“All units are ready, the 42nd launch experiment of the Second God Key will start in 5 minutes.”

Rapid sirens cut through the neighborhood, and the countdown to experiments echoed in every corner of the city.

And at the moment when the timing device was zeroed, a dull shelling sound sounded from the center of the city, and the sound wave shook every piece of gravel on the ground.


From the direction where the sound came, a pillar of light shot out, and a bright light cut the world in half.

The pillar of light soared into the sky and crashed into the sky.

In an instant, as if shattered mirrors, the sky was pierced by the beam of light, bursting into countless powders and falling to the ground.

Behind the mirror, a chaotic space emerges, and the dark and ominous stars roll over the city, chilling.

“The God Key activates and enters the first stage. The energy output is stable and quantum layer infiltration has been confirmed. ”

With the beginning of the experiment.

Countless quantum shadows, falling from space in the sky.


In a corner of the city, a blond Valkyrie calmly watched the catastrophe in front of her.


Youlandell replied lightly.

Then he threw himself into the battlefield.

For her, enemies of this level can be easily solved for her.

And experiments have been done so many times.

For the process, she is even more backwards.

In the process, many quantum shadows will fall from the sky.

In order to ensure the operation of the experiment, Yulandell needs to protect the second god key.

Moreover, the quantum sea is not the goal of this experiment.

With the increase of energy, the power of the key of God will reach the functional threshold, so that the experiment will enter the second stage, the tunnel will break through the plane of the quantum sea, jump to a deeper unknown space, the law of the operation of the universe, the mystery of the cycle of life, the place where all essences and roots are formed – the tree of imaginary numbers!

See the purpose of this experiment.

Let the players be a little puzzled, this world view… Is it stretched up again?


For domestic game manufacturers.

903 now looks at this plot, and there is only one sentence in their hearts: “Lin Yuhao!” Your inspiration is endless, right? Talent doesn’t run out, does it? ”

Because they’re also game makers and understand it.

When a new word and concept emerges, the plot must have already been designed. Moreover, generally this plot will be very long!

This also means that the plot of “Honkai III” will continue for a long time.

For domestic manufacturers like A B who want to enter the two-dimensional mobile game market, the blow is very big.

And the plot continues.

Mandate of Heaven headquarters.

In the lab, Otto is keeping an eye on experimental data from North Africa.

This laboratory is already equipped with the most advanced soul steel computer, but even so, it is ten thousand times more difficult to find a clue in that astronomical data than finding a needle in a haystack.

At the same time.

The news came from the communication that the energy of the God’s Key was insufficient.

The tunnel is also about to close.

With the countdown over, the huge data also came to an abrupt end.

Otto stood in front of the emptied Soul Steel computer and waited for the result.

Spending so much resources, he just wanted a string of numbers, a string of numbers that he had been waiting for so far, a string of numbers he was still looking for.

“54…… Little progress has been made. ”

Otto’s tone was calm, he knew the difficulty of this experiment, and in just tens of seconds, it was a drop in the bucket compared to an astronomical observation object.

According to his calculations, with today’s observation methods, it would take at least 80,000 hours to maintain the channel before he could find the answer he wanted.

Therefore, he must speed up the process of experimentation and drive the key of God in a more efficient way, only in order to fulfill his long-cherished wish before the collapse destroys human civilization.

“Sure enough, the power of the Void Law is a must.”


Quite a few people have noticed this word.

Originally, in the plot of “Honkai III” now, there is not much description of Otto, but players from the newly released “Sakura Reincarnation” and Teresa’s plot.

I have understood a little about (BDFC), and I can roughly guess that this long-cherished wish may be for that woman, Karian.


The other side.

After the end of the experiment.

Yourandall received Rita’s report in the lounge.

After reading the report, she chanted Rita’s name worriedly, regardless of the fact that she had not rested after the battle just now.

Just get up directly and go to Skydome City.

So far.

The plot, linked to the previous chapter, is linked.

When she came to Skydome City, the disaster had already come to an end.

Looking at Kiana who fell from the sky, Yulander preferred to treat her.

This is what she deserves to save the whole city.


The order of the bishop of Otto, she could not disobey.

The only option is to take it away first.


Before leaving, she was still a little worried.

Just send a contact to Rita: “Rita, how is the situation over there?” ”

Hearing the voice of Youlandale, Rita was also instantly relieved and reported: “Lord Youlandell, most of the data of Shencheng Medicine has been destroyed, and we are trying to find a way to rescue it, thank you for your support.” ”

Urandale: “Good! It seems that you can solve it yourself. I have just recovered the Law of the Void, and the bishop has ordered me to return immediately, so there is no time to join you. ”

“I see.”

Rita tried to keep herself calm, but her heart did not allow herself to hide these mistakes.

“Lord Langdale, I will take full responsibility for the failure of this mission.”

Youlandale said flatly: “I will make a judgment on this matter after reading the report.” ”

Rita: “Wait for the punishment.” ”

Normal superior-subordinate relationship.

At this point, I should have hung up the communication.

But apparently… This is not the case with the two.

Youlandale’s tone softened a lot: “Rita, it’s not like you to say depressed words.” Don’t blame yourself, you’re fine. ”

“Thank you… Urandale. ”

Suddenly let the players realize that the relationship between these two is not ordinary!

After all……

After playing “Honkai III” for so long, everyone understands a truth, that is, Honkai III is a lesbian paradise, whether it is Kiana and Nha Yi, or Xi’er and Bronia.

The most important people to each other are girls.

PD also smiled and said: “Look, the plot is not super sweet, girls only see this sweet feeling, it’s really beautiful!” Look closely, they also wear couple earrings, one for each person! ”

After his flickering for half a month.

It is true that quite a few people have played this game.

There are also many options to see if the plot is considering whether to play it.

Seeing this paragraph, I really became a little interested.

PD Click on the next screen. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Go to the next story.

The picture suddenly went dark.

Only Kiana’s voice sounded: “I am … What’s wrong…… Body…… It’s so heavy…”

She couldn’t see the sight, hear the sound, smell it, touch anything.

As if surrounded by endless darkness, only the heavy body is constantly sinking.

Kiana tried her best to escape, but the more she struggled, the deeper she went, like drowning, suffocating her.

She wanted to shout, she wanted to ask for help, but no matter how she yelled, there was no response, not even her own voice.

Finally she saw a ray of light, a ray of light coming from the depths of the abyss, and Kiana approached it desperately.

As the light grew brighter, Kiana’s perception gradually recovered.

At this moment, she seemed to hear a faint voice calling her name, a gentle voice whispering a familiar syllable, and Kiana understood that it was the voice of Bud Yi.

When she was almost exhausted, Kiana finally touched the entrance of the light.

The news coming from the light in an instant made her escape from the boundless darkness, but before she could rejoice, the scene in front of her gave her an even heavier blow.

“This is… What’s going on? ”

The whole city is shrouded in fire.

Countless charred corpses, exuding a pungent smell.

The fleeing humans on the streets were being torn apart by the broken beast, making a miserable cry.

“Bud Yi! Where are you? ”

Kiana tries to find her friend in this sea of fire, and only the tragedy of despair is brought into view.

She couldn’t believe her eyes, obviously in her memory, the bomb of calamity had been pushed into the universe by her.

So…… Why was the city destroyed?

Kiana questioned herself.

Her eyes searched for the source of the disaster.

Until her gaze rested on the trembling hands in front of her eyes.

Her own hand… This is the hand of the Void Lawyer.

Kiana’s emotions instantly collapsed: “It’s not like this, Nha Yi! It’s not like that,”

“Bud Yi!!”

Kiana shouted and sat up.

“Whew… Call…… Is it a nightmare? Great…”

No one has ever thought that having nightmares is a good thing to be thankful for.

For Kiana, however, reality is far more terrifying than a nightmare.

“Wait! Where is this? ”

Kiana came back to her senses.

Began to crowd the surroundings, strange beds, unfamiliar walls, and strange … Sound.

“Are you awake?”

This strange voice appeared, which made Kiana’s nerves tense.

She slowly looked at the source of the sound.

“Are you… Langdale? ”

How could she, who had been a member of the Mandate of Heaven, not know this Valkyrie, the strongest Destiny of Heaven.

“It’s me.”

Youlandale looked at the book and answered casually.

See this scene.

Kiana had already guessed what was happening.

Destiny has been hunting herself, and since even the strongest Valkyrie has appeared, then she must have been captured by Destiny again.

None of this matters, though.

“How is Skydome City? And also…… Where is the bud coat? ”

She has more to do with these issues than those.

Urandale continued to look at the book as he replied: “The crisis there has been lifted, and no citizens have been injured. The Valkyries are picking up the pieces. Raiden Bud Yi had also joined her companions and left Heavenly Dome City. ”

“You are now in the experimental base of Manifest Destiny North Africa. Other than that, what else would you like to ask? ”

Kiana stared at Rendell in front of her.

“Youlandale, I have long expected that one day I will face you.”

Destiny is impossible to let go of her, the Void Lawyer, and if the other Valkyries keep losing their hands, it is only a matter of time before Langdale makes a move.

Youlandell acted very casually.

He never looked away from the book in his hand, but said lightly: “Since you have been mentally prepared, then the next thing is much more convenient, if there are no other problems, then lie down and rest well.” ”

Although Urandell did not show any hostility.

But the current situation has made Kiana even more afraid to let her guard down.

It is only possible to shout the name of the squad leader in his heart.

It’s just that……

With her call.

The sound was like sinking into the sea, without the slightest ripple.

She recalled Fu Hua’s last farewell words.

The familiar sense of helplessness when she stepped into Skydome City three months ago enveloped her again.

But now, she is not the Kiana she used to be.

Now she can only rely on herself.

If the power of the Void Lawyer is used… It should be ok……

That’s what she thought.

Youlandale interrupted her thoughts: “I said, you need to rest now.” ”


Kiana only then noticed.

Youlandale didn’t know when he had put away the book and came to her side, and was staring at her with a faint smile and a sharp gaze trying to escape.

“This laboratory is a thousand meters from the surface, you can’t escape.”

Hear this.

Kiana was even more shocked.

She didn’t understand at all why she was aware of it.

The idea was just born.

Youlandale spoke again: “Don’t be confused, your thoughts are easy to see.” ”

After all……

She is Kiana.

It’s paramecium.

Even after so many changes, some things engraved in the bones cannot be changed so easily.

“Your body is covered in bruises and is constantly being eroded by the core of the Lawyer. Even when you were in a coma just now, you were constantly exuding collapse energy. Whether you did it before or not, at least now, you can’t control the power in your body. ”

“Get out of here and you’ll be a ticking time bomb.”

Hear this.

Kiana also gave up the idea of running away for the time being.

She knew very well that what Urandale said was not wrong at all.


Youlandale also understood her thoughts again: “It seems that you understand what I said, then you should know what you should do.” “。

wuxiax.com, 13/03/2023 20:59

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