Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 180: Secrets of the Academy

After sending Willas away, Viserys and Daenerys met with Marwyn alone.

Viserys asked: "The secret of the dragon? You said you want to see me before the old guys from other cities? What do you want to tell me?"

Marwin gave a bitter smile: "Your Majesty, what I want to tell you is that the academy is trying to build a world without witchcraft, prophecy and glass candles. Some of their doctors have formed a secret society, which is obsessed with magic and dragons. Very hostile, prophecies, dragons, witchcraft, magic, gods, all mysterious forces are the objects they strive to eliminate. They hope to create a world that is completely dominated by mortals, and there is nothing that cannot be explained by the 'knowledge' they know. world. The most stubborn poor old fellow among them will try to kill you with his wrinkled hands, and get rid of your dragon."

Viserys and Daenerys looked at each other, frowned and asked, "Is there any basis for this accusation?"

Marwin said frankly: "Of course, I brought the evidence. So when I first left the school city, they tried to let me die in the hands of the 'robbers' on the road. I faked my death and escaped, and I was safe. I originally wanted to take the land route as soon as possible. I came here, but Lord Vilas of Highgarden discovered my disguise and had no choice but to agree to take his boat, which cost me a lot of trouble.”

"Aren't you a doctor in the school? If the secret society you mentioned does exist in the school, and if I express my anger and want to destroy the school, then wouldn't you be the sinner of the school, or would I destroy the school? What did you expect to see?”

"I don't deny this, Your Majesty. If you really want to destroy the school city, please keep the classics." Dr. Marwin even nodded very seriously, "But I suggest you that destroying the entire school city is worse than getting rid of one person. It is full of stubborn secret societies. Those who learn knowledge in the city and learn to be pedantic and stubborn are the most unnecessary sores in the city. They are the cancer that hinders the city from understanding the origin of the world. Your Majesty, those gray sheep are just a group of people. The self-righteous old stubborns hiding in the dark. When you take over the whole territory, there will be countless people in the city to get rid of them and take their place for you at the touch of a finger, without getting your hands dirty."

"They hold high positions in the city? Do you know anything about the members of this secret society?"

Marwin said bluntly: "I am not trusted, but doctors from the Cardinals are questionable. When I first became a doctor, I was approached by the previous Cardinals. They despised people who studied the occult, but they were not allowed to get a doctorate. I didn't take him seriously. He tried to get me into the association and took me to several secret gatherings. They were all shady and wore masks, but I knew a few of them. Unfortunately, they never trusted me and found out that I was not interested in him. The insistence on magic and the occult pushed me out.”

"It's strange, if what you say is true, why the Citadel and the Cult of the Seven have coexisted harmoniously for thousands of years. Before Aegon's conquest, Oldtown became the center of the Cult of the Seven because of the Starry Temple."

Marwin explained: "The essence of the teachings of the Seven Gods is human beings, and the Seven Gods represent the seven virtues of man. The spread of the teachings of the Seven Gods is beneficial to the city, because to build a world dominated by mortals, mortals need to be able to Use a kind of faith belonging to 'people' to resist the 'gods' and 'mysterious forces' they are hostile to, and give mortals spiritual sustenance and courage to fight against those mysterious things."

Viserys felt even more strange: "According to your statement, since the Citadel knows that magic and mysterious powers are real, why does it deny their existence and prevent their spread?"

"That's why I came to you. They thought it was the dragon that brought magic, and for the past hundred years, they thought they had proven it. They thought it was the dragon that disappeared and took the magic with it. Now they think it was the dragon There are signs of magic revival in this world, so they will try their best to get rid of your dragon."

"'The dragon brought magic'?"

"This is nonsense!" Dr. Marwin said with hidden disdain, "Those self-righteous old stubborns never knew the reality of the world and refused to admit that even after the dragon disappeared for more than a hundred years, magic and mysterious power had never existed in Erth. The Severance of Thoth, the Easy Walkers beyond the Wall, the Shadowbinders and Pyromancers of Asshai, the Moonsingers and Red Priests of the East, the sorcery and dark magic of the East, and the Valyrian magic and sorcery in you "Your Majesty, you should know better than me, it is not the magic that brings the magic, but the magic that exists, it just rises and falls like the tide."

Viserys narrowed his eyes, Marwyn's knowledge of magic was still in the magic tide theory that could best explain the ebb of magic.

Viserys asked: "Dr. Marwyn, you have said so many things related to magic, you must be well-informed. I want to ask you, what do you think the essence of magic is?"

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I haven't studied its essence yet, but I know the general manifestations of magic. Whether they are wizards, shadowbinders, or fire warlocks, they all learn through meditation and activate it through special movements and words. Mysterious power. There is an inference, which is also an inference in the magic books of the city. There is a medium in the world tentatively named magic. It is in the air and distributed in every corner of the world that we cannot detect. This medium can be through meditation. The corresponding runes respond to it through special movements, and the power that bursts out is magic and witchcraft. Blood magic is another way to use this medium."

"Have you been to Asshai? Do the magicians and warlocks there think so too?"

"No, Your Majesty. Many of the magicians and warlocks in Asshai I have come into contact with believe that magic comes from gifts from the gods. More than half of the people with special abilities believe that their magic and witchcraft are the power given to humans by R'hllor. Some people think that magic is just like words and knowledge, you just need to learn how to use it, and you don't need to care about where it comes from. Of course, there are also people who don't believe in gods. They think gods are just more powerful warlocks, and they believe that they can delve deeper into it. They can also obtain the same powerful power - these people are usually very powerful, but generally have a surly and solitary personality. They live in some special places in Asia and it is very dangerous to contact them, but I think their ideas are closer to the truth. I wanted to visit an old woman who was said to be more willing to communicate with others, but on the way to visit her, I was unfortunately imprisoned in a cage by her magic trap for half a month. In the end, I was almost killed by the old woman. It proves that she is a necromancer from the Far East who is not willing to communicate with others at all and just needs the corpses of some adventurers."


Viserys felt that Marwen's experience in Asshai was a bit like a foreigner entering the city of Yharnam. It seemed that he had been exposed to a lot of magic and witchcraft, but in fact, he might not have realized the more essential things until he left Asshai. He may have seen a lot of magic and witchcraft in his travels in the East, but he was still at the stage where he knew what it was and didn't know why.

"The Academy has a history of thousands of years, but there is no more in-depth research on magic and witchcraft? You said that the Academy is hostile to magic and witchcraft. Has no one ever done any research?"

"Of course, Your Majesty. Over the past thousands of years, the Citadel has collected almost all the magic and witchcraft that can be collected from all over the world. However, this knowledge has never been made public. I thought that I could browse these contents by becoming a doctor. The Citadel It is claimed that every doctor holds an ancient and heavy key made of black iron, which can open every door in the city and read all the books in the city. However, it turns out that this is not possible.

I know that there is a small weirwood door in the Cardinal's Court, where the Cardinal Council is located, and there is no key to open that door.

I once wrote a manuscript about my experience in Asia, and it passed the assessment of a jury composed of many old doctors from the city. This manuscript is called "Asshai Magic Test", which records Asshai's geographical location, language, independent witchcraft and spell language, a rough map of the city, its landmark buildings, and the hydrology and flow direction of the Ashes River. , as well as some of the witchcraft and spells I learned and Yashai’s rumors about the corpse city of Stea in the center of the Shadow Land.

Then through some means, I saw that my highly rated manuscript was copied into two copies. The original manuscript was placed in a corner of the magic and occult area of ​​the city library, and the copied copy was copied by a The masked Doctor leads him through the door that cannot be opened. I couldn't see through the door, and everything inside was blurry and dark. "

Viserys was keenly aware of it and tried to test it: "With your sight, will you use a glass candle?"

Daenerys couldn't help but narrow her eyes when she heard this.

Marwen became excited for a moment: "You do know, Your Majesty! Yes, when the doomsday disaster in Valyria has not yet come, four glass candles were brought from Valyria to the school city. The wizards of the Ancient Free Fortress used This glass candle allows you to see across mountains, oceans and deserts. I just got a glimpse of it and learned how to use it from Yashai.

The night before every assistant maester in the city takes the oath to become a maester, he must keep vigil in the cellar and cannot bring any light, only an obsidian candle. He must spend the night in darkness unless he can light the candle. The city advertises this as a warning to new bachelors: Even if a person is full of knowledge, he is not omnipotent.

However, after I returned from Asshai, I learned how to light it. As the only doctor of occult science in the city, I asked for a glass candle, lit it and used it to peer into the secrets of the city. That's how I discovered the little weirwood door. But my mental strength is not strong enough to use it frequently, otherwise I will definitely be able to find out all the members of the secret society. "

"Dr. Marwin, I want to know why you are so hostile to that secret society and want them to die? Is this not a pure battle of will or because they hinder your way of exploring magic? Even if they want to frame me and my giant Dragon, it doesn’t seem to be any of your business?”

"The Citadel should be an organization that is free from politics and disputes and concentrates on studying the truth of the world and disseminating knowledge. They have deviated from the original intention of the Citadel. They are the cancer of the Citadel. Your Majesty, they are the sores that must be dug out of the Citadel. They are It hinders all people who have the desire to delve into the origin of the world to know the real world!”

This is not true.

Viserys asked, "You said you brought evidence?"

Marwyn replied: "Please allow me to bring over the box I brought with me. It contains evidence of the threat the Citadel poses to you and your dragons."

Viserys's eyes signaled that Daenerys should be careful: "Of course, go get it."

Marwin leaned back slightly, passed by Nightfire who was guarding the stairs, and took his box from the stairwell attendant.

But I saw him take out a thick book written on parchment from the box, and respectfully handed the book to the king: "This is just one of the books that best represents the city's in-depth research on dragons. Your Majesty, about dragons." There is an entire area of ​​books in the Citadel, all about dragons, from the age of Valyria to the age of Targaryen, there are countless books.”

Viserys took the book in his right hand.

The book is titled "Legendary Creatures: The Dragon."

He flipped through the pages, and Daenerys looked over with caution.

The table of contents alone had several pages.

"Section 1: Overview of dragons, dragon eggs."

"Section 2: Taming of young dragons"

"Section 3: Bloodline and dragon riding"

"Section 4: Dragon body structure, dragon scales and dragon organs"

The first few sections were quite normal, but when it came to the fourth section, Viserys couldn't help but look at each section.

"Section 4, Section 1: Dragon weaknesses."

". Dragon crossbow."

". Dragon anatomy."

". Dragon structure."

". Dragon organs and magic conjectures."

". Blood dragon dance attempt, the secret of the method of inducing dragon madness."

". Demonstration of the correct method of slaying dragons."

". Research on inducing deformation of dragon offspring."

". Verification of the correlation between the extinction of dragons and the disappearance of magic."

Viserys felt uncomfortable just by looking at the table of contents.

Daenerys was so shocked by the catalog after just a glance that she couldn't help but grit her teeth. She had an extremely absurd feeling: the Citadel had quietly studied dragons almost thoroughly, and there was even a conspiracy to exterminate dragons, but the Targaryen ancestors were completely unaware of it?

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