The stranding place of the Fever River is only ten miles away from the Bay of Cailin.

The cavalry can arrive in about ten minutes, and the infantry can march quickly for about half an hour.

When the siege of the Bay of Cailin began, Victarion Greyjoy found that he had not received any reports from the soldiers left behind for more than an hour.

The spies sent out also fell into the sea and never came back.

In addition, there were continuous thunders on the other side of the Fever River.

These abnormal phenomena all indicate that something must have gone wrong in this operation.

Uneasy emotions spread in Victarion Greyjoy's heart, and his reason and caution told him that he must go back to see what was going on.

The people of the Iron Islands are all soldiers, and the more than 10,000 people he brought with him account for almost three-fifths of the population of the Iron Islands. If something goes wrong here...

Victarion Greyjoy is determined to go back and take a look.

"The siege will be slowed down temporarily, but don't stop! Those behind, follow me back to see!"

The huge army began to turn around slowly. More than 10,000 people are not a small number. The front is still besieging the city, and the troops behind have already begun to turn around.

Victarion Greyjoy knew that he couldn't give up the siege easily, otherwise the formation would be scattered, and then the enemy would rush over and it would be over.

On the hill behind, two centurions, Little Jon and Daisy Mormont, led 2,000 people and watched the movement below.

Little Jon was somewhat proud: "Ed Karstark won't be back, will he?"

"Well, he went to deal with the ironmen who looted the village. He won't be back for a while."

Little Jon couldn't help laughing and said, "Who told him to lose the draw? When I kill the guy holding the squid flag, my military exploits will be greater than his!"

Daisy snorted: "Remember His Majesty's order, send troops when the enemy is halfway around, don't get into a deadly battle with the enemy, we are outnumbered and can only attack."

Little Jon didn't care: "Maybe they will be defeated by our charge. His Majesty also said that we should make our own judgments based on the situation on the battlefield, and don't be so rigid."

"Don't dream, do you think you are His Majesty? Look! They turned their heads, and Ser Stevron in Cailin Bay also raised the signal flag to respond to us."

The two waved their hands without hesitation.

The soldier holding the bugle immediately got up from the ground, puffed up his cheeks, and blew the horn of attack.

Little Jon led the way: "Follow me and kill for the King of the North!"

"Kill! Kill these bandits!"

"Kill these sons of bitches!"

"For the King of the North, for His Majesty Robb, and for Stark!"

The Streamlands and the Tomb of the First Men are often robbed by bandits from the Iron Islands because they are close to rivers and coasts.

Many soldiers' belongings and relatives were abducted by the people of the Iron Islands. At this time, they don't need any fighting incentives to inspire their fighting spirit.

The soldiers of the North were waiting for the opportunity, while the other side experienced marching and harassment at night, and was forced to attack the city in the morning. Their morale had already reached the lowest point.

With one side gaining and the other losing, they were certainly no match for the soldiers of the North.

At this time, the gate of the besieged Cailin Bay was actually opened.

Teams of solemn spearmen and archers came out, shouting Robb's name and rushing towards the troops still besieging the city.

Stevren Frey is over sixty years old, but his spirit is still as good as before.

He rushed out with a spear between his ribs.

Victarion Greyjoy was horrified when he saw this, but he only had one thought in his mind: there was an ambush, he had fallen into a trap, and he had to go back to the ship!

The ship was the capital of the Ironmen to move freely and survive.

If the enemy was not a fool, he would definitely attack the fleet when ambushing us.

The ship must not be in trouble!

"Don't worry about these people! Go back to the ship first!"

"Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!"

When Little Jon led his men to the Iron Islands team, he did not rush in, but harassed from the periphery.

Relying on the military flag command system developed by Robb, Little Jon was like a shepherd, constantly launching attacks on the flanks of the Iron Islands team, but avoiding bloody battles with the enemy.

Little Jon was shooting arrows while cursing: "Damn, can't you read the flags? How did those pigs rush in!"

"Drive them away, drive them away! Do you understand?! I've taught you the flag language for more than ten days, but you still can't read it. If it were the wolf cavalry, His Majesty would have chopped off your head long ago!"

"The rest of you follow the flags!"

Little Jon and Daisy Mormont were commanding conscripted soldiers, who were originally dull. A thousand people together could not recognize more than a thousand words.

Although it was okay during training, it was good enough if half of the people could act according to the flags on the battlefield.

But even so, it was enough when facing the Iron Islands bandits with low morale.

The people of the Iron Islands didn't even know what command was. They were originally the ones who robbed and ran, highlighting a scattered and free nature. Command? If you can hear it, you can act, if you can't hear it, just rob it.

Driven by Little Jon and Daisy Mormont, the battlefield was quickly divided into two parts.

Victarion Greyjoy, who was preparing to return to the ship, was divided into two parts with seven or eight thousand people. The troops left behind to continue the siege were sandwiched between the two teams of Smalljon, Daisy Mormont and Stevron.

If Victarion Greyjoy could look back, he would know that it would be best to turn around and quickly eat up the two small teams that attacked him, so as to relieve the pressure on the siege troops.

But now he was only focused on going back to check on his precious fleet and didn't want to care about those people at all.

Little Jon and Daisy Mormont stopped driving them away and led two thousand people to encircle and suppress the siege troops left behind.

Those ironmen who were left behind didn't know what happened yet, but suddenly felt that they were surrounded by the enemy's people. Where did their own people go?

They didn't have a God's perspective and didn't know that their main force still retained its strength.

They only knew that they were going to be finished.

There were people from the North outside!

"God of the Drowned God! How many people are there?!"

"I don't know. All the people in front and behind are from the North. We are ambushed!"

"Lord Victarion Greyjoy is missing too. Has he been defeated?"

"Victarion Greyjoy has been captured?!"

"What? Victarion is dead?!"

"It's over! That son of a bitch, Vic or something, is dead. We are finished!"

The power of rumors should not be underestimated. The Iron Islands soldiers who were left behind soon imagined the most serious consequences in their minds.

Then, they threw away their weapons and ran away.

Seeing this, Little Jon was overjoyed. He chopped off the head of an Ironborn and stuck it on the spear, and ordered the soldiers to shout together: "I have chopped Victarion to death! Surrender and you will not be killed!"


After running for more than half an hour, the real Victarion Greyjoy finally arrived near the Fever River, but he was dumbfounded on the spot.

The Fever River was frozen.

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