The live broadcast room was brushed up at this moment.

"Steal, keep stealing!"

"It's already purple, I'm afraid of a hammer, continue to steal!"

"Yes, only five days have passed, you steal to have hope to pay off the debt, if you don't steal, you can't finish it."

Four Six was crying and laughing: "It seems that it really wants to go all the way to the dark." "

However, his stealing skills are already advanced, stealing batteries faster, and with the first experience, the second time can be regarded as familiar.

Mainly after the negative reputation value rises, how to avoid the search of the police, this is the key.

After working hard for three days, he finally managed to steal more than 10,000 batteries, and immediately chose to pay off the debt, and at this moment, the four six kai of the live broadcast breathed a sigh of relief.

"The debt is paid, really brothers, I never thought that paying off the debt would be so easy."

"Okay, it's time for me to get on track, the first main quest in this game is the beginning, and my biggest goal is to get a foothold in the city."

Four or six manipulators directly used the remaining money to buy another battery car, and successfully rented a room in an urban village in the city, so that even if they barely put down roots in the city.

But when he went to register as a delivery boy again, the NPC in the store checked his ID card and immediately refused: "No, you have a theft record, and we won't hire him."

Four Six Kai was directly dumbfounded: "What situation?" "

He went to do other jobs, and found that the rest of the work was the same, basically because of his case file, and directly rejected him."

The audience in the live broadcast room almost died of laughter.

"Brother Kai, you just go one way to the dark, this normal road can't go, you can only continue to steal."

"The game is so real that you can't even find a job when you get out of prison."

There is no way to open four or six, the main thing is his negative reputation, which has not been eliminated, and many work restrictions are to have a minimum of 0 points of reputation.

He's negative, definitely not.

Four Six simply continued to steal, and when his reputation accumulated to -500, in one theft, he bumped into the rest of his peers.

It can also be seen as the rest of the gang, this gang of thieves just happened to steal batteries in the parking lot with Four Six Kai, and Four Six Kai only saw this gang on the screen, not only stealing the battery, but also unlocking and opening the car door, taking away all the valuable items put in the car.

Four and six looked at it in amazement, and someone on the other side directly blindfolded the surveillance camera, and the monitoring range disappeared by half.

He stole the battery while looking at each other.

A thief came over and stared at Four-Six Kai, with a bubbling frame appearing on his head.

"Brother, where are you messing around? Did you know that this is our territory? Four

or six can choose to answer, and his choice of answer is: "I am a lone ranger." "

Lone Ranger? Ah, do you want to come with us. "

Four or six refused.

After coming out of the parking lot, Si Liu suddenly realized: "That is to say, this reputation accumulates to about 500, you will encounter some things in this profession, I am now considered to have embarked on the profession of thief, then the next thing I encounter is the thief industry."

"But I really didn't expect that the old thief would make this little game like this, it's amazing."

Just praised, only to see a car chasing out behind the screen, before a few thieves got out of the car and surrounded the four or six groups.

"Hand over the stuff."

Four or six open and stunned, this Nima, black eats black?

Four Six said, "You steal your precious jewelry, I steal my battery, everyone steals their own, isn't this a conflict?"

A thief rubbed his fist and came up: "You only have three seconds to think about it." "

The audience in the live broadcast room is all brushing.

"Kill him!"

"Hit! Hit me hard! Four or six open this is a game, in the game can still be by the rest of the people riding on the head? "

Four and six kai are also not convinced, directly refuse, and then the other party smashes it with a punch, while four and six open can manipulate the mouse and keyboard to defend and counterattack.

Things are thrown on the ground, fists are punched to flesh, and after a punch is hit, there is a bang, a hit on the arm, and a muffled snort.

"Can this game still fight?"

Four and six kai exclaimed, this is just a single single, he is not afraid, after all, it is a game, but soon, the attribute gap between the two is reflected, four and six open characters' strength, toughness, physique and other attributes, are relatively backward, even if the position is good, but hit the other party, not much blood.

Just when the four or six drivers resisted, a police car came not far away, and in an instant, the thieves scattered as birds and beasts.

Four and six also hurriedly ran away, but finally got rid of the police car, and a star in the upper right corner disappeared.

Sell the battery and take a deep breath.

"It looks like I'm going to improve my personal attributes next."

In the next hour, Si Liukai began to exercise himself wildly, and even spent a lot of money to go to the gym, learn fighting, strength, toughness several attributes, in a rapid rise.

During this period, Four Six Kai was to improve his attributes, be a thief, and also met the rest of the team, and Four Six Kai unknowingly, his reputation reached -1000.

(Your reputation is circulating among the thieves, all the thieves have begun to respect you, you can now recruit the rest of the thieves, and go to find the thieves with higher skills to obtain skills)

Four Six opened his eyes wide in shock: "Is this okay?" "

This, again, opened up a new world!

He began to form a team, and when he got to the back, not only stealing battery cars, but also mastering skills such as unlocking and shooting, and his money was also rising rapidly, and in a short time, it came to hundreds of thousands.

During a team action meeting, one team said, "Boss, can we do a big job?" Four

or six: "How old do you want?" "

Robbery of money trucks."

Four Six was stunned, and then another member said: "It's okay to rob the gold shop." Soon

, several plans were laid out in front of four or six.

You can rob gold stores, you can rob money trucks, and even burglaries.

Four or six opened for a while, didn't he take the thief profession, when did he become a big thief?

But the game, since this profession is so exciting, and there are combat elements in it, choose the most exciting, rob the money truck.

When the operation began, Four-Six drove a group of teams and directly hit the money truck with the car, and Four-Six drove to the banknote truck, and shot the head with a native gun obtained from the black market.

This top-down art style game has been played as an action game.

The robbery of the money truck was successful, and he directly began to run away.

But it didn't take long to see electronic cigarettes flashing at various intersections, police cars appearing, and money trucks were stopped before they ran far.

The four or six in the game were directly pressed to the ground.

Then, a line of words appears on the screen.

(Congratulations, you have successfully gone from being a majority to a minority criminal, and you have been sentenced to thirty years in prison for armed robbery of money trucks and team crimes, and you will spend your whole life in prison.) Seeing

that this file is over like this, four or six are a little silly.

"Hey? Lying groove, the end of this thief's career path, turned out to be a prison? "

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