Dragonstone is so small that when Enar Targaryen took his family and dragons to Dragonstone during the Valyrian Freehold era, he was regarded as a self-exile who had given up the fight for the Dragon King.

At the same time, the geographical location of Dragonstone is very critical. It is located at the entrance of Blackwater Bay, which is a tight stranglehold.

Every year, the Blackwater River brings a large amount of silt and nutrients, and the warm current brought by the Summer Sea converges here, forming a huge fishing ground from Cape Marseille in the south to the Five Fingers Peninsula in the north.

And Dragonstone is located in the middle.

As the fief of the crown prince, the people of Dragonstone are free from the exploitation of the great lords and the heavy taxes of the civilians on the mainland, so they live a very stable life. They have settled here for generations since the time of Enar Targaryen. Originally, most of them were slaves who came with the Targaryen family, but after generations of reproduction, they have long become the most loyal supporters of the Targaryen family.

But all this cannot change the geographical reality of Dragonstone, which is high and steep and has scarce arable land.

Although there is fertile volcanic ash to nourish the soil, due to the occasional volcanic eruptions, most places are covered with thick volcanic rocks, which are not suitable for agricultural reclamation and planting.

The small arable land has limited the population growth of Dragonstone. For hundreds of years, the population of Dragonstone has generally fluctuated around 5,000 people. Excluding the elderly, the weak, the disabled, women and children, there are less than 1,000 young and middle-aged people who can be mobilized for combat. Of course, if you recruit people and capture able-bodied men, you can barely gather an armed team of 2,000 people.

At this time, the arrival of the royal fleet brought 3,000 soldiers and 300 cavalry, which not only added garrison strength to Dragonstone, but also suddenly increased the pressure of governance.

It's not about food and weapons and equipment, but women! There is an extreme lack of women!

The military discipline of this era is not the innocent rabbit army of later generations, but it can only be said to be a little better than the bandits.

On the first day after the army arrived on the island, an incident of rape occurred, which caused a confrontation and conflict between fishermen and soldiers, and several people died for this!

For this reason, Queen Rhaella had to appoint Lord Adrian Celtigar as the Minister of Justice as soon as she arrived on the island, responsible for maintaining public order on the island. Lucerys Velaryon continued to serve as the Minister of the Sea, suppressing and restraining the navy soldiers of the royal fleet.

At the same time, the Dragonstone Garrison was established, and Sir William Darry became the first commander of the garrison, responsible for commanding the land garrison forces, guarding Dragonstone and maintaining daily order.

A few days later, Master Tria, a maester on Dragonstone, received a raven from King's Landing.

"Your Majesty! Please accept my condolences!"

As a prince, Jaehaerys knew the content of the letter at the first time.

King's Landing fell, Jaime Lannister killed the king, and Tywin's army entered the city and burned, killed and looted. Maegor's Tower was captured, and most of the guards were killed in the battles in the towers, halls, and basements of Maegor's Tower, and a few were captured.

Gregor Clegane raped and killed Princess Elia... Lord Belis of the Alchemists Guild was killed by Jaime, and then most of the members of the Alchemists Guild knelt down and surrendered...

When Tywin entered the Red Keep, he was ambushed by Prime Minister Rosaert with wildfire. The Lannisters lost more than a dozen knights, and Tywin himself was burned. His brother Tygett died after being severely burned. Rosaert tried to escape in the chaos, but was killed by Amory Lorch.

Then the Duke of the North led his troops into the city, and the two sides formed a confrontation, but no large-scale conflict occurred.

Tywin Lannister strongly advocated sending troops to attack Dragonstone, and he was willing to pay hundreds of thousands of gold dragons as military pay. However, the royal fleet was taken to Dragonstone, and civilian fishing boats and merchant ships could not be used for sea battles. The Arbor Fleet was still trapped outside Storm's End and did not surrender to Robert, although it was foreseeable that this would happen sooner or later...

For a while, Tywin had a lot of anger, but nowhere to vent it. He could only vent his anger on the people who followed the Targaryen family. He first plundered and then killed and burned. This behavior was soon imitated. The mansions of the nobles and wealthy merchants in King's Landing were knocked open by the chaotic soldiers, a large amount of wealth was plundered, and countless buildings were burned...

The pockets of those who started the robbery were filled with gold dragons and jewels, and those who came later could only pick up some leftovers. In the end, those who came late had to turn their greedy eyes to the civilians...

The turmoil lasted for three whole days until Robert ordered the lords not to allow soldiers to plunder, rape women, kill and burn, and killed dozens of chaotic soldiers for this purpose. The turmoil gradually subsided.

But the people of King's Landing who experienced this catastrophe were killed and wounded. Some families died, some young men and women were abducted, leaving only the old and weak. Those who dared to resist were killed one by one in front of their relatives. The whole King's Landing was full of crying and wailing, and there were dead people and ruins everywhere.

The silent sisters could not handle all of them. There were too many dead people, and they could not even give them the last dignity. In the end, they could only collect the bodies and light several large fires outside the city...

"We are sorry for the people of King's Landing!" After reading the letter, Leila was silent for a long time, and when she looked up again, she was already in tears.

"Your Majesty, how can you blame you? Blame Lannister and Baratheon. The White Walkers should have captured them!" A maid comforted her.

Viserys' eyes were red and he gnashed his teeth, while Rhaenys had already fainted in the arms of the little maid Olenna. The young girl already knew that her mother would never be reunited with her...

Jehaerys was sad. Although he knew that King's Landing would fall, he never thought that his arrangement would not only fail to burn Tywin to death, but also arouse the lion's tyranny, and finally the retribution would be on the people of King's Landing!

Yes, that's right. The last arrangement before he left was to ask Rosat not to burn the city. If Lannister was not here to defend the king, he would set up a wildfire on the road that Tywin had to take to enter the Red Castle, and burn him to death as soon as he appeared.

It was obvious that Rosat did so, but his luck was a little worse. Tywin was injured but not dead, and he was angry because he lost a brother and started a killing spree.

"Viserys, Jaehaerys, Rhaenys, follow me!"

Queen Rhaella, supported by her maid, walked towards the chapel on Dragonstone Island. There was a high altar inside, enshrining the maiden and the Virgin Mary carved from masts, warriors and blacksmiths, old women with pearl eyes, the father with gilded beards, and the stranger statues carved to resemble animals rather than humans. Over the centuries, they have been painted with layers of paint, gilded, silvered, and inlaid with jewels.

The stained glass divides the sunlight into seven colors, colorful and gorgeous.

"Your father died at the hands of the Kingslayer Jaime Lannister, and countless people in King's Landing died at the hands of the Lannister army..." Queen Rhaella turned to look at her two sons and granddaughter, feeling grief-stricken. It was a pity that the prince who should be here today was nowhere to be found. It was obvious that she already knew that the real little Aegon had been sent elsewhere.

"Now our Targaryen family has been driven to this remote island by the rebels. They regard us as a thorn in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh, and will definitely pursue us relentlessly... Perhaps the pursuers will arrive soon!"

"I, Rhaella Targaryen, in the name of blood and fire, ask you to swear in front of the warriors and strangers that from now on, no matter where you are, as long as you are still alive, you must make the Lannisters and the rebels pay for their actions! To comfort the souls of your father and the innocent people who died tragically in the city!"

"I want you to swear in front of the Heavenly Father and the Virgin Mary that among the descendants of the Targaryen family, regardless of age, gender, whoever can destroy the Lannisters and appease the people will be the true ruler of the Seven Kingdoms! The legitimate king of the Iron Throne!"

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