"It's only been a few days, and no one is scolding him anymore?"

Loe was very dissatisfied with the current trend on the Internet.

Wang Xiansheng's matter was such a big deal on the Internet before, but now no one mentioned it after a few days. Has he simply integrated into the heavy-installed bunny?

He was very reluctant in his heart, but he could do nothing about Wang Xiansheng.

If you want to blacken him online, the topic will inevitably turn to Penguin. Once it turns to Penguin, it will definitely be stopped. In the eyes of others, what is the difference between this behavior and spending money to blacken yourself?

Originally, he wanted to crush him on the project, but he didn't know that after the release of"Undertale", the attention has risen sharply and it has attracted global attention.

How can this be compared? What else can he do except avoid the edge.

He is confident in his project but not conceited. He will definitely not do something that is obviously life-threatening.

Moreover, Loe even has a little jealousy in his heart that Wang Xiansheng can be listed on the list of game producers of"Undertale".

Some games are made to make money. They make a lot of money but are destined to not get any honor. This is a commodity.

Some games are full of artistic and ingenious designs, and have won numerous awards but have low sales. These are works of art.

A successful game is to find a balance between art and making money, and to unify the two. This is an excellent game.

《Undertale has done this perfectly, and there is no doubt that this will be a game that will go down in the history of games! The significance of being able to put a name on this game can be imagined.

And Wang Xiansheng has only been in the heavy-installed bunny for a few days, and he can put a name on this game?

"We can’t go on like this."

Loe was impatient. The beta version of the game had been delayed for a month and he couldn’t wait any longer.

A few hours later, the official version of"Genshin Impact" also released a preview of the new version, which instantly diverted the attention of a large number of players.

"Are you trying to steal my money? I just finished playing Undertale and then Genshin Impact is about to update, right?"

"What do you mean by robbing money? Aren't you willing to do it? You guys say no, but your body is honest, and the money just flows out like water."

"It was all Dashuo's conspiracy. He made me become a person whose body would become strange when I heard about Mihoyo and Heavy Bunny."

The main scene in this trailer is the palace floating in the air mentioned by Ningguang in the previous plot - Qun Yu Pavilion.

Castle in the air is a derogatory term, but it has become a reality in"Genshin Impact"!

Qun Yu Pavilion looks very magnificent from the outside, with a rigorous layout and symmetry. The style is also a pure ancient Chinese architectural style, which perfectly fits Ningguang's identity as a wealthy businessman.

At the same time, it also reveals a message that Qun Yu Pavilion is a real area that players can enter.

"If you don't understand, just ask if a tile falls from the Qun Yu Pavilion, is it considered as throwing objects from a high altitude? I want to have a good and in-depth discussion with the owner of the Qun Yu Pavilion."

"The Jade Pavilion is Ningguang's palace, so will Ningguang take a bath here? Can I have a taste of the bath water?"

At the same time, several new characters appeared in the trailer, but only one has been announced so far, which is the character with cat ears that appeared in the previous silhouette.

5-star character, Liyue Seven Stars - Yuheng Star——【Keqing] will be added to the permanent card pool after the update.

The limited characters of the next version remain a mystery.

However, the character of Keqing alone has excited netizens.

"Cat girl!? My wife, please come home with me!"

"Cat ears! This furry fan is ecstatic! If it was in animal form like other immortals, I would like it even more prprprpr......, will you be in the permanent pool later? ? ? Can you only force it? Just change your name to Krypton Qing."

It didn't take long for everyone to find out that they were all happy for nothing!

When someone was licking the screen, they suddenly found that the two cat-like things on her head were not cat ears at all, but made of hair.

Many people felt that they were deceived.

"Fuck, this furry is furious, I licked the screen clean and you tell me this? Without cat ears, she is worse than Liuyunjifeng Zhenjun"

"Ah, this hairstyle is too weird, is there really anyone who would style their hair into the shape of cat ears? Could it be that Mihoyo deliberately caters to some people's hobbies?"

"Are you going to curse again?"

Now, no one paid attention to the Qun Yu Pavilion and the mysterious limited characters that were originally promoted as the focus. Instead, everyone started to quarrel over the pair of"cat ears" on Ke Qing's head.

Then the quarrel escalated, and more and more people paid attention.

Soon someone stood up and spoke out. An article titled"You cursed the wrong place" suddenly appeared and stunned a group of people

【Please stop typing.jpg. You are scolding the wrong place!

I believe everyone has learned a sentence called"Zongjiaozhiban, Yanxiaoyanyan". This sentence comes from"Guofeng·Weifeng·Rang" in"The Book of Songs". I believe that many people can recite this poem. The

"Zongjiao" here refers to the ancient children who braided their hair on both sides and combed their hair into two buns, like two horns on the top of the head. If you can't imagine it, you can think of Nezha's hairstyle.

The two things on Keqing's head are said to be cat ears or bamboo shoots, but they look like two horns. Isn't it very similar to"Zongjiao"?

So there is no problem with the hairstyle. It can be said that it is justified to find the ancient prototype! And after all, it is a two-dimensional game with some artistic processing, which I think is completely acceptable.

But this is Keqing's hairstyle, which is a bit problematic, because the"Zongjiao" hairstyle is the hairstyle of a boy who has not yet crowned and a girl who has not yet married, and generally refers to children.

But this is not a big problem. Is it possible that Keqing is a genius girl? It may also be a small bug in Mihoyo about age.

So what we should do is not to curse each other. Even if we want to curse, we should curse Mihoyo.】

"People with culture are different. People like me can only say, wow, awesome!"

"Okay, I understand. I'm going to scold Mihu! I don't know if there is a sweet flower stuffed chicken collar."

"Hello, we have some. Go pick the sweet flowers yourself, and go ask Timmy for the chicken."

The turmoil on the Internet has finally stopped, but the popularity of the new version of"Genshin Impact" has intensified.

However, this trailer has given Loe another difficult problem, that is, whether to release the beta version of the game now.

To release it now means to collide with the new version of"Genshin Impact". With several failed experiences, he knows that this is not a good choice.

Loe thought about it and looked at the Keqing Ear incident that is currently being hotly discussed on the Internet.

Suddenly he figured it out. This is definitely a marketing campaign deliberately prepared by Mihoyo in order to increase the popularity of the new version.

From the trailer, there is nothing exciting to see. The only variable is the mysterious limited character, but can such a character be used to make a big splash?

Loe thinks that the content of the next version of"Genshin Impact" may be very ordinary, so this kind of marketing method will be used.

It should be a good opportunity to release the beta version at this time!

Thinking that he might overthrow"Genshin Impact", Loe felt full of determination.

So he gave the operation department four words

""Prepare for launch."

The plan for the new game to be launched was finalized.

The entire project team began to get busy, editing videos, packaging and uploading to the CCERO platform, and preparing for corresponding activities.

Everything went so smoothly.

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