Queen Layla has a strong execution ability and met the king that night. Perhaps this is the difference between her and her husband. King Aerys always talks a lot but does very little, so that he has made almost no achievements in more than ten years. .

How they communicated with each other is unknown to outsiders.

Just one day later, when a large group of Lannister infantry appeared on the outskirts of King's Landing, the king finally arranged for the royal fleet anchored at the dock to escort Queen Leila and the twins to Dragonstone.

"Where are my sister-in-law and nieces and nephews?" Jaehaerys, who arrived at the dock late at night, did not see Princess Elia Martell and her children, so he couldn't help but ask about Queen Layla.

"Your father refused to let them leave, saying that little Aegon, as the heir to the kingdom, should be close to the country..."

"Your sister-in-law was kept in the Red Keep... to prevent Dorne from being unwilling to send troops again, and little Rhaenys..." Queen Layla's eyes turned red. "She has been crying in the past few days saying that her father came to pick her up. She doesn’t want to leave Rhaegar’s room…”

Jaehaerys felt anxious and uncomfortable. Rhaenys was only 4 years old, a very cute little girl. In the memory of the original owner, this little niece was very close to the twins. Although they were separated by a generation, they were only 3 years apart in age. , the little girl followed the twins all day long, acting as their little follower, and behind her was always a black kitten, the cat named Balerion.

In the original plot, when Maegor's Tower was captured, Tywin killed all members of the Targaryen family in order to show his loyalty and sincerity. Rhaenys was dragged out from under Rhaegar's bed by the pig-headed sergeant Amory Lodge. The small body had been stabbed dozens of times.

Little Aegon was thrown against the wall by the Mountain and died after his head was broken. Princess Ilia was raped to death by the Mountain with brains on her hands.

Queen Layla was pregnant, so even though she didn't show her pregnancy, she felt tired after dealing with affairs for a while and went back to her room to rest.

"This is not what I wanted..." Jaehaerys muttered.

"Hi! Xiaojie, I've been working very hard to learn swordsmanship from Sir William recently. Did you enjoy beating me last time? Today I want to return the shame to you intact! Draw your sword, brother!" Viserys took out a practice sword from his waist. It was made of wood on the outside, with an iron bar or lead bar or other metal hollowed out in the middle as a counterweight.

It is a common practice wooden sword for page boys and children. When you get older, you can try to use an unedged blunt sword.

Jaehaerys felt irritated. How could he want to play with him?

So without looking back, he drew his sword, sheathed it, and directly gave Viserys a set of Je's residences.

He turned around and walked away in one go, leaving Viserys standing there, holding the broken sword in his hand!

"Wow!" Viserys looked at the wooden sword with a smooth cross-section, and even the iron bars inside were cut off. He was shocked and cried, looking for William Darry, the trainer of the Red Keep. He had been following him recently. The latter learned swordsmanship, and even Sir believed that he had considerable swordsmanship talent!

Jaehaerys wanted to find Queen Leila, but wondered how she would agree? Even the queen must obey the king's order. Since it doesn't work head-on, we have to kill it first and then report it!

He ordered people to summon Count Lucilis Velaryon, and soon the Count came to the "Conqueror" in a small boat. This was the largest warship in the fleet, with 300 oars. In the Blackwater River, we are still moving very steadily.

"Lord Lucilis!"

"Are you His Highness Jaehaerys?" Lucerys Velaryon recognized him and bowed to salute.

At the king's night banquet not long ago, Prince Jaehaerys left a deep impression on several important ministers. He has a sharp mind, speaks in an organized manner, and has no stage fright in front of the important officials of the court. This is for the son of any lord. , is not an easy thing, especially for the second son.

The lords and nobles of this world generally love their eldest sons. They regard their eldest sons as their heirs and teach them from childhood. They will follow their father to handle government affairs when they are very young. However, the second son does not have this fate.

The second son of most families will be educated from an early age to become a knight, to defend their family and the patriarch of the family. They are instilled in them the honor and responsibility of knights, and that family is above all else, but no one has ever told them how to adapt. They can rely on their own awareness.

Some lords' families have too many boys, which will force some clever second sons to leave home to gain fame. In the north, many second sons and illegitimate sons will join the Night's Watch out of honor, while in the south they will join the church and the school city. This is not a family. You can't afford to support them, but all the family's resources belong to the lord!

"I wonder what your Highness's orders are!" Lord Lucilis asked politely.

"My lord, I need a ship and enough sailors to sail her..." Jaehaerys said, "I want them to obey my orders completely and respond at any time..."

"Who to respond to?" Lucilis asked.

Jaehaerys glanced at him and said, "Of course it's to support the royal family!"

After saying that, he slid down the rope to the boat where the Sea Lord came from, "Tell my mother that I will take my sister-in-law and the others to Dragonstone Island to join her in a few days!"

"Your Highness! Don't leave..." Lucilis looked at the prince who moved like a monkey. While praising his agility, he also shouted loudly.

"I haven't made any arrangements yet! What will you do if you can't find them then?"

"When the time comes, let them fly the seahorse flag of the Velaryon family. We will rely on the slogan, blood and fire come from the same source, and the path is simple!"

Blood and fire come from the same source, the road is simple, the brave will know the right, and the wise will be benevolent.

"Boy, are you ready to go back and be a hero? Is it necessary to save you after taking the Dingben Immortal Root?"

A divine message entered Jaehaerys' mind, and it turned out to be the multi-talon spiritual root.

"Didn't we say we respect each other's privacy? We signed a contract!"

"Respecting mutual privacy doesn't mean you can put us in danger together!"

"Still in danger? Now that I have established a foundation, I have the consciousness to detect dangers, and I understand the plot of this world better, how can there be danger?" Jaehaerys said disdainfully, if he didn't have two kings and four twos, how could he Will you risk yourself?

Duobao Linggen slapped his "forehead". How did this kid get Niu Xian Syndrome after building the foundation? Does he really think that building a foundation will mean he is invincible?

"Baby! This world is not as simple as you think... Let's not talk about it because it is too old. In the few years I have been sleeping, I have felt the divine thoughts of the immortal level many times!"

"Celestial Immortal? What level is that?"

"You should know by now that the realm of cultivation is divided into Qi training and foundation building, right?"

"hold head high!"

"Foundation building is what you call refining Qi and transforming into God when you practice Taoism. Of course, it doesn't matter what the name of this realm is!"

"The important thing is that there is far more than just the realm of foundation building. In the immortal world, there are also human immortals, ghost immortals, earth immortals, heavenly immortals, true immortals, golden immortals, etc.!"

"This world is a small world, one of those small worlds where the aura has not dissipated. There are countless such worlds in the entire universe. Of course, this is not the point."

"The point is that you are just a little one building a foundation now. Although the immortal was not worthy of carrying my shoes before, it does not prevent others from being above you and me in this world. The immortal boss can drown you little ant even if he sneezes. !”


"But in the original plot, the immortal boss you mentioned didn't appear at all!"

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