The game update is complete, and Sister Zhou begins to advance the new plot.

After conquering Bronya, the scent of lilies is emanating from the three of them.

A giant battleship, the 'Hyperion', appeared above everyone's head. They claimed to be the 'Valkyrie', a special force of the United Nations against Honkai.

Kiana saw the symbol of destiny on the battleship at a glance, and was discussing with Mei.

However, Bronya directly determined that the other party was a hostile organization and began to attack.

The other party also determined them to be an 'anti-entropy' organization and captured them into the battleship.

The three relied on Bronya's heavily armed bunny to blow up the cell, but because the battleship was too huge, they lost their way inside.

A more mature sister than Mei appeared in front of them.

With fiery red hair and a proud figure, this is the captain of the Hyperion - Himeko Muliangta.

The audience was excited to see the new characters enter.

"mature prprpr"

"Wow, a new wife appears!"

"This isn't the character that Zhou Jie is cosplaying as!"

Kiana and Jizi Muliangta fought for several rounds before she fell into a disadvantage.

However, Kiana's unintentional remark of"old aunt" completely angered the other party.

Jizi Muliangta shouted angrily:"You bastards of Anti-Entropy, today is the day you die."

The three fled in a panic and got lost in the battleship again.

On the way, Bronya explained to everyone the origin of the Valkyries: they are a combat unit under the Destiny Organization, which artificially transforms people to adapt to Honkai, and then equips them with weapons powered by Honkai energy to fight.

Kiana also talked about her past with the Destiny Organization. She and her father have been evading the pursuit of Destiny, but the old aunt did not seem to recognize her identity, so all they had to do was escape.

After listening to Kiana's words, Mei made a bold suggestion. Since Destiny is also investigating her father, the other party may have clues.

Bronya also said: As long as you can invade Destiny's system, you can try to search for information.

But Kiana decided to give up this opportunity for their sake.

However, when the three of them were about to escape to the exit, Infinite Tower Himeko not only blocked their way again, but also captured Mei as a hostage.

In order to save Mei, Bronya pulled the full attack of the heavy-armored bunny and shot through the deck of the battleship with one shot. , the three of them fell to the bottom of the battleship.

The battleship has been launched, and the chance of escape is slim, so they decided to find the main control room of the battleship to search for information about Kiana's father.

After a hard fight, they were only one step away from the control room, and Himeko of Infinite Tower appeared again to block them.

Mei tried to explain to Himeko that they were not from Anti-Entropy, but Himeko revealed their identities.

It turned out that Mei's father, Thunder Ryoma, secretly colluded with Anti-Entropy, and the ME Society was an organization belonging to Anti-Entropy! And Bronya is Anti-Entropy's new weapon.

When Himeko was about to start the fusion system of the Hyperion, she received a notice from St. Freya's College.

Theresa, the dean of the college, was a white-haired loli-like nun. After seeing Kiana, she recognized her at a glance and claimed to be an acquaintance of Kiana's father. She used herself as a guarantee to save Kiana and the other two.

Kiana asked Theresa about the news of her father, but Theresa asked her to come to St. Freya's College to talk about it.

Sister Zhou looked excited:"What is this development? You don't forget to dig the hole while filling it. You are really good at it."

"The situation has been opened up! From a beautiful girl fighting zombies to an organized struggle."

"White-haired Lolita!!!"

"Don't think about it, maybe Theresa is actually older than your mother."

"So there are two new characters released, why haven't we seen any of Zhou Jie's cosplay characters yet?"

"Don't worry, brothers."Sister Zhou comforted the audience.

The cosplay costume was sent by Mihoyo, along with a character picture.

So in fact, she only knew that this character was a new character, but she didn't know when this character would appear.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the subsequent plot was not the main plot, but a series of activity plots were inserted.

After the three protagonists entered St. Freya Academy to study, Theresa pretended to be a lost nun to test their strength, and organized them into the fifth Valkyrie team to solve the collapse incident.

The first thing was——《"Phantom Sea Chamber".

Kiana and the other two accidentally entered the ruins of an anti-entropy laboratory. When they just entered the laboratory, a child ran past them.

They wanted to chase after the child, but they were blocked by the phantoms of Mei and Bronya.

After solving the problem, they finally caught up with the girl - Seele Freya.

When the girl's portrait appeared in front of everyone, the audience was excited. This is the role that Zhou Jie COSed

"So cute!!! The new wife has appeared, how can we stop moving forward"

"She is actually an event character, Mihoyo's biological daughter? Is it that I, Kiana, can no longer lift the knife?"

"Isn't this much cuter than Sister Zhou!"

But what no one expected was that the girl was actually Bronya's sister. The two of them lived in the same orphanage before.

Bronya asked Seele where she had been for the past two years, but in Seele's memory, only one week had passed. A group of people took her to this laboratory for surgery, and she didn't remember what happened afterwards.

In order to find out what happened to Seele, Kiana and the other two decided to continue their investigation, and they found an archive room.

In a top-secret file, everyone discovered that this laboratory was used to transform their bodies and allow them to improve their control over Honkai energy.

A total of 10 orphans were sent, 9 died, and only one entered the final stage of the experiment.

The observers saw various illusions, including a dead mother and a god of death.

To everyone's surprise, it was Seele who destroyed the laboratory. At this time, Seele recalled everything, and her entire temperament changed. Seele The inner personality appeared.

Richie told everyone everything.

The experiment went wrong at that time, and she herself entered the quantum level. If she wanted to maintain her body, she had to rely on the memories of others, but the kind-hearted Seele was unwilling to devour those people, but her strong desire to survive made her controlled by Richie.

Richie sealed Seele's memory and created the Fantasy Sea Chamber to hunt down people related to Seele and devour their memories.

And her ultimate goal is Bronya, who has the most memories in common with Seele.

As long as she is killed, Seele can return to reality.

Bronya, who knew all this, was willing to exchange herself for Seele, but Seele was unwilling to hurt her favorite sister. She took back control of her body and let them go.

Amid Bronya's crying, Seele and the Fantasy Sea Chamber disappeared in front of everyone.

Seele's cute and gentle image was engraved in everyone's minds, and they were filled with righteous indignation.

"??? It's gone just like that? I thought I had it back, but it disappeared"

"Mihuoyou, you are not a human being, right? Backhand knife, you are really good"

"Give me back Xier, RNM, give me back my money!"

At this time, Sister Zhou found a play button at the end of the Fantasy Sea Secret Room event, which read"Blue Sea Chapter"》

"Brother Meng, stop scolding me, maybe there will be a turning point."

Sister Zhou pressed the button, and the CG of"Blue Sea Arc" began to play.

They realized that this was not a sequel, but a prequel.

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