After settling the rent and fees issues, other things are small things, such as respecting each other's privacy, not visiting without reason, keeping quiet at ordinary times, not disturbing people in the middle of the night, etc...

One person, one tree, thinking in one place, working together to create a harmonious and beautiful shared life!

At the same time, in the event of force majeure, such as natural disasters such as wars, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc., priority must be given to saving Jaehaerys's life. A certain tree must provide all support within its capabilities and cannot be picked on.

Duobao Miaoshu: Why don't you just tell me your name? !

In the end, the two of them recorded some notes on the parchment, and the signature of Jaehaerys Targaryen and the pattern of a leaf suddenly appeared on the signature.

Jaehaerys put the parchment away contentedly.

"Brother, what's the matter? Do you know that a promise is worth a thousand pieces of gold? Are you doing this because you don't believe in my godhead?!"

"Oh, brother, in my day, the spirit of contract was all about the spirit of contract, right? We have to keep pace with the times!" Jaehaerys explained patiently. This thing can be managed by gentlemen but not by villains. It's all about minutiae. Things, if he can't abide by this, then he can only think of other means of checks and balances!

After the contract was signed, Duobao went into seclusion. In this short period of time, his spiritual energy was greatly consumed. Before the retreat, he told Jaehaerys to abide by the provisions of the contract. Don't peep at it if nothing happens, and don't look for it if something happens! When it's really critical, you can save it if you can. If you can't save it, then it depends on fate!

The main focus is on randomness!

Jaehaerys touched his nose, as if he had offended it, as if he saw a golden thigh walking away...

He thought about trying to call the sapling, but he didn't know how to use his spiritual consciousness, and he forgot to ask for advice. Hey, what a great injustice!

I am charging for two-way calls, and the other party is for one-way calls. I really don’t want to suffer any loss at all! mean!

He took out the Jiangzhu Pill. The core was purple-black. He was a little hesitant. Will it fall off if he eats it?

He didn't completely trust the other person. He was full of bad words and acted like a brother to everyone. He didn't look like a good person.

Forget it, it’s not that there are no ways to become stronger now. Although half of the spiritual energy has to be taken away every day, when I follow the fleet to Dragonstone Island, I will have at least 8-9 months to practice slowly. How can I do it at that time? Can build foundation!

The division of cultivation realms in Taoist teachings is simple and crude. From low to high, it is to absorb qi to build the foundation, to practice qi to transform into spirit, to practice spirit to return to emptiness... there is no more later.

As mentioned before, the more than ten generations of ancestors of the He family can only cultivate the sense of breathing and successfully build the foundation. The subsequent realms basically remain in the imagination. After so many generations, they have never succeeded in cultivating it, let alone a single grain. The golden elixir is swallowed into my belly, and my fate is up to me.

"Let's practice Qi honestly and strive to build the foundation as soon as possible. Then some spells and talismans will be available for use!" Jaehaerys took advantage of the light of the rising sun in the morning and began a day of practice.

Time flies like an arrow, and more than half a month has passed in the blink of an eye. During this period, Jaehaerys collected two more Scarlet Pearl Pills from the Duobao Miaoshu.

Originally, he thought that the other party would secretly steal more spiritual energy, but he found out that the other party was very honest, and half of what he said was true, which made his plan come to nothing.

Today is another rent collection day, and Jaehaerys called out silently in his heart. During this period, he asked the other party that spiritual communication can only be used after foundation building, otherwise he would not have to use such low means.

He didn't stop until Duobao Miaoshu's response rang in his mind.

"Old rules, a crimson pearl pill..."

"Brother, the Jiangzhu Pill is really gone... That's okay. I'll replace it with something else. It's not even half as good as the Jiangzhu Pill!"

Jaehaerys had never taken it, so he really didn't care about the Jiangzhu Pill. Once he heard that it had good things, his eyes started to light up!

"Brother, do you have any treasures that can open your brother's eyes?"

Duobao Miaoshu summoned a fruit with great distress. The fruit had green skin and red stems, a bit like a green apple, but there were some inexplicable light patterns flowing on the surface, which seemed quite magical, which made Jie Harris thought of the apples packaged in delicate gift boxes on Christmas Eve.

I'm afraid it's a bit pricey. If it's 1:1 compared to Jiangzhu Dan, I don't know if it will work!

"Brother, you are a fruit-worm that eats rat bites and tatters your coat. You can't sell it at a high price!"

"Hey, you bastard, you arranged the incision in the pawn shop for me? Do you know what this is? The Taoist fruit of my Duobao Immortal Root!"

Jaehaerys said "Oh". The appearance of this thing looked really ordinary, just a dancing green apple.

"Do you understand Daoguo? The real fruit of the immortal family! Who are you looking down on with just this expression?"

The fruit of the fairy family? Flat peach, yellow plum? Jaehaerys's eyes lit up. If he said that, then he was no longer sleepy!

"Brother, will eating this Taoist fruit make me indestructible and my body become an immortal?"

"Uh... no, that's the Dao Ting Laojun's Nine Turns Golden elixir, which is pretty much the same!"

"Would that allow me to fly into the sky and escape from the earth immediately, soaring through the clouds and mist?"

"Ahem, can you stop thinking about things that you have and don't have, what are you doing all day long? With that kind of effect, this immortal root has already become the ancestral tree of the Taoist court!" I really dare to think that I really think that I will become an immortal in a flying move. Like eating melon seeds?

Counting thousands of years in the Hua family, how many people have ascended physically? Aren’t the vast majority of them corpse-exposing immortals?

"This can't be done, and that can't be done either. Do you still have the nerve to say that you are a fool?"

"Hmph, this Dao Fruit can allow you to randomly master a skill. It may be a spell or a magical power!"

"Of course, everything depends on fate..."

Jaehaerys shook his head. What do you mean by fate? Does it mean Yuan?

How come it looks like a certain religion? Am I compassionate? Not to save the poor?

I tui!

Duobao Miaoshu felt a burst of contempt in his heart. At this level, he is still cultivating immortality? The educational level of practitioners in the Age of Silent Dharma was prenatal education, right? !

"To put it bluntly, it depends on probability, do you understand?"

This is really not a lie. Duobao Daoguo is also known as the "Immortal Realm Guanpu". In the common saying, it is a blind box. With the same appearance, even the immortals cannot guess what kind of secrets are hidden inside.

You may learn very practical or powerful spells and magical powers, or you may learn rubbish skills such as postpartum care for sows and a hundred ways to cook ducks.

Therefore, every time the immortals buy the Duobao Dao Fruit, it is really like gambling on stones, and there is also a business of gambling on fruits, to see who buys the Dao Fruit with a higher value! But soon the Heavenly Court strictly prohibited gambling and purified the atmosphere of the Immortal World.

Then, the Tao Fruit that no one cares about cannot be wasted. After all, it has been borne through hard work, so the multi-treasure trees were collected one by one and prepared to go to the lower fairyland to sell. However, with the advent of the Age of Silence, the lower fairyland will basically Everything collapsed!

It has accumulated fruits for thousands of years! It occupies one-tenth of the mustard space!

Jiang Zhu Dan, Qing Dao Fruit, don't blame me for tricking you; talk about probability, talk about fate, if it can last for a while, it will last for a while!

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