Both parties agreed on the location and method of personnel handover, and the banquet came to an end.

Jaehaerys found an opportunity to spend time alone with Old Bear.

"By the way, why didn't I see your maester at the dinner?"

"Are you talking about Maester Aemon? He said he was feeling a little unwell..."

"Maybe he didn't want to see me, the descendant of the Dragon King?" Jaehaerys stroked his stubbled beard.

He was still quite curious about this great-great-grandfather who voluntarily gave up the throne and was full of wisdom.

"I heard that Old Bear has a son?" Jaehaerys said casually.

"Son, son" A crow flew over Old Bear's head and landed on his shoulder.

"What a misfortune for the family!" Old Bear sighed. After the incident, his sister Maggie had asked the maester to tell him about Jorah Mormont's escape.

"If I were not a night watchman, I would definitely go to Essos to bring this rebellious son back!"

The old bear did not hate his son for violating the law by participating in the slave trade, but hated him for not taking responsibility and not even having the courage to take responsibility for his own mistakes!

"I heard that he is now serving as a mercenary between Pentos and Fortelland. If you need me, old bear, I am willing to make arrangements for you..."

"However, compared to letting him wear black clothes or chopping off his head, I hope he can serve Dragonstone..." The big bear was placed next to the dragon mother as a spy, and all he did was a pardon.

As long as he shows his value, Dragonstone can fully meet his requirements!

"Of course, words are not enough. I hope that Old Bear can write a personal letter. I believe that he regrets what he has done and urgently needs a chance to atone for his sins!"

"Who else can make him trust more than you?"

Old Bear looked at Jaehaerys meaningfully, "The child has grown up and has his own ideas. I, an old man, am afraid that I can't do anything about it!"

"Old Bear doesn't need to be humble. People really can't force a cow to drink water, but what if the cow is thirsty and eager to return to the pasture?"

"This? Well! It's better to die gloriously like a knight than to die in obscurity as a mercenary, but he will no longer act as a member of the Mormont family from now on..."

Old Bear finally made up his mind. Although the Targaryen family now seems to be in a weak position, its throne has always been recognized. People can expel them, but they can't deny it!

Even the Archbishop, the Cardinal, and the Citadel must admit this. This alone is better than all other forces!

And now that Dragonstone has a dragon, there may not be more in the future!

As long as the Targaryen family has a dragon, sooner or later they will regain the Iron Throne. This is the private consensus of many people. Although the usurper seized the Iron Throne by force, he could only hand it over in front of the dragon.

In recent years, many lords of the Reach and Dorne have not fully obeyed the orders of King's Landing. Even some royal families have flirted with Dragonstone, but King's Landing does not dare to punish them easily, which is enough to explain the problem.

In contrast, Robert's new Sea Lord and Prince of Summer Hall, Stannis, said that some disobedient lords must be punished, otherwise if they follow suit, the Iron Throne's decree may not even leave King's Landing in the end.

To put it bluntly, it is to find a suitable chicken to kill for the monkey, and Old Bear does not want to send the entire Mormont family to Robert's knife.

Compared with the entire Mormont family, Jorah is insignificant.

"Old Bear is indeed a hero among men!" Jaehaerys praised. The old man is indeed a smart man, and he is flawless in his actions. He is worthy of being the commander-in-chief of the Night's Watch.

"Don't worry, Old Bear. Jorah is a talent. Even in Dragonstone, I have heard of his great reputation among mercenaries. Now Dragonstone is short of talents in Fortelland. Even if he joins our camp as a commoner, he will surely stand out soon..."

"Uh!" Old Bear wanted to say, don't! People are afraid of fame and pigs are afraid of being fat. He just needs to be an unknown knight quietly.

But things have come to this point, and there is no point in saying more. Old Bear had no choice but to accept the reality and immediately wrote a handwritten letter to Jaehaerys.

Jaehaerys saw Old Bear's concerns, but did he need to explain? It is not so easy for the Dragonstone army to stand out now.

Before the retreat, Dragonstone tried every means to find thousands of orphans and widows from the mainland. Their fathers and husbands died in the War of the Usurper. Many of them were sons of knights and lords, and had a certain military foundation.

With the establishment of the Dragonstone Military School, these orphans were given systematic military theory training and military practice training. The best of them have now grown into grassroots officers in the Dragonstone army.

Those who lack a little ability will be replaced by newcomers with stronger abilities after a few years.

It can be said that although the number of Dragonstone troops is not large, only 10,000 people, in terms of the organization, execution and combat awareness of the army, no one in this era can match it.

In the years of confrontation with the Iron Throne, after experiencing the test of blood and fire, the Dragonstone army quickly transformed itself. Its firm combat awareness, flexible and changeable tactics and multi-point breakthrough capabilities in squads moved the military strategists of the entire Westeros continent.

People have found through research that the Dragonstone army has no knights and basically no lords, but only "civilians". A system called "rank" has replaced the leadership of knights in the traditional army.

In the army, the rank is used as the hierarchy. If the high-ranking officer dies in battle, the deputy will be automatically promoted. If the deputy dies in battle, the junior officer will be automatically promoted... Below the officers, there are sergeants and senior privates...

Unless all the grassroots officers and senior privates of an entire army are killed in battle, it is possible to completely destroy their organizational ability, but even when they are at the end of their rope, this army will not obediently lay down their weapons and accept the fate of surrender.

They are not nobles, and they know that in a place like Westeros where soldiers are not regarded as human beings, soldiers are not worth being captured, so even if all the senior officers are killed in battle, they will still fight to the death under the leadership of soldiers who have joined the army for a longer time.

The lords and knights who had a little military knowledge did not want to fight against such an army. They had heard that Astapor in the Slaver Bay of Essos was good at mass training of Unsullied. Some people had seen Unsullied guards wearing bronze spiked helmets around wealthy merchants when they traveled in the Free Trade Cities.

But compared with the Dragonstone army, the Unsullied were strong but lacked spirit, like a cold and emotionless killing machine.

The Dragonstone army was different. They were disciplined and brave in battle. They were respected and feared opponents on the battlefield.

On weekdays, they would pay for things instead of plundering, and they would bargain with small vendors to buy low-priced goods instead of raising their fists or drawing their swords...

They were lively young people, a group of lovely guys.

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