountain has to do is make a sudden attack and wave his two-handed sword, and Robb's life may be in danger!

But Robb didn't take a step back, and there were no guards around to protect him.

They don't know that from the perspective of the wolf cavalry, the Magic Mountain has now entered the blood wolf's hunting range!

It's just that the poor prey didn't realize what was happening.

He even raised his sword and wanted to swing it at Lord Robb.

What a ridiculous thing?

The Mountain raised his two-handed greatsword, thinking that Robb might be crazy.

"In that case, I will send you to the Seven Gods. There, you can reunite with the puppies you raised, train them well, and tell them that when they see me, they must know how to run..."

The Mountain showed no hesitation or mercy at all. The two-handed sword in his hand was like a mountain avalanche, pressing towards Robb.

In just one second, the self-proclaimed king of the little wolf cub would be dead.

The Mountain thought this, but the next second, what he saw was not the tragic sight of blood splattering on Robb's body.

Instead, countless black and red flames suddenly emerged from Robb's body.

Thanks to [Lady Xu] for the tip.

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