The roaring sergeant charged towards Brienne, and Brienne's reaction was very quick. She drew out the long sword from Renly's waist. With one enemy against many, Brienne did not lose at all in the siege.

Renly's body fell to the ground, without Brienne's support, his head rolled down, blood continued to flow out, and the rainbow-colored cloak was dyed one color.

"She didn't do it, that girl loved him, can't you see?! It was Stannis, his brother!"

Catelyn saw a familiar noble in the crowd at a glance. She rushed up and shouted a name, Stannis Baratheon.

She didn't know why she called out this name, but when she called out the name, the shadow she saw instantly overlapped with the Stannis in her memory.

It's really him!

Caitlin instantly understood that Stannis had used evil means to kill his brother with a shadow from dozens of miles away!

Caitlin was instantly horrified.

She shouted to the noble: "You are mistaken, it is not her. Save her! Listen to me, Stannis did it. I swear - you know my honor - it was Stannis who did it he."

The noble hesitated: "This is impossible, Stannis is still here..."

"It's shadow, dark magic!" Caitlin had no choice but to say: "She is innocent, Robert. I promise you, in the name of my husband and the honor of the Stark family!"

The honor of Duke Ned and the Stark family can still be exchanged for a lot of golden dragons in Westeros.

This is a very serious matter, and people at this time, especially nobles, recognize this, and they will not easily lie about their family's honor.

The noble named Robert hesitated for a moment, but Caitlin's assurance still moved him. The Stark family had considerable weight even in the Stormlands.

Moreover, Stannis's army will go to war with Renly's army tomorrow, and it is not impossible to kill the threat with a sneak attack the night before.

"Okay, I believe you. I will stop my men and you leave quickly."

Caitlin thanked her. At this time, Brienne was still fighting like crazy. She wanted to escape and then use her own way to avenge her unrequited lover.

The bonfire was knocked to the ground and the flames began to spread.

Caitlin found an opportunity and knocked out the knight who wanted to sneak attack Brienne with an iron and carbon basin.

Then she looked at Brienne and said in a commanding tone: "Follow me!"

Brienne was so shaken after experiencing all this that she subconsciously seized the opportunity, opened the tent and followed Caitlin out.

There was a lot of noise outside, and many tents were on fire. Soldiers were shouting and running back and forth to put out the fire.

"Go this way," Caitlin pointed, "move slowly. We can't run, otherwise we will arouse suspicion. Just walk as if nothing happened."

Brienne sheathed her sword, with no change in expression on her face. The raindrops in the night sky fell on her face, making it difficult to distinguish.

Soon, rumors of Renly's death spread, and the tents of tens of thousands of troops fell into chaos, and the fire became more and more intense.

Many soldiers gathered together in small groups to talk. The words witchcraft and murder came out of their mouths. Some people knelt on the ground and prayed, but no one cared about the two people walking quickly.

Brienne spoke in a low voice, her tone sounding like she was about to collapse, but she said firmly: "Stannis! I will kill him, I will kill him with my own hands, and use my lord's sword to avenge him. I swear! I I swear!"

Caitlin said nothing, and she quickly found her tent.

Robb was worried about her safety on the road and arranged for members of House Manderly to guard her with cavalry. They were all placed in the corner of the army by Renly.

Ser Wendell Manderly was frantic and was asking around to find out what happened.

If something happened to Caitlin, he wouldn't have to go back to find Robb to revive him, he could just wipe his neck and feel better.

Fortunately, he saw Caitlin back, but the bloody female knight next to him...

It seems that he is the personal bodyguard Renly has just appointed? !

"My lady, the whole camp seems to have gone crazy! Lord Renly..."

"He died, not by us, but we were there at the time. No one will forget this. We have to leave as soon as possible."

Caitlin's tone was urgent, and she immediately started giving instructions after she finished speaking briefly.

"Brenne, we each brought two horses with us when we came out. You pick one and come with us."

When all the guards mounted their horses, Caitlin immediately ordered: "If anyone blocks it, kill him!"

The group of people rode away, and Caitlin looked back.

Under the mist, the endless flying battle flags showed red, pink and orange, showing blue, white and brown, shining with noble golden color.

There were all the elite cavalry of Storm's End and Highgarden. They were Renly's army an hour ago, but now they all belonged to Stannis.

Caitlin understood, even though they probably didn't know it yet. Who else could they serve if not the Last Baratheon?

Storm's End can only be loyal to the Baratheon family, and Highgarden serves as a marriage alliance...


Highgarden was married to Renly, and now Renly is dead!

The purpose of Robb sending him here was to marry Highgarden. Before, he thought he came too late, but now it seems that he came early.

After all, without Renly, will Highgarden continue to support Stannis?

This is impossible.

That old thorn would not trust Stannis with his investment.

He killed his brother!

Catelyn suddenly came to her senses.

She couldn't just leave like that. Robb was still fighting on the battlefield. She couldn't just go back to Riverrun without doing anything.

She had to find the Rose family to discuss the marriage.

Catelyn made up her mind and turned her horse's head again: "Don't leave in a hurry. Once Renly dies, the army of Storm's End will be taken over by Stannis, but the army of Highgarden will definitely leave. We will follow the army of Highgarden and talk to the Knight of Flowers and the little Rose first."

Wendel Manderly was startled: "Madam, didn't you just say that you were at the scene of Lord Renly's death?"

He had something else to say. The little Rose was fine, but the Knight of Flowers and Renly were famous for their love.

On the surface, the Rose family and Renly were getting married, and the little Rose was given.

In fact, there was only the Knight of Flowers.

Such rumors had been flying all over the barracks for a long time.

It is too dangerous to go to the Knight of Flowers at this time.

Caitlin's face showed a serious look: "My son needs me, I must do something for him!"

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