The captain that the Void Law is talking about is Ragnar, the former captain of Infinity Tower.

According to her, it was she who took everything from Boundless Tajiko.

She continued her words: “He could obviously kill us all with that sword, but he didn’t, he couldn’t do it, because he regarded you as a phantom of his daughter.” ”

“It’s all your fault, won’t you be ashamed? Ordinary? Happiness? Love? You don’t deserve that, because your identity only summons tragedy, as once happened on this snowy field. ”


The scenery of this space is already frozen in Siberia.

The original battle destroyed everything.

The words of the Void Law kept echoing.

In front of the two.

Kiana when she was a child was being hugged tightly by Zigfei, and she shouted eagerly: “Dad… You’re hurt…… You’re hurt! Your left hand is gone! What’s going on? Who is it? Who did it? ”

Ziegfried endured the pain.

Press Kiana’s head on her shoulder and keep her from looking at the bloody arm.

“It’s okay, Kiana, I’m fine.” ”

Even so.

The touch of that blood, the sound of that drop falling to the ground.

It all made Kiana clearly know how serious it was.

“But you’ve shed a lot of blood! Wounds…… If you don’t hurry up and treat the wound! ”

Ziegfei said: “Kiana, it’s okay, listen to me.” Sorry, maybe Dad can’t keep the agreement and has always been by your side. But you have to remember that Dad will always love you. ”

Kiana sobbed and asked, “Dad, what are you talking about…?” ”

Zigfei just kept “four eight three” to reassure: “Don’t worry about me, Dad will be fine.” I did this to protect you and forgive me, Kiana…”

Kiana kept shaking her head and clutching Zigfei’s clothes tightly: “Where are you going… No…… Don’t let you go! ”

Siegfried didn’t change his mind because of her crying: “Kiana, did we make an agreement?” The warriors of the Kaslana family will stop at nothing to protect others. I believe that you will be able to do better than me. You definitely won’t lose to [her]. Absolutely not. ”

“Because – you are my daughter.”

The picture dissipates.

This was the last time Kiana saw Ziegfried.

It was also here that Siegfried once again admitted that K423 was his daughter, Kiana!

Kiana looked at the place where the phantom had disappeared.

Deep said: “… My father always treated me like his daughter. He knew you existed, but he still gave me a name, taught me how to fight, and let me use my own strength to protect the people I love the most. ”

“Even leaving me is to protect me – you hate your father to the bone, and he realizes that he will be your chance to awaken.”

“So he entrusted me to his friends and silently protected me in secret. Now that I think about it, in the beginning of my wandering life, I must have been taken care of by my father. ”

“After that, I met Bud Yi and Bronia, came to St. Freya Academy, met my aunt, class president, and teacher Himeko, and made a vow to fight for all the good in the world.”

“Without Dad, I wouldn’t be where I am today, and I still have an agreement with him, and I won’t lose to you.”

The Void Law carries his hands on his back.

Walking around next to the phantom just now, he glanced at Kiana and said, “Saint Freya, isn’t it you who destroyed everything?” ”

She smiled: “yes, it’s almost time for this.” Your most painful memories, unacceptable facts. ”

The Void Law lifted his hand gently.

The surrounding picture changes again.

She asked, “Remember here?” Oh, you won’t forget. Ten minutes later, she was going to die. ”

The Void Law looked at Kiana, who was still silent, and said, “You have always avoided discussing this topic, and it was so in front of the puppets, and it is still the case. ”

“But you always knew—at that time, I did kill her.”

“Ah, I suddenly had an attention. If you hurt her here, she won’t be able to go to the front, and she won’t have to sacrifice. So you’re happy, right? ”

“Oh, I’m so warm-hearted.”

Saying that, she created the immeasurable tower Himeko.

Even really planning to attack her.

Kiana immediately stood in front of her, and the two faced each other.

The battle is on the verge of breaking out.

The Void Law Sighed: “Alas, it’s just a memory, and it can’t change reality, so what are you doing seriously?”

“As you wish, she will step on that battlefield again, do her best, but die senselessly, becoming a loser.”

Kiana scolded angrily, “Himeko-sensei… Not a loser”

The Void Law said indifferently: “Then you should say, what did she save?” After her death, the whole of St. Freya fell apart, and the school was empty, surviving in name only. Raiden has betrayed you, and Bronia will drift away from you. ”


Kiana’s eyes did not waver in the slightest: “They saved me.” Himeko-sensei saved me. ”


The Void Law snorted coldly.

There is no disagreement with this statement at all: “She cursed you.” You had a chance to end it all, didn’t you? ”

“On that day, you knelt in the fire of Skydome City, raised your gun, and wanted to end me along with your own life.”

“You could have pulled the trigger, but you didn’t. Because you want to live, because that woman let you live – with self-blame and guilt for the rest of your life! That’s why you can never get rid of me! ”

“She saved you, but left an eternal curse in your heart, a wound that can no longer be healed, a regret that can no longer be healed.”

“Her obsession is here.”

The flames ignited and condensed into bright red gemstones.

“I think it’s time to make a break.”

Everything in the space disappears.

The scene returns to the Domination Theater.

The Void Law held the disease gem in his hand and sighed: “The disease gem is really a nostalgic touch. Celine originally had six gems, but now only half remained. But that’s okay, I’ll take them all back. ”

See Kiana, who is still full of fighting intent.

The Void Law perceives the information inside the gem and says, “Let me tell you something. Remember the stormtrooper captain I killed in the memories I just saw? ”

Kiana didn’t understand why she said this.

The Void Law continued, “Her name is Ragnar, the Valkyrie instructor of Heavenly Destiny—and also the [teacher] of Infinite Tower Himeko. You killed her and ruined the entire SA, and only Himeko, who was lucky enough to be absent, survived. ”

“But she also lost her place to stay, lost her teachers and companions, was displaced and had to leave her headquarters and go to the far east.”

“But there, she met you.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Kiana didn’t want to believe this: “We don’t have such memories, you can’t know this.” ”

“But it knows.”

The Void Law revealed the disease gem in his hand: “Her confusion, pain, and struggle flashed like a marquee at the end of her life, and she was all remembered by the disease gem. ”

“Hahaha… Hahahahahaha! Look, her fate is completely played by you! You changed her life and brought her death, what a farce! ”

“Limitless Talahime, isn’t she the best proof? Your hero, the ideal martyr, she burned herself and imposed the so-called [hope] on you… Instead, you become a walking dead born to atone for your sins. ”

Kiana said seriously, “You’re just hating her.” ”

“No, Kiana.”

The Law of the Void denied: “In the past six months, I have always looked through your eyes, watching your every move, everything you have experienced – loss, parting, failure after failure. ”

“You do your best to save people who have nothing to do with you, you block your life, you alienate your friends, and in the end you have to be feared, alienated, and pointed at by these people.”

“They never accepted you, they just feared your power. So these people band together to squeeze you out, make you feel guilty and guilty, and then they can accept your protection with peace of mind. Those who are saved by you will still be crushed by the successive malice, and even eventually blame you for their misfortune. ”

What the Void Law said at this moment was naturally what happened to the little girl in Skydome City.

She continued: “And those who hail you as a hero, under the façade of hypocrisy, just want to use you, get close to you, destroy you. ”

“Remember the stranger who showed you kindness? Staff at the Salt Lake base? She is also a member of the puppet – it is she who leaks information about anti-entropy, allowing the lawyer to easily invade the anti-entropy base on both occasions. ”

Kiana was silent.

There are many things that she herself really does not know.

There are also many things, indeed the same as what the Law of Voidness said….

The Void Lawyer stared at her and said, “This is the result of the life that Infinity Tower Himeko bought for her. You can never save them because they don’t want to be saved. This is true of everyone in this theater. The world outside this theater is the same, unchanged. ”

“Teresa, Siegfried, Cecilia, everyone is the same.”

“Their goodness was trampled on by another malicious force, a life’s work was destroyed overnight, and the ideals they believed in were worthless in the eyes of others.”

Kiana simply replied, “I want to believe it.” I have been dreaming of all kinds of people, the remnants of consciousness, fragments of memories that remain in the core of the lawyer, their lives, sorrows and joys, I can feel them all. ”

“Everyone has painful memories and feelings of hopelessness in difficult situations. But after that, they will also grit their teeth and stand up, full of wounds to live. ”

“Good and evil, like you and me, exist in everyone’s heart, two sides of the same coin, inseparable light and shadow.”

“You’re right, the world is not beautiful. Therefore, beauty is the desire of people’s hearts. ”

“This! That’s why I believe. ”

“It is precisely because good and evil coexist that I have to work harder to create a tomorrow that can transcend tragedy.” I believe that everyone has their own opportunity to make the world a better place. This is how people with good intentions continue to appear, passed on from generation to generation. ”

“Even if his end is not beautiful, he is a life of shame and frankness.”

“So I want to believe, believe in their ideals, believe in what they protect, as long as I am standing here, her burning, their burning, will continue forever.”

The Void Law said lightly: “Good is something that needs to be believed, while evil is not needed.” ”

Kiana immediately said, “Yes, but because of this: people like you and the Law of Domination underestimate the power of faith. ”

The two looked at each other.

It’s all very clear.

He said in unison: “There is no room for compatibility between us, nor is there any possibility of mutual understanding.” ”


It is completely different from Xi’er’s state.

The Law of the Void smiled: “It’s really rare, this may be the only topic we can agree on.” There is no longer any need to continue the dialogue. You and I, only one can be left. ”

Kiana turned around: “Come on. I’m not afraid of you! ”


The Void Law snorted coldly: “Use all your strength and struggle in vain.” This is the time of judgment! ”

The battle began instantly.

4.2 After the conversation just now, they know very well that they cannot empathize with each other.

The Law of Emptiness waved his hand.

Bellales flew out from one side.

“It’s a shame. If you had just killed it, you would now have one less enemy to deal with. ”

It’s just that……

The result was not what the Law of Voidness expected.

Bellarus did not attack.

Instead, just stay aside.

The Void Law immediately asked, “What’s wrong, Bellarus?” Why not attack? ”

Kiana looked at her flatly: “Don’t you understand yet?” Bellares… Bella is a friend of Celine, she has unreserved kindness towards Celine, and she always wishes Celine happiness. We are all Celine, consciousness born from her desires, Celine’s [possibility]. But we chose a different path. ”

“You only have the desire to destroy the world in your heart, and I want to protect what I believe. In Bella’s eyes, me and you, who is closer to what Celine wants to be? ”

The Law of Emptiness is anxious.

There was a hint of eagerness in the tone that had never fluctuated in the slightest: “You want to say that Bellarus chose you?” ”

Kiana simply replied, “She doesn’t want us to fight, she wants to save you.” She wants you to let go of your hatred and be happy. She chose [Celine], which she wanted to see.”

The Law of Emptiness was utterly furious.

Directly launch the subspace spear.

“What a joke… This is my stage! What doesn’t go my way, it shouldn’t exist! ”

“Disappear! Traitor! ”

Bellales let out a wail.

Just under her attack, completely dissipated., 13/03/2023 22:35

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