Various reasons for speculation abound.

The discussion was also more lively than ever.


Sister Zhou, this girl, did not give the players much time to discuss at all.

I quickly clicked on the plot.

The picture also changes again.

“I’m sorry, Master, only this fishing boat is willing to go to sea… Wronged you have dealt with it here for a while. ”

Lin Chaoyu looked at the boat on the side and said.

Red Kite’s attitude is as always: “It’s okay. ”

Step onto the boat.

Enter the shed.

Lin Chaoyu said again: “Thank you.” ”


Red Kite asked lightly.

Lin Chaoyu replied, “Because you are willing to take me back to the ancient tomb to worship my parents first.” ”

“… Morning rain. ”

For the first time, Chi Kite’s mood fluctuated a little: “I’m going there, too.” ”

The next day.

Lin Chaoyu found a place to bury the Jiuyou clan, took out the small incense burner and tribute he had bought, and worshiped respectfully in front of the grave.

The red kite stood aside and watched silently.

End of worship.

Lin Chaoyu stood up, wiped away two lines of tears, and showed a shy smile to the red kite.

“I’m sorry, Master, it’s been delayed for a long time.”

“No, it’s okay.”

Lin Chaoyu asked again, “Where is Master’s friend buried?” I’ll go and lay out the tribute. ”

Red Kite shook his head.

She walked slowly along the rock wall, looking at the bottomless darkness below.

“The soul flies for nine days, and the soul flies into the nine abyss… This is what the old saying goes. But I know that there is no soul after death. They went and never came back. ”

Lin Chaoyu questioned, “Your friend… Is it also a clan of Jiuyou? ”

The red kite still looked down and replied, “Jiuyou hopes that Chi You will be resurrected, and my friend only wants to destroy the evil beast “Zero One Seven”. They are not people, but opponents. ”

“Chi You is a demon beast born from the convergence of the true qi of heaven and earth, and when it was born, the South China Sea was destroyed because of it… They couldn’t wait for me to come back, so they fought Chi You here and died with Sidi. ”

Hear this sentence.

Sister Zhou shouted, “Lie in the groove! It is Cang Xuan and Danzhu who worship it!! In her dream, she said that she had come to the night, causing them to die, I Zinima!! Hide knives for me everywhere! oh!!! ”

And that’s true in real time.

The red kite is now worshipping them, and it is them.

She continued: “In her twenties, the Nine Ghosts want to use evil magic to revive Chi You, so I came here to stop it. ”

The so-called Nine Ghosts.

Naturally, it was Lin Chaoyu’s parents and clansmen who had just worshiped.

Chi Yu looked at Lin Chaoyu and asked, “Chaoyu, your parents died because of me. Do you hate me? ”

Lin Chaoyu just replied, “They’re all crazy, aren’t they?” Death is the best ending…”


The red kite stood still.

She took a cloth bag from her arms and untied it.

Inside it turned out to be a small clay sculpture, which looks vivid.

Chi Kite looked at Nisu, and after a while, she let go of her hand, and the statue fell quietly into the dark abyss without making the slightest sound.

“That’s fine… Let’s go. ”

On the way back by boat.

The two were silent.

After getting off the boat, Lin Chaoyu followed behind the red kite, and couldn’t help but ask: “Is it true that the people who went crazy (eroded by the collapse) were not saved?” ”

“Most of them are not bad people… It’s not that I want to be enchanted… Why should God be so cruel to them? ”

Red Kite just remained silent and did not answer.

Lin Chaoyu continued: “Fourth sister… It’s like she didn’t do anything wrong. If she turns into a demon… I…… We…”

The red kite interrupted her: “Chaoyu! You and I can’t do anything about this. ”

Lin Chaoyu lowered his head, his silver teeth clenched.

She didn’t know what resistance was in her life, and she had to spend a lot of effort to say this big contrarian problem.

“Master, can you let the fourth sister go?”

Red Kite: “…”

Faced with this problem, her heart is not without waves.

It’s just that……

“She’s gone crazy, it’s raining.”

Ironically, this phrase came from her own mouth not long ago: death is her best ending…

The memory disappeared again.

Kiana and Bronia were both shocked by this memory.

“Lin Chaoyu turned out to be the apprentice of the squad leader. She was the first… The only one that didn’t appear during the Tai Void period. ”

Kiana looked solemn.

When I came here, everything was sorted out.

“I seem to vaguely understand what’s going on here. From the moment we came to this mountain, everything went very wrong. This is different from what the squad leader showed me, and the concentration of collapse energy is also abnormally high. ”

“Those feathers – they’re not the same as the squad leader’s feathers. And Lin Chaoyu… Living in ancient times, she appeared in Taifu Mountain, met us by chance, and guided us to find the so-called heart seal. ”

Bronia reacted as well.



Kiana nodded: “Yes, this is not really Tai Void Mountain!” Over here…… Which is it? And who is it…”

Right at this moment.

Something shone strongly.

It was the feather left by Lin Chaoyu.

The two hesitated.

I decided to finally explore this feather.

Consciousness goes in.

Everything around has changed again.

Same as before.


It was the red kite who returned with a little girl.

Lin Chaoyu went to greet her as usual.

In the next development.

The player also understands that this little girl is Su Mei, and Chi Kite is also her mother-killing enemy.

In her words: “A real man has an enmity against me, and I shall not recognize the murderer as a mother; Real people have saved my life, and I have the reality of teaching, and I must not fail to report it. True people pass on my mastery and do not make it nameless. Su Mei was willing to worship the real person as a teacher and serve from now on. ”

From then on, Chi Yue Zhenren also became Su Mei’s master.

Kiana and the two after the red kite left.

Also decisively left the room.

Go for other clues.

Sure enough.

As before, although the time has now changed to daylight, the feather is still where it was before.

Kiana decisively approached the feather.

A woman’s blurry figure swayed gently.


After that, she seemed to understand everything.

“It’s just a memory, really? I’m dead… I’m already dead…”

Bronia hurriedly asked: “Excuse me, can you tell us what’s going on?” ”

Su Yi did not answer, but kept repeating: “I’m already dead…”

The body is also getting lighter and lighter, and eventually disappears.

And that feather is also completely tarnished.

Bronia was even more puzzled: “This feather has changed, and it seems to have become milder.” ”

After all.

When they first entered here, these apprentices were going to kill them all.

And now.

But there was no attack on them at all.

The two returned to the next location.

As soon as he came over, he heard Jiang Wanxi sighing and saying: “Those who want to die, in the end, still die.” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Wanru on the side held her arm: “Those who should be alive have survived… Wouldn’t that be nice? ”

“Thank you.”

This last sentence was addressed to Kiana.


Kiana didn’t understand a little.

Jiang Wanru continued: “It is easy to prevent a death, but it is very, very difficult to make a person willing to live. So, you are a good person. ”

A beautiful smile appeared on the half of the face that had been eroded by the collapse energy, and the figure of the Jiang sisters dissipated.

These words made Kiana fall into deep thought.

I always feel that there are very important words, and I always feel that there are very important hints.

But…… Now she can’t understand it.

Can only keep up with Bronia.

Walk towards the Whisk Cloud View on the mountain.

On the road.

After passing the position of the fifth disciple, the other party just shook his head and disappeared directly.

Come to the top of the mountain.

Su Mei’s voice came: “You guys are here.” ”

Her gaze did not look at Kiana, but into the distance: “Walking up this mountain, at the end of the story… You will find what you are looking for and she is there waiting for you. ”

“Lin Chaoyu?”

Kiana blurted out subconsciously.

Su Mei seemed to be a little speechless about this answer, and directly did not answer.

The sixth disciple Ma Yanqing looked at Kiana and said, “No, it’s the Red Kite. ”

Su Mei also sighed: “Now, Master also has people who care and care about… Although it was spared a long way, everything was not in vain after all. ”

Saying that, her appearance faded and floated in the air.

Ma Yanqing owes slightly: “That’s fine.” ”

Subsequently, it also disappeared without a trace.

“She said that the squad leader was waiting for me on the mountain.”

Kiana looked around.

I have seen all the locations on this mountain, but I have not been able to find Fu Hua’s people.

The only possible place is… Brush Cloud View.

The two looked at each other.

Put your hands on the door together and push hard….

The door opened.

It’s different from last time.

They did not return outside.

Stepping into the room, it was pitch black inside, and there was no structure at all.

And at this time.

The lens of the game gradually zooms out.

The voice also sounded: “Alas~ you have spent a long time.” ”

With the sound falling.

The camera is also frozen.

In the picture, Fu Hua (?) He was looking at his right arm.

On the arm, a door was opening, and in front of the door were Kiana and Bronia, who had just pushed the door in.

“I’m impatient!”

Some mischievous tone, this playful sentence.


That’s the end of it.

Sister Zhou was stunned.

The players were all stunned.

There is absolutely no understanding of what is going on.

They were looking for results for so long.

Unexpectedly…… Is it on the back of this Fuhua’s hand?

This person is certainly known to the players.


How could she be here?

What the hell is going on here?

Sister Zhou was also very confused: “What’s going on with this plot?” She is Fu Hua? ”

She said as she spoke.

While hurriedly looking for the follow-up plot.

Outcome… What made her extremely angry was that behind this, there was only one memory, and the new plot did not appear at all.

“Vozh!! Leha tour, what about Nima’s, actually stuck in the plot? ”

Sister Zhou was really angry.

This is in the right wonderful place.

It turned out to be stuck in the plot.

The players also constantly urged Sister Zhou to continue to push the plot back.

Sister Zhou said helplessly: “I also want to push ah, don’t you see it?” The new plot was not released at all, how can I push the plot. Is there another memory that you would like to watch? ”

Hear this.


All over the country, countless Honkai Three players were so angry that they slapped their thighs.

In one breath, he greeted Lin Yuhao’s father more than a billion times.

But no way.

The new plot is not out.

They can’t force Lin Yuhao to launch a new plot.

So he had to say: “Sister Zhou, then let’s look at the last memory.” ”

Sister Zhou clicked on the last memory.


It was Hua lying on the ground with the energetic girl she had saved.

He also hummed a very nice song (Millennium Feather) in his mouth.

They are just like ordinary young girls.

Talking about the upcoming holidays, talking about the chores at home.

The girl asked, “Hua, do you have any dreams?” I always feel like you don’t have any dreams. ”


Hua was stunned.

Finding yourself unable to say your dreams at all, and not knowing what your dreams are.

The girl said, “Look! That’s why I thought you would pick up your dad’s class – you’re like the kind of person who does what others say 2.9, and someone says to you: Hua, go this way! … You just do it. ”

“But that road, but your life!”

Although it was a conversation between the two.

But players also recall the memories of Fu Hua they saw earlier.

Seem…… She never said what she wanted to do, nor what she wanted, all the paths, all the behavior, all the same as others (Captain, Dr. May).

The girl also followed up on the topic of memories.

She thinks that Canghai City is her memory, no matter where she goes, she will remember what she has done here, it is like a fishing hook waiting to catch her, this feeling she doesn’t like, so she wants to leave Canghai City.

After listening to the girl’s thoughts looking to the future.

Hua Ye said: “I… I don’t want to stay in my hometown, and I probably won’t stay in Canghai City. In fact, what to do in the future, I didn’t even think about it just now. I probably don’t really have a dream. ”

Seeing her depressed.

The girl quickly comforted: “Oh, don’t let me go around.” Dreaming of this thing is not a necessity, and it is not worth anything. If you have, take advantage of it! Nope… There will be sooner or later. We’re still young. ”


Hua nodded: “However, for me, no matter where I went. Memories are very important, very important things. I want to remember forever. ”

I want to remember forever!

These are the last words of memory.

It is also a final blade that allows players to be all knifed.

Hua, who wants to remember all his memories, faces the choice of having to separate his memories.

Storing it on this too empty mountain and forgetting all of this was the last thing a girl wanted.

But…… For humanity.

To defeat Honkai.

She still gave it up., 13/03/2023 21:17

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