At the same time, Mihoyo Building.

After the news of the scenic spot linkage was released online and caused heated discussions, within a few hours, the company's business department received two linkage applications from food companies.

One is the white-bearded grandfather K-Jie, and the other is the clown uncle M-Jie. They both want to link with"Genshin Impact".

And the time is from January to February. Now that the two sides have reached an agreement, it can be launched during the Spring Festival. This is a very good opportunity.

Xu Shuo originally wanted to link with K-Jie before the game was launched, but at that time, because K-Jie was linked with"Pokemon", he had to give up.

But this time, he decided to link with M-Jie, and K-Jie didn't mention it.

He has already decided on the entire linkage plan.

The linkage props range from physical props to real rewards.

Two physical badges need to shout slogans to get them, and the virtual props limited color of the wind wing will be given when you buy a limited package.

And according to the needs of the other party, M-Jie is also preparing to set up several linkage theme stores in several major cities in China. The store will restore the scene of Liyue in the game, and strive to give players an immersive feeling.

To be honest, he himself wants to go to these stores.

Xu Shuo sent the written linkage plan document to the Ministry of Commerce, asking them to negotiate the cost issue with the other party.

After dealing with this matter, he planned to check the news for a while and then deal with the work of the Heavy Armor Bunny.

Several months have passed and no one suitable to be in charge of the Heavy Armor Bunny has been found, so he is still handling it.

Working from morning to night makes him want to slack off all the time.

Xu Shuo took a look at the current news. As he expected, the Internet is full of news praising the Liyue version.

Many players have even launched related videos, similar to"Analyzing the Points of Chinese Culture in Liyue"》,《Have you found all the underworld treasure chests in Wangshu Inn?》.......

It has only been a short time since the game was updated, and someone has already made a video. I really can't help but accept it. It's really too hard. However, there are people who praise and people who criticize. The most popular content is: He thinks that this game focuses on Chinese traditional culture, but the application of traditional culture is only superficial and not done with heart. He just does it for the sake of making money.

His article is very long. He writes this point over and over again in different sentences, but he can't produce any convincing evidence. At a glance, it can be identified as a person who relies on hacking to make traffic money.

Xu Shuo didn't take this article seriously at all. The game is there. As long as you play it, you will know what it is like. Whether the game is made with heart or not is not determined by his words.

Originally, he was going to skip it, but he unexpectedly found several fans in the comment area who were constantly replying to the author of this article.

And now, every time he refreshes the page, a long reply will appear.

Xu Shuo read it and found that both sides are a little abnormal.

Generally speaking, people who make this kind of money will not reply to other people's comments. After all, they are scolding him, so it doesn't make sense to reply or not. If he has this time, he might as well write a few more articles to make more money.

But this person kept replying in such a boring way.

And the person who looked like a fan also replied strangely, cursing at the other party while constantly @米唬悠 and the official account of Genshin Impact.

【@Mihoyo @原神, you have such an understanding of traditional culture, there will definitely be more exciting applications of traditional cultural content in the future!】

【@Mihuyou@原神, the Liyue version is already very good, and the next update will definitely be even more exciting】

【@Mihoyo@原神, Brother Dashuo you are my idol, I believe you will never let us down!】.......

Many people supported him in this comment.

There was a long list of replies, and Xu Shuo was too lazy to read them.

The haters finally showed their true colors.

These water army hired by who knows who had poor acting skills, and their purpose was too obvious.

They deliberately raised themselves and mobilized the emotions of the players to raise their expectations for the game.

Once the game failed to meet the expectations of the players, they would be disappointed, which would affect the operation and revenue of the game.

It was like an exam.

A scored 70 points, and then B kept bragging that A could get 90 points, and everyone thought it was true.

After the exam, A scored 80 points.

A has made great progress compared to himself, but for others, they would only think that his level was very poor and he didn't take the exam seriously.

Moreover, A couldn't say that he only had a 70 point level, so he could only suffer the loss secretly.

This move was very insidious and disgusting.

Recently, those people didn't use direct means, but instead used this trick, which was really boring.

Xu Shuo shook his head. If it was an ordinary company, it might really be disgusting.

He stood up and looked through the glass window to the southwest. According to this, Pengcheng was there 1,500 kilometers away.

I have always scored 99 points, how can I get 90 points? If you want to fight against Jiang Bao, you have to fight head-on. It is useless to play tricks.

At this moment, he suddenly received a call from the front desk, saying that someone came to visit and asked for him by name.

"Who is it?" Xu Shuo asked about the other party's identity.

He usually doesn't see guests without an appointment. Since the front desk called him, it means that the person who came is not ordinary.

"His name is Wang Xiansheng, and he is a former executive of Penguin."

Mr. Wang? Former executive of Penguin?

Xu Shuo was a little confused for a moment. What does Mr. Wang mean? But after hearing the latter sentence, he gave up the idea of entangled in the name.

He looked strange, but still asked the girl at the front desk to take him to his office.

Before they came, Xu Shuo put the pillow of Mei on the sofa on his chair. He and the girl could hug this pillow, but he would not be able to hug it next to the old man.���

After a while, he heard a knock on the door, and the voice of the girl at the front desk came from outside the door.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Xu is waiting for you inside.......Ah, sorry Mr. Wang, I'm not calling you Wang Xiansheng, I'm calling you Mr. Wang......."

"It doesn't matter."A helpless voice sounded.

Xu Shuo was confused again. What on earth was she talking about? Could there really be someone named Mr. Wang who would take advantage of others like this?

"Please come in."He restrained his thoughts and said. The man who pushed the door open was an uncle, but he looked a little haggard and lonely.

Xu Shuo greeted him and asked him to sit down. After he sat down, he began to introduce himself.

Xu Shuo learned the lesson from the girl at the front desk.

"It turned out to be Mr. Wang. I have heard of you for a long time."

"I have long admired Mr. Xu."

After the two of them flattered each other, Xu Shuo went straight to the point.

"I wonder what Mr. Wang has to do today?"

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