Pacific region.

United Autonomous Region of Coral Island.

At this moment, on the outskirts of the city, they are ready to go.


“Everyone, there are still five minutes to reach the target location, and the following is the content of this operation.”

“The place where this collapse happened. Coral Island, an artificial island city with a permanent population of 1.8 million, is located at the junction of Southeast Asia and Oceania, and is an important economic and trade center in the Pacific region. ”

“At present, 30 minutes have passed since the collapse of the collapse, and the collapse of Coral Island is in full swing, and the situation is not optimistic.”

“Now the advance Valkyrie troops have blocked the area and established front-line positions.”

“The Immortal Blade will break into the interior of Coral Island as a force upon arrival, opening the way for others. In addition, Lord Bishop ordered… The World Serpent will also participate in this battle as an ally. Destiny only needs to perform conventional collapse response operations, and if the lawyer is discovered, it is completely left to the World Serpent. ”

This can be seen from this paragraph.

Destiny has great experience in dealing with collapse.

After taking his eyes away from Kiana and the like.

to find out.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the destiny of heaven has always protected them and actively responded to the collapse disaster.

Especially with Lauderdale, even if they are lawyers, they are completely enough to deal with it.

Lauderdale after receiving the message.

Responded: “Received, all team members pay attention, prepare to attack!” ”

Tens of seconds later.

Lauderdale and Rita had landed first.

And gave the order: “Immortal Blade, the battle begins!” ”

Yalveth’s voice also came again: “At present, our location is the cross-sea bridge of the outer ring of Coral Island, and the Immortal Blade needs to break through the bridge and enter the city to establish a defensive line.” ”

Lauderdale also ordered: “Rita and I will go to the front line to eliminate the Avalanche Beast, and the others will prioritize rescue missions to protect the survivors from evacuating.” ”


All the Valkyries of the Immortal Blade immediately acted according to her instructions.

The bridge leading to the city is full of gunfire, and disaster spreads like wildfire, ruthlessly devouring the fruits of civilization.

In the chaos, the Immortal Blade continued to advance towards Coral Island.

“Report Captain! The collapse energy of Coral Island is still rising! Just now! A lawyer’s reaction has been detected in the city! I’ll send you the coordinates. ”

See the coordinates sent by Yalvette.

Rita’s heart tightened.

“The location… Lord Lauderdale, ten minutes ago, the Snow Lotus team disappeared here. ”

“Rita! Go with me to support. ”

Lauderdale, like Rita, is very concerned about the safety of the goddess.

This is true of both personalities.

At the beginning in Shenzhou Heavenly Dome City, Rita thought that the Immortal Blade was completely destroyed, and impulsively smashed Shenzhou Pharmaceutical with a battleship.

Now it is natural to give priority to support.


Arvette was surprised: “But Captain, Lord Bishop told us not to meddle in the affairs of the Lawyers. Take the liberty of doing something… You’ll be punished, right? ”

Rita as a repeat offender. Change. ”

“So it is!”

Yalvit suddenly said with a good flickering look: “This is not considered disobedience!” The vice-captain is so smart! ”

The action was immediately launched.

Lauderdale and Rita break through madly.

But all the broken beasts that stood in their way were swept away in an instant.

The speed of the two is overwhelming.

These cannon fodder-level Honkai beasts are not their opponents at all.

Rita once again cleared the several Broken Beasts in front of her.

They saw more than ten Broken Beasts gathered in front of them, rushing towards them.

“Hey~ what a guy who doesn’t understand the style.”

Hear Rita’s exclamation.

Lauderdale said, “Keep breaking through, Rita, we’re in a hurry.” ”

“Obey! Lord Lauderdale. ”

She had just taken a fighting stance.


A thunderous sound appeared.

Accompanied by counting to thunder light.

These Avalanche Beasts were instantly dismembered and dissipated.

“Raiden Bud Suit?”

Lauderdale looked at the somewhat familiar, but somewhat strange girl in front of her.

“Are you… Raiden bud suit? Unexpectedly, you will join the world snake. ”

Bud Yi saw the two.

Just said coldly: “I have my own path to take, that’s all.” ”

Rita also took a step forward.

Looking at the strange Bud Yi, he said: “Miss Bud Yi, it turns out that the ally that Lord Bishop refers to is you. The newcomer who has just joined has been assigned to such a dangerous place, it seems that the world snake… It’s really unusable. ”

The matter of Shenzhou Skydome City, Rita has never forgotten.

Although she is an elegant maid, she is also a very vindictive maid.

Even in this case.

Don’t forget to ridicule the world snake a few words.

Hear this.

Nha Yi didn’t know how to answer, so she could only respond in silence, after all, she was also one of the parties in Skydome City.


The other person is different.

The raven followed closely behind, turned into a black shadow, and landed beside Bud Yi.

Looking at Rita, he said, “Isn’t this Miss Rita?” Long time no see. ”

“…… Ravens. ”

Rita frowned slightly and looked at the woman who had just appeared.

Raven continued: “Don’t worry. Unlike Destiny, the World Snake has always disliked the tactics of the sea of people. Although the number of people is small, we will get the job done. ”

“Oh, that’s really offensive.”

Rita smiled softly, but her gaze became cold.

He said, “I’m looking forward to it, what are you going to use against the lawyer this time?” Gas? Truck? Still is…… Self-detonating bombs? ”

Raven didn’t think much of it at all and said, “I’m sorry, because I ruined your mission alone, I still can’t care about it.” ”

Although Rita still said with a smile: “I’m embarrassed to hinder the plan of Shencheng Pharmaceutical, and let your great cause fail.” ”

“You’re welcome!”

Raven immediately replied, “This time, I have to trouble you to do the logistics.” Let us handle it. ”

Rita was still staring at her, “That’s really annoying you.” Please rest assured, if you accidentally sacrifice, I will definitely bury you thickly. ”

“Thank you for your kindness, and you should also pay more attention to your own safety.”

“Well, you too.”

The two confronted each other, their smiles gradually sharpened, and the smell of gunpowder filled the air.

There is no doubt that if you meet on a different occasion.

It must have been fiercely fighting, desperately burying the other party.

Even now.

There is also quite a situation of drawing the knife against each other.


Lauderdale reminded softly, and Rita realized her gaffe and looked down and took a step back.

“…… Faux pas”

Only then did Bud Yi speak, “I don’t want to conflict with the Mandate of Heaven. ”

She extended her hand to Lauderdale to make her ground.

Lauderdale looked at the girl, since the departure of Skydome City, she was not what she used to be.

“Our purpose is the same. Since it is already a covenant, we should complete our respective missions and do not interfere with each other. Valkyrie troops will garrison the outskirts, evacuate survivors, and stop the spread of Honkai. According to the agreement, the lawyer will be fought by you, and we will not interfere. The lawyer is moving towards the center of Coral Island, go quickly. ”

After saying this, Lauderdale also stretched out her hand and expressed her intention of cooperation to the other party.

Raven saw the two shake hands.

Cheng stepped over Lauderdale again and looked at Rita: “Miss Rita, let’s shake hands and make peace, right?” ”

Rita’s tone remained the same.

The explicit refusal: “Sorry, I won’t shake hands with someone who killed my teammate.” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Hey~ don’t be angry.”

Raven said and took a step forward, ready to go to Larita’s hand.


Only after taking a step forward, he found that what awaited him was the edge of the spear.

It was none other than Lauderdale, who picked up her spear and pointed only at the raven: “If you are entangled again, I will not be polite.” ”

“Hmm… Well, it’s my wishful thinking. ”

The raven waved his hand and returned to Bud Yi.

Lauderdale also put away her weapon and turned away with Rita.

Sister Zhou saw this picture.

The aunt with a smile on her face: “The inner ghost broke the news is reliable, this plot is too sweet, Rita’s appearance is also super cute, I still like this kind of revenge maid very much.” ”

“And… The goose is too knocky, right? This kind of guardian Rita, looking for a venue for her, is really too handsome, sweet! This kind of sweet plot, come more, let me have a good time on the first day of the new year. ”

It’s not just her.

A lot of players are when they see this plot.

They all couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

From Rita’s first appearance, to the gradually plump character.

Everyone thinks that she is a meticulous person and her execution is also very strong.

Ask for flowers 0

But I didn’t expect that under the elegance, there was still the attribute of revenge.

Especially if you go head-to-head with ravens and bury each other thickly, it really makes the players have a good time.

At last.

Footage of Lauderdale drawing a gun for warning.

It is also to make players suddenly realize that Honkai Three is worthy of being a female copper paradise.

And the plot continues.

Raven looked at their departing backs.

He said: “… The Valkyrie, the strongest destiny of heaven, is really a hard stubble. ”

In the face of this unreasonable direct pulling of the Valkyrie.

The ravens can’t beat it themselves, there is really no way.

Bud Yi doesn’t want to get involved in this kind of thing.

I don’t want to waste time either.

Directly said: “Okay, let’s go.” ”

Although the raven was still a little unhappy in his heart, Bud Yi spoke.

She could only retract her mind and return to a fighting state.

“Through the tunnel ahead, we will be able to go straight to the city of Coral Island, where the Nighthawks will meet us.”

Ten minutes later.

“This is it.”

Raven said, leading out of the tunnel.

A howling cold wind greeted the face, and there was nothing in the narrow field of view except the ruins.

“What about people?”

Bud Yi looked around.

The so-called Nighthawk was not seen.

“Oh~ coming.”

Accompanied by the sound of ravens.

There was a subtle sound of footsteps around Nha Yi, and the empty light gradually distorted, outlining the outline of a figure.

“Why are you here?”

The Nighthawk is a male, and looking at his appearance, one would think that he was a somewhat rambling, lazy person.

Raven replied: “I met an old friend and said hello a little. ”

Listen to her.

The Nighthawk also knew.

“That S-class Valkyrie? Why are you messing with her, begging for your own suffering. Forget it…”

He looked at the bud clothes on one side.

Introduced himself: “I am the World Snake Cadre, codenamed Night Lord, the first time we met, this time, I will assist you in completing the task together.” ”

“I don’t need help!”

Bud Yi directly refused, she didn’t want to have anything to do with the people of the World Snake.

The Night Scourge was also cheerful: “This way… Then the lawyer will ask you, and I will go first.” ”

Saying that, he really turned around and walked towards the tunnel.

“You say it again!”

The raven’s voice came.

He turned around, returned to his original position, scratched his head, and sighed: “Alas, just kidding…”

Raven then explained to Bud Yi: “He is an expert in information reconnaissance and a good hand at covert operations, and will assist us in completing operations, although it seems a little scattered, but his ability is undoubted.” ”

The night lord also looked at Bud Yi: “Raiden Bud Yi… My lord, this collapse has been determined to be the fifth lawyer. According to the instructions of the jackal, I have prepared the battle of Yellow Spring. When you defeat her, I’ll capture her. ”

“Just call me Bud Yi.”

Although the Night Scourge is the cadre of the snake of the world.

But Nha Yi was personally recruited by Kevin to enter the world snake, and her status in the world snake is much higher than these cadres.

However, Nha Yi was not interested in this title, just dropped this sentence and walked straight to the depths of the city.

The Nighthawk looked at her back.

He said, “Is this what His Holiness said about the Law of Thunder?” Feel…… It’s a little weak. Is it really okay to hand it over to her? ”

Raven is not worried at all.

He waved his hand and said, “Don’t worry. She, like us, has reasons for having to fight. ”

“Okay~ then I’ll wait and see.”

That’s what the Nighthawk said.

And he did…

In subsequent battles closer to the center of the city.

He didn’t do anything about almost all the fighting, just stood behind the two of them and watched.

It will be very good to wait and see.

The raven suppressed the anger in his heart and shouted, “Night Lord!!!” It’s me and Bud Yi fighting all the way, can’t you take the handle? ”

The Night Scourge still replied lazily: “With the thunder and lightning bud clothes here, my little strength can’t help much, it’s better to save some strength and use it in fighting with the lawyer.” ”


Seeing that the two were about to quarrel.

Bud Yi interrupted them: “Stop arguing, how is the situation of the lawyer now?” ”

The raven could only swallow all the words that followed.

Honestly reported: “Since just now, the signal of the lawyer has stopped moving, and here is the address where she last appeared. ”

The raven flashed and came to the last point of the signal., 13/03/2023 21:03

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