Prior's disappearance was finally treated as a desertion case, and his personal belongings left in the tent were divided up by other soldiers.

Cersei and Jaime also sent people to look for him at first, but after no news, they could only think that he died outside the city and was eaten by wild beasts. There were ferocious wild beasts everywhere outside Winterfell, which Robert told Cersei in person. For this reason, they had stayed in Winterfell for a long time.

During this period, Cersei also successfully became close friends with her future daughter-in-law, Sansa Stark. When she learned that Duke Eddard did not intend to bring her into King's Landing, she used her rights as queen to let Robert persuade Eddard and his wife.

After all, as the future queen, even if she was born in a famous family, she must learn the rules of the royal family before marriage, otherwise how can she be the mother of the country?

"Where are the good nuns in Winterfell? Look at the Duke's little daughter, a good girl has been taught to be a wild boy? You don't want your future daughter-in-law to be a girl like that, do you?"

So under Robert's strong persuasion, Eddard and his wife finally compromised. The Duke will take Sansa and Arya to King's Landing, but in order to protect their safety, Eddard, who originally planned to take 150 soldiers south, doubled the guards.

At Catelyn's request, he not only had to find out the truth about Jon Arryn's death, but also to ensure the safety of himself and his daughters.

"Listen, Ned, the current finance minister Petyr Baelish is my father's adopted son. He is like a younger brother to me, and he was once promoted by Lord Jon. Maybe he can help you!" Catelyn told her husband.

"If it weren't for Bran..." She choked up, "I really want to go to King's Landing with you!"

"Our son needs you more. Robb is only 14 years old. You must support him and help him grow into a qualified lord. As for Bran... Didn't Maester Luwin say that he should be fine?" Ned looked at Bran lying on the bed like a living dead, and gently hugged Catelyn to comfort him.

Since Bran fell into a coma, Catelyn has been with him all day. Her originally plump cheeks have become visibly thinner. The maid said that the lady couldn't eat anything at all, and she hasn't had a good rest for several days.

"When Joss found Bran, he found this from him..." Catelyn handed a golden curly hair to Ned, "He didn't tell anyone, and took it quietly and gave it to me when no one was paying attention... He said that when he found it, he could clearly smell the fragrance of soap..."

"Golden hair, this matter is too coincidental... It may not be Lannister's doing! Madam, it's not appropriate to make trouble now! But if it is finally confirmed that it is really their doing, I will make them pay the price!" Ned's expression was serious. He was a good man, but it didn't mean that he could be bullied, especially hurting his children!

The people of the North will never forget!

After the couple gave each other instructions, Ned went to pray under the heart tree of the godswood forest. The current situation was more dangerous than he imagined. With an uneasy heart, he hoped to get a response from the gods.

Unfortunately, no matter how he prayed, the gods did not give him a single response. He could only hear the sound of wind blowing through the palm-like leaves of the fish beam wood.

In the king's army camp in the city.

Because he is good at singing, the green poet was arranged to live in the same tent with a bard named Elbe.

Elbe is a man of medium height, long legs and strong physique. According to him, his footprints are all over the northern border, and he has even been to the wildlings north of the Great Wall.

In the mood of conversation, he sang a wildling song for the green poet on the spot. The sound is ethereal and distant, making people feel as if they are in the mountains and rivers.

The green poet watched his performance with a smile, praising him generously, and the green poet performed music from Dorne and Essos for him. The two people with ulterior motives accidentally felt a sense of mutual appreciation.

"I heard that there are really white walkers in the north of the Great Wall?" The green poet pretended to ask casually. Every southerner is full of curiosity about the legendary white walkers.

Elbe immediately looked serious, "Brother, of course the White Walkers are real! They wear armor like ice and snow, are tall, and move like the wind. They ride dead mammoths, white bears, and ice spiders, and kill lives wantonly... Wherever they pass, the fire of life will be extinguished, replaced by endless cold and darkness... Moreover, I heard from the wildlings outside the country that they are gradually moving south! By then, the entire Westeros continent will be devastated!"

"Haha! Why are you so serious? Don't we have the Great Wall and the Night's Watch?!" The green poet laughed heartily, just like all southerners.

"Yes, you have the Great Wall!" Mance Rayder said in his heart. When he heard that the king was coming to Winterfell, he climbed over the Great Wall alone, disguised himself as a bard, and sneaked into Winterfell under the pseudonym Elbe. He even played the lute for everyone during the king's dinner.

He didn't know why he took the risk. Perhaps he wanted to see what kind of person the king was now, and whether he could tolerate the existence of them wildlings?

The White Walkers came out of the Land of Eternal Winter. This was a warning from the Thenns north of the Frostfangs, and some tribes living near the Long Lake where the Milk River originates also testified.

He sent people to gather information everywhere and confirmed this, and many people had died for this.

The White Walkers are the common enemy of all free people and humans. Now that the enemy is at hand, Mance Rayder hopes that all humans can give up the hatred of thousands of years and fight the enemy together!

Unfortunately, the people south of the Great Wall will not believe it at all. They are still fighting and feasting, and they are still singing and dancing day and night!

Just like the green poet in front of them, they will only treat it as a legend after dinner!

A resentment suddenly rose in Mance's heart. These kneeling people always occupy the best land, the warmest place, and everything belongs to them. They also have to build a Great Wall to isolate them from the cold and barren Far North. It's so unfair!

If the Night's Watch does not allow them to pass through the Great Wall, then don't blame them free people!

He thought of a legend. After returning, even if he dug up the tombs under the Frost Fang and dug three feet deep, he would find the legendary Winter Horn that could summon underground giants and destroy the Great Wall!

At that time, these kneeling people will not be able to cooperate with him! Otherwise, everyone will die together!

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on his face, and he didn't notice the eagerness that flashed in the green poet's eyes.

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