Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 187 Storm God is a collectible

"If the so-called gods can't even save themselves, how can they be called gods?"

Crow's Eye Euron Greyjoy watched the silent alien crew pull up the greasy black stone slab that the legendary Drowned God used to suppress the corpse of the Naga onto the deck and put it on the bow, and couldn't help but laugh.

Several monks of the Stars in Place whose tongues were pulled out were quickly pulled to the deck. Euron killed several monks with the ritual daggers of the cultists themselves, and asked the crew to smear fresh blood and internal organs on the greasy black stone, and finally tied the monks' bodies naked to the bow.

The Stars in Place is a notorious cult organization that often appears in port cities.

Legend has it that the Stars in Place originated from the Bloodstone Emperor of the Kingdom of Dawn, who usurped the throne of his sister, the Amethyst Queen, and killed her. He abandoned the true gods of Yi Ti, the Daughter of Light and the Night Lion, and turned to worship a black boulder that fell from the sky.

The acolytes of the Stars in Place often appeared in the port, gathering secretly to sing to the stars at night.

Euron liked to use these people of faith very much, and their souls always had various wonderful effects. He never prayed during the ceremony, but these so-called gods never refused. It was so simple, and the warship began to set off.

The so-called prayer to the Storm God and the gods was such a stupid thing. As long as the method was correct, all gods were blind wood and bones.

The bloody black stone was finally simply sprinkled with a layer of human bone powder, and the voice of the Storm God would no longer disturb Euron.

Euron looked at the sea monster that was injured behind the ship but defeated an important part of the so-called gods, and he despised the so-called gods even more in his heart.

It's almost time.

Euron saw his own shadow in the blood, and he saw his black eyes smiling in the scarlet blood, which was a sober and peaceful smile.

When he reached that condition, he would get peace, eternal peace, and he would isolate all the noisy and disgusting sounds in this world, bringing unprecedented peace to the world.

Can the petty quarrels between the Storm God and the Drowned God be called a war of gods?

Disdain appeared on Euron's face.

He returned to the captain's room of the New Serenity with this disdain.

When the door was closed, there was a dead silence, and he liked this kind of silence.

There were no disturbers in his mind, no prayers in his ears, and he was so clear and peaceful.

Those noisy and harassing voices that sounded in his mind without consent made him angry and disgusted, and those stupid gods who were powerless without mortals made him disgusted.

It's almost time.

Those disgusting, false and stupid beings will soon no longer be able to get into his consciousness and dreams, disturbing the tranquility and clarity of his mind. He will show them what the real power of gods is and what real war is.

Legend has it that the first sea dragon Naga was killed by the Grey Sea King with the help of the Drowned God. Naga's ribs became the Grey Sea King's Hall. Naga's fire was kept in the hall to keep it warm forever. After the Grey Sea King died, the Storm God couldn't wait to extinguish Naga's fire.

However, although the Storm God extinguished Naga's fire, the faith and sect belonging to this god disappeared from then on. People can only occasionally hear people mention this heretic god who has been missing for thousands of years from the mouths of believers who believe in the Drowned God, and use it to curse and curse heretics.

Who would have thought that in the heroic era when God's chosen people walked on the earth, this storm god left the stage early.

Because of his own stupidity and delusion, the Storm God poured his power into his own creation, the most powerful creature born in the sea, the sea dragon Naga. Relying on the powerful body of the sea dragon, he once ran rampant in the world, unmatched, feeding on sea monsters and sea beasts, and could swallow entire islands when angry.

However, the chosen one of the Drowned God, the Grey Sea King, designed to kill him and dismember him. His ribs were left in the Naga Hills to build a palace, and the original spirit was imprisoned. It took nearly a thousand years for him to be freed. His skull and limbs created in imitation of the Yidi real dragon were abandoned and sealed in the place where the Storm God had left legends.

And such a god who lost almost all of his own power due to stupidity is now trying to revive because he has gained some power.

Euron just used the ritual of the Storm God, but he wanted to revive with the help of Euron.

Euron is not his believer, nor will he be a believer or tool of any god. It’s just that the ritual power of the Storm God is more useful at sea. Why should he help him?

Ha, let him die.

Euron has his own things to do, which is much better than the low tastes of these so-called gods.


Viserys looked at the bones grabbed from the ruins and unexpectedly found that it was just a leg bone of some giant creature.

He felt the magic of the dragon soul from this leg bone, but this leg bone was completely different from the dragon bones that Viserys knew. Neither Viserys's own observations nor the books on dragon research brought by Marwyn could find the location of this leg bone.

The leg bones of dragons in this world - at least the dragons of Valyria - are similar to the bones of birds, light and strong, with thin bone slices and hollow bones. Most importantly, they contain a lot of iron and are black.

But this leg bone suspected of being a "dragon bone" is obviously much heavier than a normal dragon bone, and it is severely fossilized, showing the normal calcified bone white.

Viserys couldn't figure out what this bone that might be closely related to the Storm God was.

But today's abnormality is undoubtedly caused by this bone. This bone was burned several times by Viserys with flame rays. Even the human bones and the black stone next to it were melted, and even the black mud that seemed to be alive was completely burned to ashes, but this bone was still intact.

At first, Viserys just tried to touch it and prepared to be cursed. However, there was no curse on this bone, but Viserys felt the long-lost dragon soul magic.

This confused Viserys. Could it be that the Storm God is related to "dragon"?

Viserys couldn't figure it out, so he could only grab this bone first.

Compared with the questions that this bone brought to Viserys.

It's not so rare to encounter mermaids here.

The legend of mermaids in the world of ice and fire is like sea monsters, and it has always been circulated among sailors.

The ocean in this world is much wider than the land. Since sea monsters exist, it is normal for mermaids to exist.

It's just that mermaids seem to have their own civilization and language, which surprised Viserys.

Mermaids are suspected to be followers of the Drowned God. Legend has it that the Grey King of the Iron Islands married a mermaid.

Viserys guessed that the mermen who appeared today were responsible for guarding the Black Stone Seal here, perhaps the Drowned God's cult armed forces and merman priests.

Viserys remembered that when they first found the cave hidden in the canyon, they had vaguely heard the roar and howl of the monster.

Perhaps these mermaids had fought several times with the monster that was supposedly composed of the fishermen's corpses before Viserys and his party arrived, and it was not just a coincidence that they appeared today. Viserys and his party were the third party who intervened in the fight.

But Viserys could no longer get the truth of these speculations, after all, the sealed cave had been completely destroyed by Viserys.

Finding only a huge leg bone in the ruins gave Viserys a headache, because this undoubtedly meant that there was definitely more than one place for the seal site that was absolutely related to the Storm God.

This was something that Viserys didn't know how many of the bones he had in his hand were and needed to look for and collect everywhere.

The only good news is that after Viserys calcined the bones and burned the obviously abnormal black mud into ashes, the storm in the area was visibly relieved and turned into a drizzle.

This means that, as Viserys speculated, it was because the seal was loose that an object in the black mud and bones caused abnormal rainfall in the storm.

This time the loss was also serious. The 200 knights and sergeants who followed did not wear armor because they marched in the storm, but only wore leather protective gear. More than 20 sergeants died in the battle with the murlocs, and more than 20 were injured.

The horses that were scared away are still being found. It is estimated that this place is remote and the horses can only run on one road, and they can all be found in the end.

Viserys was worried that this extraordinary experience would scare many knights and soldiers, causing them to panic and become mentally abnormal, and causing some people with weaker mental health to lose their minds.

Who knew that the Westeros people were more accepting of the alien than Viserys imagined.

When Viserys flew over them holding the huge bones of the alien, these people cheered and shouted "Long live His Majesty Viserys", "Long live the dragon", and finally screamed "Long live the gods, long live the dragon god".

Viserys swallowed the words he had prepared, and just hovered in the air, responding to them: "This is a great victory. The evil existence tried to use evil rituals to summon storms to flood the storm land, and the aliens in the sea tried to hinder us. But we are the winners, warriors who represent the brave spirit of mankind, let us take the spoils of the winner. Triumph!"

These soldiers are easier to deal with than expected. Viserys only needs to mobilize their emotions loudly, and they will respond with red faces.

"Triumph! Triumph! Triumph!"

"Long live! Long live! Long live!"

What Viserys didn't expect was that the biggest problem in this battle with the aliens was actually the distribution of spoils - that is, more than 30 fish-man corpses.

Because of the heavy rain and chaos when the battle took place, many people could not tell which murloc they killed.

So they started to rob the bodies of the murlocs after the battle, claiming that they were the aliens they killed.

These are the people of Westeros. They plan to take these alien bodies back and collect them as trophies to show their bravery, just like hunting wild boars, elks, black bears and shadow mountain cats.

Some even plan to sell them to merchants in the East or eat them themselves.

Hearing that someone planned to eat murlocs, Viserys felt a chill.

After all, Viserys was not present at the time, so the distribution of "trophies" and "merits" was handed over to the commander Sir Mond, and Viserys would only reward them according to their merits in the end.

Considering that this was the first batch of soldiers in Viserys' army who encountered aliens, three squires and four strong ordinary sergeants were knighted in this encounter. They were all people who were confirmed to have killed more than one murloc and saved their companions in the encounter.

Viserys now has many knights in the Stormlands, so it's no big deal to confer knighthoods on a few of them. These new knights who call themselves "Murloc Knights" are also quite courageous, after all, they have earned their knighthoods with their courage and lives.

The number of murlocs that appeared before was much greater than their numbers.

The remaining warriors who caused the casualties were originally knights and nobles. Viserys only gave them different levels of money and honorary rewards according to the number of murlocs they killed.

There are also post-war relief and pensions for the dead.

When the troops were withdrawn, some people wanted to go to the ruins burned by the dragon flame to look for the body of the giant murloc and the body of the strange humanoid monster, which they were not sure whether they had seen before, and the huge black stone.

Viserys did not object. Anyway, there was nothing to be found there now. Instead of letting these people come here to risk their lives to search, it is better to let them give up today.

The strange humanoid monster and the giant murloc were burned to ashes by Viserys, and the bones were melted into some lava. As for the black stone, it also lost its original appearance under the dragon flame, like a soft candle. There are still some words and paintings on it.

As for the bottom of the black stone pedestal, Viserys has already investigated. There is a large water hole with an unclear depth, which exudes the smell of rotten and smelly sea water.

Viserys spit a mouthful of fire into the cave and found that it was a piece of sewage. The sewage was once boiled by the dragon flame, but there was no abnormality. Viserys speculated that the water in the big hole might have an underground cave undercurrent that could connect to the deep sea.

But Viserys was amphibious and had no way to deal with underwater, so he could only leave it alone. After all, after getting the bone, the black mud no longer appeared, and the weather also improved slightly. The problem in this area seemed to have been solved.

Viserys got this bone that he didn't know how to deal with, and thought about rushing back to the Stormland and issuing an order to send scouts from the territories that suffered from the rain disaster in the Stormland to strictly investigate the places where mysterious fish schools landed.

Since this thing is a collection, Viserys has people under his command, so there is no need to find them one by one. When the soldiers here return to Rain House City with the spoils and spread what happened, they will have to pay attention to it.

Moreover, the merchant ships and warships of the Golden Group that disappeared in Shipbreaker Bay were not found here, and Viserys couldn't help but feel a chill. If more people's bodies were used by evil forces, how disgusting would the combined monsters be?

Considering that the murlocs seemed to have their own civilization, Viserys was afraid that these Westeros warriors who had faced the aliens would be attacked on the way back, so he sent these warriors away for a while.

After confirming that the murlocs would no longer appear, Viserys rushed back to Storm's End with the "trophies" he had obtained in this strange experience.

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