If Salador wanted to sell the stolen goods, he had to be exploited by the wealthy merchants and bankers in Lys, which made him want to set up a bank himself. Unfortunately, Lys bankers were extremely xenophobic, and many of those with insufficient foundations were often bankrupted.

Long before his grandfather Samaro Sann joined the Nine, the Sann family had been seeking to enter the powerful class of the Free Trade Cities. The most recent attempt was to take advantage of the "Summerhall Tragedy" to cooperate with the Blackfyre family to launch a war, conquer Tyrosh and the Stepstones, and prepare to invade Westeros.

Unfortunately, it was defeated by the troops sent by King Jaehaerys II, the grandfather of Jaehaerys. This was the "War of the Nine Copperplate King", and the "violent" Malis of the Blackfyre family was killed by the "fearless" Barristan Selmy, and the male heirs of the Blackfyre family were extinct.

And Samaro had to return to his old nest in Lys, like a lion who failed to snatch the status of the lion king and continued to wander again, facing the challenges of hyenas and leopards.

"Your Highness!" Salado was stunned by such generous conditions. The exchange rate he exchanged with Rees bankers and money changers was 1.1 gold dragons per pound or Rees gold coins of the same weight.

He calculated silently in his mind, 1 million pounds of gold for 1.3 million gold dragons, which was equivalent to giving away 200,000 gold dragons for free! 5 million pounds of gold for 7.5 million gold dragons, which was equivalent to making a profit of 2 million gold dragons with tears!

Moreover, he had friends in the Stone Steps, Rees, and Myr. If the purchase price was slightly increased, even to 1.2, it would take time to collect tens of millions of pounds of gold, but it would bring him a net profit of 3 million gold dragons!

My goodness! This is much more promising than robbery!

Someone may ask, are these pirates so rich? 10 million pounds of gold is 453 tons!

Please! The world of A Song of Ice and Fire is magnificent. The continent of Westeros alone is as big as South America, and the area of ​​Essos is several times that of the former!

The nine free trade cities have done business in the entire known world. What is a mere 453 tons of gold?

In his previous life, Jaehaerys had heard that there was a gold mine in South Black Continent that once produced more than 1,000 tons of gold per year!

This is just the annual output of a gold mine, and how much can be mined in the two continents of the Ice and Fire World over the years? It is impossible to calculate it clearly!

And why don’t they mint their own coins when they have so much money in their hands? 100% of the profit is enough for them to try their best to overcome all the technical difficulties of the mint, right?

As mentioned earlier, it is not that simple to overcome technology. The mints of countries or city-states in this world can be said to be the lifeblood of the economy, and the casting technology is not leaked at all.

Even an ordinary technology is often regarded as a secret by the holder, which leads to the technology being passed down from generation to generation, and it is difficult for outsiders to know.

For example, the lace of Myr, a simple fabric that is commonplace for the Blue Star people, has become one of the main commodities of Myr in this world. The weaving method has not been spread for hundreds of years! Lace production has become one of the pillar industries of Myr. Can you believe it? !

Due to the confidentiality of technology, pirates can't counterfeit coins at all. Even if someone privately casts them, they are fake at first glance!

Of course, there have been people in the history of the Stone Steps who privately cast gold dragons on a large scale. Who is it? Daemon Blackfyre!

However, the Iron Throne then announced that owning the coins privately cast by the Blackfyre family is a crime of treason! So people at that time didn't dare to accept them when trading!

Especially the nobles, the family and the territory are the foundation of their survival. Even collecting and storing Blackfyre gold coins is a crime of treason, enough to deprive them of all noble rights. Who dares to disobey the order!

Many civilians don't even know how to read. 99.99% of them will never come into contact with gold dragons in their lives. The only ones who can use gold dragons are nobles such as lords and knights and merchants.

If they receive privately minted gold dragons, they will melt them into gold as soon as possible, and then exchange them for gold dragons and silver deer from the money changers. The exchange rate is very touching! It is enough to make them remember to keep their eyes open next time and not accept counterfeit coins.

The pirates, whose eyes were red with excitement due to the huge profits, shouted Long Live Targaryen!

"Your Highness, I am shocked by your generosity. In this case, I must tell you a piece of news that is not good for you..." Even for the 3 million gold dragons, Salador Saan must ensure the safety of Dragonstone before the gold dragons are in hand!

"I would like to hear more!"

"My people saw it at Cape Wrath in Shipbreaker Bay not long ago..."

Jaehaerys listened to him quietly. Now the main defense direction of the royal fleet is Blackwater Bay and the Throat, and there is really no energy to take care of the distant Shipbreaker Bay.

Unexpectedly, Erlu built a large dock and a super-large warship with 400 oars without making a sound!

Fortunately, they have relatively few ships and cannot form a scale for the time being. But after a while, various conventional and auxiliary ships will be launched, which will pose a huge threat to Dragonstone.

Although Jaehaerys has the Spring Thunder, a powerful weapon for naval warfare, once the enemy knows about it, they can suppress it remotely with large crossbows and catapults. The Spring Thunder's range is not enough to reach the opponent, and it cannot match the opponent in terms of fleet quantity and speed, so it will fall into a passive situation of being beaten!

"Thank you, Mr. Thorn!" Jaehaerys sincerely thanked, "Don't worry, the Targaryen family will not treat friends unfairly!"

A royal family, even an expelled royal family, is still an expelled royal family with strong financial resources. His promise is very valuable! If the Targaryen family sits on the Iron Throne again, then the 300-year vision of the Thorn family may be realized in the hands of Salador!

After a few polite words, Thorn took the initiative to say goodbye. He wanted to collect as much gold as possible before the news spread. Now time is money!

Jaehaerys thought about it and told Sir Tretimont to send a small boat to Cape Wrath on the return journey to investigate the specific location of the dock. He would not tolerate such a huge tumor threatening the safety of Dragonstone.

After the arrangements were made, the fleet set off!

Although the transaction was safe, Jaehaerys made another 380,000 gold dragons through this transaction with tears in his eyes!

The actual combat effect of Spring Thunder also made Jaehaerys quite satisfied, but it also exposed some problems. The first is the problem of range. The crossbow is heavy and the range is short. The range of the catapult is a little longer, but the accuracy is not satisfactory. It can only be said that whether this thing can hit the moving ship depends on luck!

Oh, it would be great if there were cannons in the previous life! It’s a pity that he can’t make it!

Besides, I, a cultivator, am afraid that I will be sprayed to death if I play with cannons!

It’s better to think of a solution based on the current level of technology!

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