In the hall of Winterfell, four members of the Stark family gathered together, and Robb held a rare family dinner.

Since the old duke left Winterfell, this is the first time that so many Starks have gathered here.

Rickon Stark, the youngest, cried non-stop when he saw Robb. His father's death was a big blow to him. He was just a child of a few years old. When he saw his elder brother, he could do nothing but cry.

Robb did not comfort him too much. The little boy cried too much and naturally understood that tears can only vent emotions, but cannot restore the truth of lost things.

Bran has matured a lot. During the time when his brother was away, he has always played the role of the elder brother, taking care of and comforting his younger brother. These made him grow up naturally and get rid of his dependence on others psychologically.

And recently Bran has always sensed some strange sounds and often saw three-eyed crows circling.

These mysterious things made him unconsciously contact the world of magic.

He also began to become more wise and calm unconsciously.

Sansa was in the best mood. She had finally escaped from the prison in King's Landing after going through hardships. After returning, Robb's protection made her feel extremely relieved.

This is the sense of security that only family can give.

Robb cut the roast meat with a knife and fork unskillfully, and said to Bran: "I didn't kill the Kingslayer to avenge you, because Sansa still needs him to redeem her, but I cut off his arm to avenge your leg."

Bran was still young, and he was not cruel enough to ask the Kingslayer to pay with his life. He nodded ignorantly, thinking that there was nothing wrong with his brother's actions.

Robb looked at Sansa again: "Sansa, you know, we are fighting now, you are the oldest Stark besides me, and I need you to come to Riverrun to help me later."

Bran heard Robb's words and shouted eagerly: "I can go too!"

Robb comforted: "Bran, you are still young, and there are still many things to learn. Don't you remember that I want to teach you magic? Your task is to learn magic in Winterfell and take care of Rickon."

Bran was a little depressed, but when he heard that he could learn magic, he instantly became interested and stopped clamoring to go south.

Sansa was a little flattered. She didn't expect that she could help her brother: "I... I don't know what I can do..."

Robb comforted: "You are a child of the Stark family, that's enough, I don't need you to help me fight, I want you to do the accounting."

Although there is no concept of accounting profession yet, Robb knows the importance of this profession.

Now his spoils of war are too many to count, and the soldiers who went to the West to plunder are still waiting for enfeoffment.

All this requires a large computing team to handle.

Expect Robb, a rough man who only knows how to kill, to take care of these things?

Let's not joke.

As for the profession of accounting, no matter how capable you are, you must first be your own confidant, otherwise it is easy to go wrong.

Sansa has experienced the baptism of King's Landing. She is no longer the silly girl who wanted to be the queen. She can help Robb deal with the account books.

And her identity as a Stark and her blood connection can make Robb feel at ease to hand over this part of the work to her.

"It's okay, Sansa. These days I will let Grand Maester Luwin teach you the skills of calculation and how to read the accounts. After you learn it, you can go to Riverrun to watch those guys who do the accounts and don't let them tamper with the accounts."

Sansa is very smart. She understands her job and is extremely excited.

This feeling of being valued by family, recognizing your abilities, and entrusting you with important tasks is really great!

Sansa nodded vigorously: "I will definitely do this well!"

At this time, Rickon Stark, the youngest, said in a baby voice: "I want to help my brother too!"

Robb laughed and gave him a big and fat piece of meat: "Your task is to eat well and grow up well, and then you can do things for me."

Sansa couldn't stop smiling at the corners of her mouth. She hadn't felt this kind of family warmth for a long time.

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, and her expression was a little hesitant: "Theon is still imprisoned in the dungeon outside. Brother, how are you going to deal with him?"

Robb sighed. He didn't really want to discuss this in front of his two younger brothers, but they would face a cruel struggle sooner or later. After thinking about it, he still said his thoughts truthfully.

"He betrayed the North and betrayed our Stark family, so he must die."

The faces of the other three showed a look of reluctance. They had a good relationship with Theon and wanted to plead for Theon at this time.

But they also knew that Robb's tone of voice at this time was not "Brother Robb" or even "Lord Robb", but the more majestic "King of the North Robb".

This was the order of the monarch, and they were powerless to change it.

As nobles, they knew the rules of nobles better than others.

Sansa showed a trace of reluctance on her face: "Well, may his soul rest in peace in the weirwood."

Robb smiled: "I heard that he has undergone the teachings of the Drowned God and completed the baptism. He is no longer a believer of the old gods of the North."

Sansa had nothing to say.

While the whole family was there, Robb also told them his next arrangements: "I plan to go to the Wall and bring Jon Snow back."

Sansa and Bran were a little surprised.

Rickon looked confused, not knowing what this meant.

Bran was puzzled: "Didn't he go to the Great Wall? The Night's Watch would not let him back."

Robb explained: "I don't care what oath he becomes of the Night's Watch. Winterfell now needs an adult with Stark blood to lead it."

Robb didn't know what direction the situation would develop next, but the defense of Winterfell must be improved.

Otherwise Bran and Rickon would always be in danger.

Snow's identity is just right.

Now was the time to hire a man, and Robb didn't want him to guard the Wall any longer.

Moreover, there is still a lot to study about Snow’s identity. He has the blood of both Targaryen and Stark families flowing through him.

There are still many people in King's Landing who care about the former dynasty. After Snow reveals his identity, he will definitely attract followers.

When the time comes, Robb will be able to get a big wave of help as long as he operates properly.

Robb returned to Winterfell this time mainly for Jon Snow and Sansa.

Snow's matter involves the Night's Watch, and Robb must come forward to solve it.

Sansa also missed Snow, but she expressed her worries: "The Night's Watch will not let anyone leave."

Robb said calmly: "When will the orders of the Night's Watch be able to resist the King of the North?"

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