Within 3 years after Jaehaerys retreated, the dragon Hela had grown big enough to ride. It obeyed Jaehaerys's voice transmission arrangement, accepted Queen Leila to ride on it, and fought for it.

There was no way, its master was too terrible, thinking back to when it was just born...

One man and one tree pulled its wings and neck and commented on it, scaring Hela to think they were going to chop it up and stew it!

Before Jaehaerys retreated, he ordered it through a contract spell not to leave the range of Dragonstone before it grew up. After all, before the little dragon grew into a giant dragon, it could be killed by a crossbow or an arrow if someone ambushed it.

But the nature of dragons is to like flying in the sky. Although Jaehaerys said he disliked this and that, he actually loved it! He couldn't bear to put it in a cage!

Hela also said that she was very good and obedient, and her master's mother was very kind to her...

I don't know if it's because she has been in the sea, but Hela likes to eat fresh sea fish. Queen Leila ordered the fishing company to select the best sea fish and bake them for her to enjoy!

Relying on a dragon, although the attack is slightly insufficient, the defense and counterattack become simple.

So even if Robert re-established his royal fleet in Storm's End, he still didn't dare to confront the Dragonstone fleet head-on.

There was no way. They fought several times in the first few years. Often when the two sides were fighting fiercely, Leila would ride a golden dragon and swoop down from the direction of the sun, and the golden flames would instantly engulf Robert's ships...

Accurate strikes, Robert's fleet suffered heavy losses.

There were several times when the Dragonstone fleet might pay the price of 3-4 warships, but Robert's fleet had to leave at least 10-20 ships, and the exchange ratio was seriously exceeded.

Later, even the Lannister family, which was known for its wealth and generosity, was unwilling to pay for the Iron Throne's shipbuilding (abuse) behavior!

In the end, Jon Arryn proposed to negotiate with Dragonstone to end the hostile actions of both sides and protect the hard-won peace on the continent.

A few years ago, Arryn made Dorne declare allegiance to Robert without any soldiers, and calmed the war in Dorne with just his mouth, thus gaining the reputation of the lords of the entire Westeros continent.

Everyone is also full of expectations for his actions this time. Dragonstone is no longer the desolate place it used to be. It has prosperous business, rich fishery resources, developed textile printing and dyeing industry, and the shipbuilding industry and jewelry processing industry are gradually becoming famous in the two continents. It can be said that there is gold everywhere!

Although it is not officially recognized now, everyone knows that Dragonstone is becoming the tenth Valyrian free trade city-state!

The lords of the Westeros continent all want to trade with Dragonstone. They look at the three islands of Blackwater Bay and the Crab Claw Peninsula with envy. After all, who can go against money?

With the will of the people, Lord Arryn was able to go, but negotiations are always extremely difficult.

Queen Rhaella insisted on severely punishing Jaime Lannister and Sir Gregor Clegane, at least to make them wear black clothes, and at the same time, "Usurper" Robert had to give up the throne.

Of course, Arryn would not agree to these two points. Who doesn't know that in order to prevent his beloved son from wearing black clothes, Lord Tywin has lent millions of low-interest loans to the Iron Throne over the years?

As for the Mountain, Arryn went to Dorne last time, and even the Prince of Dorne didn't want his head, let alone Rhaella!

I thought the trip to Dragonstone would end up with nothing, but unexpectedly, there was a ray of hope.

After worshiping the Dragon God one day, Queen Rhaella actually agreed to conduct business cooperation with the continental lords other than the Lannister family, and reached a certain degree of reconciliation with the Iron Throne, and the two sides could send envoys to each other!

This is the dawn of peace! Jon Arryn was relieved. It seemed that he was not a righteous licker who dreamed of peace, but a two-way run with the same mind and strength!

In fact, he was still overthinking. The reason why Leila agreed to carry out limited cooperation was purely because of Jaehaerys's suggestion.

Although Jaehaerys sat in the mountains, the news was not closed at all. Every dragon temple was his ears and eyes.

Dragonstone is not short of money or people now, but it lacks the environment and time for development!

It is an expedient measure to exchange time for space and small tolerance for big plans!

Besides, what can we do if we send envoys to each other? It is a good opportunity to go to King's Landing to stir up trouble. Queen Leila has already secretly ordered the leader of the inner guards, Long Yi, to select elite generals and go to Westeros to set up an intelligence network.

Queen Leila still trusts Long Yi and his spies. Since Jaehaerys's retreat, they have thwarted assassinations and poisonings sent by various forces several times. Even the small birds of the octopus spider and the commercial spies of various forces are all under their close surveillance.

Now the internal guard spies have spread all over the important cities of Westeros, including King's Landing, Lannister Port, Storm's End, Riverrun, Winterfell and Dorne!

And King's Landing is the most important part of the intelligence network. The intelligence is so detailed that King Robert visited which brothel and slept with which seafood merchant today. The intelligence can often be placed on Queen Leila's desk the next day.

However, the intelligence inside the Red Castle was intercepted for a while. After all, Varys was in his position to do his job, and the intelligence chief could not be treated as a decoration.

But the octopus spider is not a person who cannot cooperate... For example, Prince "Aegon" of Dragonstone is a good breakthrough!

So in the dark, the spies of both sides not only know each other's existence, but have also carried out business cooperation on a small scale!

For example, a certain insignificant little person has been going in and out of the Prime Minister's Tower in the name of Prime Minister Duke Arryn for a long time, making a lot of money, acquiring and opening several seafood markets!

Another example is a certain high-ranking member of the Golden Robes, secretly accepting bribes and selling official positions behind the king's back...

Another example, Queen Rhaella even knew that Robert had asked the Faceless Man for a good price for the Targaryen family members on Dragonstone!

However, because the price was so outrageous that Robert doubted his life, he gave up!

The child is Queen Rhaella's forbidden love. At present, the Targaryen family only has a few children left on Dragonstone (and one is still outside and his life or death is unknown).

In anger, she once wanted to punish the wife and children of the "usurper" with the same means, but was finally persuaded by Long Yi.

Now Dragonstone Castle is protected by the inner guards and water cannot enter. The unique identity and household registration system of Dragonstone Island makes it impossible for foreign merchants and workers to get close to Dragonstone Castle!

Moreover, even the cooks and grooms of Dragonstone Castle are extraordinary martial artists. Even if the faceless man is proficient in assassination, it is wishful thinking to sneak in silently!

After all, the inner guards are also outstanding in assassination!

Those secrets that they think no one knows will become traceable under the attention and interpretation of those who are interested!

And those who have not found any clues can only wait until the last moment, when the enemy shows his terrible fangs and claws, before they repent!

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