Floating in the city.

Sister Zhou controls Lei Lu to ride Juligalo, constantly killing the Quantum Shadow.

Shocked countless players.

Along with the last quantum shadow, it was penetrated by thunder.

Bud Yi also said coldly: “So… That’s it. ”

Sister Zhou said with some reluctance: “Is this the end?” I haven’t ridden enough, and this new gameplay is really too sensual and interesting. ”

Speaking of this, she also sighed: “Lehayou is still concentrating on making games, constantly improving the gameplay, researching new ways to play, unlike other games, the gameplay has never changed for several years.” ”

This is a fact.

Now on the market.

Almost all games have fixed the gameplay when the game comes out.

Although the operation is very stable, it also lacks freshness, making it easy for some players to get tired of playing.

Since the release of “Honkai III”, the gameplay has been constantly changing, from the beginning of the mini-game level, to the first opening of the open world, to the bold attempts of new characters now.

Every time, it can always bring players a different surprise.

Plus the main plot that is now constantly updated.

It has greatly increased the stickiness of players, and at the same time, under the spontaneous promotion of players, new users have been increasing.

After sighing.

Sister Zhou also continued to play the later plot.

The picture is once again in darkness.

Tick ~ tick ~

The loud sound of rain slapping against her cochlea wakes the girl from the darkness.

“I was…”

Kiana looked around: “Huh? Over here…… Is it Chiba Academy? ”

Her memory lingered in the moment she was shot down, and she had no idea why she was here.

When I went out with Bud Yi to breathe before.

I did say that my only regret was not being able to come to Senba Academy.


Why are you here now?

What the hell is going on?

“Don’t move.”

An icy voice sounded beside him.


Kiana hurriedly looked sideways, and the familiar figure appeared in front of her. 13

The squad leader has told countless times that people who must run away after seeing them.

“Are you… Kevin Kaslana! ”

Kevin did not make a move on her, but said to himself: “You wanted to close the imaginary singularity, but you were attacked by the imaginary creation and fell.” Although I caught you, your injuries are still serious. The power of the Void Law has weakened. That way, you’ll have more time. ”

Kiana looked at Kevin in disbelief and asked, “You saved me?” Why? ”

Kevin was silent for a moment.

Only then replied: “Thank you Raiden Bud Yi, she saved you, you don’t have to worry about Changkong City anymore, the disaster is over.” She took your place and guarded the city. ”

Kevin’s every answer.

All surprised Kiana.

All answers she couldn’t imagine.

“What did you say?? Bud coat?? ”

Kevin noticed the rapid approach of the Thunder Lawyer, so he said, “Let her explain it to you in person… Here she comes. ”

Rumble…… Thundered~~

Terrifying thunder exploded in the sky.

It turned into a reddish-purple thunder and exploded in front of Kiana.

Kiana looked at the familiar and strange person in front of her in disbelief: “Bud Yi…?” What happened…… What are you looking like…”

Bud Yi did not answer.

But Kevin saw this look of Bud Yi.

He said: “It seems that you have made your choice. ”

Bud Yi also replied, “I will go with you.” ”

“Very good!”

From the initial invitation to Walter, the lawyer of reason, to the lawyer of the sky, Kevin’s every invitation and plan ended in failure.

And now, he finally invited a more suitable lawyer.

Although his face was still expressionless, his tone changed slightly: “Raiden Bud Yi, welcome to the World Snake.” ”

“Wait a minute!”

Kiana interrupted them.

Questioning Kevin, “What do you say… Bud clothes… Want to join the World Serpent? ”

Face this problem.

Bud Yi can only respond in silence.

Kevin’s silence obviously acknowledged this.

Kiana turned her head and stared at Nha Yi: “Nha Yi… What happened to you? …… What did he do to you? ”

She couldn’t believe it at all.

Obviously just now, she was still so gentle Bud Yi, and she made an agreement with her to imagine the future Bud Yi.

Why did it suddenly become like this?

And to join that world snake?

She and Bud Yi know very well that the snake of the world, but the whole city of people is going to be used as an experimental organization.

Kiana couldn’t believe it.

I can’t believe that the gentle and kind Bud Yi would willingly join the World Snake.


Only Nha Yi’s bland words answered her: “Kiana, I’m very sober now.” It’s my own decision, leave me alone. ”


Kiana really couldn’t understand it.

Will promise her, only Bud Yi is silent.

“No kidding… I won’t say yes! I won’t let you go to the world snake. ”

Kiana’s tone also became firm.

Kevin saw this scene.

Very sensible said: “It seems that you still have some things to solve, tell her everything you want to talk, but don’t waste too much time.” ”

What do you want to say?

Tell her those reasons, can I be understood, and can I leave with peace of mind?


Nha Yi knew very well that doing that would only make her blame herself more and suffer more…

What she wanted to say, she had already said in her heart countless times.

Kiana, it’s a pleasure to meet you, to go through so many stories with you, to create so many memories, to do what you want to do, to achieve your dreams.

…… Let me go to the darkness and exchange you for the light.

The rain kept falling.

Bud Yi’s consciousness has long been displayed on his face.

Kevin understood her awareness.

Kiana looked at this somewhat strange bud clothes.

Questioned again: “Bud Yi! Why? You know what they do. ”

Respond to her.

Only Nha Yi’s cold voice: “I don’t care.” ”

And this moment.

Sister Zhou also found out again.

The game actually needs her to control.

That’s right.

In this final farewell, Kiana and Nha Yi bid farewell in a duel.

And players need to control Kiana to fight with Bud.

It is clear that not long ago, they were the most important people to each other.

Obviously, the other party is still the most important person in his heart.


They had to say goodbye in this way.

Just as not long ago, Bud Yi could not stop Kiana from flying into the sky, watching her fade away, watching her sacrifice her life.

Now Kiana.

No matter how powerful Sister Zhou controlled, she still couldn’t defeat Bud Yi.

“You idiot!! I still won’t let you go. ”

So the words are.

But at this moment, the great power displayed by Bud Yi.

A complete suppression of Kiana has been formed.

Or rather… The current Bud Yi is not serious about fighting.

After dodging one more attack.

Bud Yi flashed and came to Kiana.

Grabbed her neck: “Hmph! That’s it, Kiana. ”


Countless thunders surrounded.

Instantly made Kiana lose consciousness.

For bud clothing.

She didn’t mean to hurt Kiana, but at the very least, she needed to have no strength to stop her from leaving.

Kiana is about to fall into a coma.

She looked at the back of the bud clothes gradually disappearing. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )



It is difficult to find a family and get rid of the identity of a lawyer.

She…… No, you can’t let Bud Yi fall into loneliness again and become a person again.

“No… It’s not over yet…”

“I’m absolutely… Absolute…… Definitely won’t let you go! ”

The power of the Void Law burst out instantly.

All the paralysis of the body is cleared, and consciousness is returned again.

Bud clothes that sense something is wrong.

Immediately turned around and reminded, “Kiana, you shouldn’t use that power anymore. ”

And now Kiana.

I can’t take care of so much anymore.

Every time the spear pierced out, a beautiful picture of once with Bud Yi flashed in her mind.

She knows very well.

If you let the bud clothes leave like this.

Then they will never be able to go back to the past, they will not be able to be the same as before.

She didn’t expect that.

Not long ago, it was agreed to get up the Senba Academy.

It will be in this way, it will be in the scene that is about to say goodbye.

Bud clothes…


Bud Yi thundered a knife.

Not only repelled Kiana, but also completely cut off the two in the memory.


Drink a snort.

Bud Yi is no longer just a passive defense.

She didn’t want Kiana to continue using the power of the Void Law.

The power of the Thunder Law in the body instantly exploded.

Destroy all of Kiana’s power, and also let Kiana understand the power of this half-hanged lawyer.

It is impossible to compete with the truly complete Law of Thunder.

Kiana fell to her knees.

The battle just now made it difficult for her to stand up.

I could only keep shouting: “Bud Yi… No…… Don’t…”

Watch this scene.

The players were dumbfounded.

The whole plot.

From the beginning of the hard work to find Kiana, to the bad news of Kiana’s body, to the memories of the past together, they agreed to come to Senba Academy together.

Until now…

The gentle bud clothes bid farewell to the past and re-entered the darkness of the lawyer.

I thought the two would be as happy as before.


But a painful farewell was ushered in.

Just as Nha Yi thought, even if he told Kiana everything.

It won’t change anything at all, it will only make Kiana blame herself more, and it will only make her life still cost her life to fight the next time the lawyer appears.

Kevin is also right.

Only by leaving Kiana, only by defeating Honkai.

She can be saved.

to be freed from this cruel fate.

Precisely because there is nothing wrong with all.

Players are even more uncomfortable.

It is clear that they are all for each other, but the final result is not beautiful at all.

It can only end in this way of fighting …


Sister Zhou can only feel that there is no knife nowhere.

Every picture, every line, is a sharp blade, constantly cutting her by a thousand cuts.

The fun of the operation just now.

At this moment, it became pain.

“Aaaaah! Abominable Lehayou, hateful Lin Yuhao, why do you have to force me to personally fight with Bud Yi, I don’t want to! I just want to put candy on the bud sticker, why…”

She was about to break down.

Take control of your favorite character and fight 170 against another equally important character.

And in the end, it was impossible to keep her, this sense of substitution, this grief, all really and more real happened to herself.

Sister Zhou was very painful and sad.

I don’t want to fight, but there is no way, if you don’t fight hard, Bud Yi will leave immediately.

And hard work can also make her stay a little longer.


Maybe…… Does Lehayou really have a conscience and can overcome it?

With this unrealistic idea.

Sister Zhou, like many players, frantically clicked on her phone during the final battle stage, hoping that the energy bar could surpass Bud Yi.


They were greeted only by despair.

That kind of effort to retain is all futile despair.

Let them fall deeper into grief and self-blame.

I even wonder if I ordered it too slowly, if I point faster, the energy bar is exceeded, will it be different?

However, there is no chance of doing it all over again.

This chapter is over.

The only thing left is a short film “Elegy for Sinners”.

Sister Zhou clicked on the short video a little tiredly.

There is still a hint of fantasy in my heart.

Screen playback.

The sky is still cloudy, and thunder explodes from time to time.

On the roof of Chiba Academy.

The sound of the battle did not stop.

Her plain struggle.

Even if he was thrown out again.

He still stood up: “I won’t let you go!” ”

At this moment, his eyes became particularly cold, and he squinted at the past: “Just by your dying appearance?” ”

“Just because… My fist! ”

The words did not fall.

Kiana attacked again.

At this time, both of them knew very well that ordinary words could no longer convince each other.

The only thing that can be done.

It’s about fighting.

Face Kiana’s attack.

Bud Yi is just blindly dodging, even if she has become the Law of Thunder, even if the gentleness and powerlessness before have disappeared, she is still Bud Yi, and her heart is still concerned about Kiana.

Still unwilling to hurt her, who is already scarred.

Throughout the battle.

She tried not to hurt Kiana too much.

More ways to knock down, stun, etc.

Until…… Kiana once again used the power of the Void Lawyer, and even her hands once again showed traces of erosion by the core.

Bud Yi’s expression showed anger.

It’s also a little more ruthless.

The place of attack is also Kiana’s head.

Turning around and kicking her newly emerged Void Lawyer pupils back to their original blue.

Dodged in front of her again, who was about to fall to the ground, a knee strike, and hit the head steadily.

Attempt to stun it completely.

wuxiax.com, 13/03/2023 21:02

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