Because of the arrival of Willas and Marwyn, Viserys's plan to go to the Stormlands was delayed for a while.

After arranging Marwyn, he had someone take him to the southern frontier in a disguised manner. Viserys knew that he could not wait any longer.

Viserys had arranged a team of Stormlands soldiers in the Stormlands. The Wilder family of Rainhouse, the Ethmond family of Greenstone, the Mettling family of Mistwood, the Davos family of Cape Wrath, and the free rider scouts sent by Viserys formed an investigation team of about 200 people composed of knights and guards from various castles who were good at field search. There were also two accompanying maesters in the team, a team responsible for searching for the crew of the Golden Group's lost ships, and town managers in the coastal areas to be investigated. Hunters who were familiar with the geography of various places in the northern rainforest were also summoned.

At Viserys' request, this team had gathered on the coast near Rainhouse to explore the fishing villages in the northern rainforest. Led by Scott, the scout who had seen the evil god being sacrificed to humans, they were looking for the evil fishing village. Viserys assembled this team in the name of clearing the evil god sacrifice in the evil fishing village in the rainforest and finding out the disaster situation along the coast of the rainforest.

After all, in the name of investigating the disaster situation around the rainforest in Stormland, the princes around the rainforest were summoned by the king, and they should contribute money and effort to this operation. Especially Rain House City and Fog Forest City, they were the most severely affected princes. Many towns and knights in the territory were destroyed by the floods caused by the rain that lasted for many days. Many small towns were flooded, a large number of residents and livestock died and disappeared, and cultivated land and forests planted with fruits and cash crops were completely swallowed up by floods and muddy water.

Many survivors could only venture to larger towns, or seek refuge with relatives, or live a miserable life with temporary relief from nobles everywhere. This rainy season seemed to have no end at all. So that many areas were completely shut down. The rainforest is fertile and can be regarded as a grain-producing area with a large population in the storm land. The victims of the disaster are gathering more and more in the unaffected towns, and a riot may be triggered if things go wrong.

Another point is that in addition to the fishing village discovered by Scott, there are also many rumors among the affected residents. It is said that some victims found a large number of fish stranded on the shore in some open, sparsely populated seas and estuaries. It is rumored that in those places, there is no need to go to the sea to fish or use fishing boats. Just picking up enough sea fish on the coast can be enough for everyone to survive.

People even remembered the story of "small fish" that the king had told. They never thought that it was true. Countless sea fish can really be seen stranded on the coast. It's just that the victims will not throw the fish back into the sea. They will pick up the fish and make them into dried fish and fish meat.

So many victims also gathered in those rumored places.

But because of the continuous rain and the pressure of town management, the knights and guards of the castles in various places did not go out to investigate, and no one paid attention to these rumors.

Until the King and the Warden of Stormlands issued an order to form an investigation team.


"His Majesty is here."

Through the rain, the observation post saw the King riding a dragon appearing above the temporary camp.

The nominal commander of this team is the brother of Earl Caspar Wilder, the Lord of Rain House City, and a respected old knight, Sir Mond Wilder.

Because Viserys's scout "Scott, the survivor of the horror fishing village" was found in the fishing village of the cult within the jurisdiction of Rain House City, this raid on the fishing village will be commanded by Sir Mond.

Sir Mond had seen the power of the King's dragon on the battlefield when he marched with Stannis before. At this moment, seeing the King riding a dragon under the lead-gray sky, he deeply felt the King's importance to this matter and did not dare to neglect it. After hearing the message from the sentry, he immediately walked out of the tent soaked in rain.

He did not hear the roar and flapping of the dragon's wings, but first heard the continuous sound of rain hitting the tent, the continuous rumbling of thunder, the whistling of the wind, and the surging sea tide in the distance like the roar of a giant beast.

The king's three-headed dragon emerged in the rainstorm, and under the thunder and lightning, it was like a tall god.

The rain was heavy at this time. Sir Mond took off his helmet. The rain made his head hurt, and the wind and rain made it difficult for him to open his eyes. He shouted loudly: "Your Majesty!"

The old knight licked his thick lips nervously. He arrived at the designated location about half a day later than the marching plan ordered by the king. The rain in the rainforest has been long and continuous these days, and many unexpected things have occurred during his march. Marching in the rain is difficult, not to mention that the team encountered muddy and collapsed roads just a dozen miles out of the Rain House City. The fields were flooded and it was difficult to identify the pits and the original roads. Many originally thin rivers swelled, forcing them to take a detour.

Many places that could be passed by horseback before now had to be dismounted and led by horse.

Because the storm made the sea surface uneasy, the logistical materials originally planned to be carried by ship had to be carried by land in the rain. Food, fodder, and supplies had to be strictly paid attention to to prevent them from being soaked by rain.

The original two-day cavalry journey was delayed for half a day.

The king rode the dragon and slowly flapped his wings to land on the large open space specially reserved for the camp. The huge dragon body blocked the strong wind from the sea for the people who came to greet the camp. The king did not get off, but only asked: "How far is it from here to the fishing village?"

Viserys was not an unsympathetic person. He watched the old knight come out to greet him with the flag officer and the soldiers of each team in the rain. Looking at the flags of the tents, they were soaked in water and placed on the poles, like many drowning cats.

The storm in this area was bigger than Viserys had imagined. The whole world seemed to have turned gray in the heavy rain.

Even Viserys wanted to hide in the tent at this moment to avoid the rain.

Sir Mond responded loudly: "According to the Scott you sent, there are still five or six leagues to go. I have sent scouts to search along the coastline. I believe we will find the fishing village soon."

Strangely enough, the fishing village mentioned by Scott was not in the records of Rain House City. Even the steward who managed this area did not know that there was such a village. Only a few fishermen and hunters confirmed that there were indeed several semi-wild fishing villages far away from the town in this area.

Wild people and semi-wild people exist even in the Storm Land. These so-called semi-wild people are mostly farmers, fishermen, and free people who fled to remote mountains and forests and remote coasts to avoid taxes and corvee.

If they had not been found to be using humans for evil sacrifices, and the king attached great importance to this matter, in most cases, as long as they did not become bandits who robbed the lords' territories, the lords would not have extended their hands so far. These places are too remote, and even if they are managed, they will not be able to collect any taxes.

"Let the troops take shelter from the rain and rest first, wait for the scouts to come back, and see if the rain will be lighter, and then decide how to surround and control the people in the fishing village according to the situation." Viserys gave a new order, and then said, "I'll go and see the situation."

As he said, without waiting for Sir Mond to respond, Viserys flapped his wings and took off, and disappeared into the rain in a moment.

Sir Mond looked solemn and tried to calm down. As a commander, he had no experience in cooperating with dragon knights in combat, and now he could only take one step at a time. Even if they were to deal with unarmed fishermen, on such a rainy day, the rain curtain under the storm was like a thick fog, and visibility was only a few dozen steps away.

The biggest threat to this march was actually the storm. If the storm in Shipbreaker Bay turned into a hurricane, the team might suffer serious losses. Originally, many people, including Sir Mond, could not understand that they had to march in the storm to deal with a small fishing village under the threat of the autumn storm.

But the king attached so much importance to it that many people felt uneasy. It was true that the rain in the Stormland was very strange. Many old people, including Sir Casper, the lord of Rain House City who was over 60 years old, said that they had never seen such strange rain in their lives. The drizzle continued for several months without any sign of stopping.

Many people thought of the few short sunny days after the Red Woman's sacrifice during the Storm's End. After the Red Woman left, even the drizzle in the Storm's End turned into heavy rain.

Then think of the king's magic and the rumors of the White Walkers brought back from Braavos.

All kinds of disturbing information put together will make people imagine a terrifying scene, revealing that the rain in the Stormland may represent some terrible situation.

So this incident made Sir Mond feel great pressure. Sir Mond did not want any accidents.

Many people had similar ideas to Sir Mond when they came to deal with a small fishing village in the storm. Many experienced knights suggested to the lord to wait until the rain stopped or the rain was lighter before sending troops when they received the assembly order, but the king's order was that no matter what the weather was, the army must assemble at the designated time and arrive at the designated location.

And it turned out that the rain had no intention of stopping at all.

The king issued the order before his wedding to assemble the rainforest knights who were dismissed and returned to the territory. The order to start the march was brought by the raven after the king returned from Braavos, and then today the king met with the investigation team here. Calculating the time, it has been nearly two weeks. But the heavy rain has not stopped for so many days since the troops assembled, met in the Rain House City, and approached the fishing village. Instead, the rain has become heavier.

Sir Mond had no choice but to pay attention. This time, Sir Mond basically considered it as dealing with the bandits who gathered and made trouble, taking into account the possible force and resistance of the fishermen, and being careful everywhere.

As for Viserys, he flew from Storm's End to Rainhouse City from a high altitude, and then searched along the coastline before catching up with the team.

The coastline in the north of the rain forest is long and vast, with countless fishing villages along the coastline, and some houses are built in the dense forest, in the crevices of the coastal cliffs, and in the shade. Relying only on the general description of the frightened scout Scott, it was difficult for Viserys to determine the correct location of the village, especially Scott's impression of the fishing village was at night.

The scout himself had to lead the way.

It would be a waste of time to let Viserys turn into a dragon and search for each village one by one, and without witnesses to identify, Viserys could not determine which village's fishermen were cultists.

In fact, when Viserys flew all the way here, he consciously paid attention to the situation of the coastline. But the rain was too heavy, and the rain curtain covered large areas of the coastline like fog in the heavy rain. Viserys could not see the situation of the coastline clearly unless he landed close.

To be honest, this is very abnormal.

Even though Viserys's knowledge of climate was limited to the weather forecast before the crossing, he knew that it was extremely abnormal for such a large area of ​​sea and coastline in the north of Shipwreck Bay to be covered by a storm at the same time.

Viserys chased along the coastline all the way from Rain House City and saw that many roads were washed away by the rising rivers. Those rivers were not originally big rivers, but some mountain streams or small rivers in the fields. However, after a long rainy season, they became violent and turbulent.

Even several fishing villages and coastal villages a few leagues away from Rain House City have been flooded, and countless houses have been blown down by wind and rain, and residents have to move.

It is said that this rain has not stopped for nearly two months. In the past period, it was a continuous drizzle, but in the past two weeks, the drizzle has turned into a rainstorm, as if it will never stop.

Considering the long rainy season, Viserys doubted whether the fishing village Scott mentioned was still there.

So as soon as he saw the military camp, Viserys wanted to ask about the situation as soon as possible.

When he learned that the scouts he sent out had not returned, he could not wait.

Viserys flew close to the ground along the coastline in the rain curtain. To his right, the long storm beat the surging sea water. This wide sea area is the famous Shipwreck Bay.

The sound of the waves in the storm was deep and majestic, as if it merged with the sound of the rainstorm beating the coast, like the roar of a giant beast.

Viserys was full of doubts.

"Storms rise from a broken ship."

He remembered Patchface's song.

As far as Viserys could see, the gray rain curtain seemed to occupy the entire world. Even with the dragonized eyes, the visibility was only about 100 meters.

If he were to search alone, Viserys suspected that in such a storm, he could only fly aimlessly along the coast at low altitude, not knowing when he would find anything.

At a certain moment.

Viserys smelled a strange smell in the muddy smell in the rain and the salty smell of the sea.

Viserys felt uneasy in his heart. The air on the coastline, the mud and the beach on the seashore exuded a sinister atmosphere. Viserys first saw some stranded broken wooden boards appearing as far as he could see on the coast. He flapped his wings and continued to move forward, and then he smelled the stench of decay in the rain.

Then, Viserys saw large pieces of fish and some indescribable marine animal corpses exposed in the endless muddy beach on the coast under the rain.

The fishy smell and the smell of rotten fish meat were so strong that Viserys almost wanted to vomit.

The ruthless rain poured down, beating the smelly animal corpses. The scenery of the next section of the road became monotonous. Viserys could only see the boundless black sea water in the rain and the endless fish carcasses on the muddy beach.

This section of the coast covered with seafood carcasses was about half a league long. Viserys endured the discomfort and flew all the way to the end of this section of the coast.

This was a small bay sheltered from the wind. An open area in the bay was a black fishing village. Many thatched houses collapsed and seemed to have been abandoned. The ground of the fishing village was covered with a kind of black swamp, which emitted a foul smell.

The storm poured over the fishing village full of these black swamps, carrying this strange black mud and flowing into the sea along the exit of the fishing village.

Here, Viserys saw the scouts sent by Sir Mond, who covered their mouths and noses with linen and were observing from a distance on the high hills and ridges outside the fishing village. They undoubtedly saw the king riding a dragon, and they appeared one after another, waving the flags that were soft in the rain to the king.

Viserys's eyes followed the terrain of the fishing village and looked towards the canyon in the crevice of a high hill not far from the open area where the fishing village was located. There were many natural caves visible to the naked eye, and the black mud that was all over the ground where the fishing village was located was flowing out continuously from there.

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