At this moment, in the middle of the game, Lin Shasha said again.

"Now that gang of antiquities dealers want to take a boat to the cherry blossom country, and then turn around, I won't let them succeed."

Then, Lin Shasha was on the ship, talking to the rest of the people, and then there was a storm in the crew road.

Lin Shasha came out of the room and looked, only to see the originally calm sea, but at this moment, dark clouds gathered, lightning and thunder, and the waves crashed like crazy.

The next CG is that Lin Shasha wants to save the rest of the people, but is finally thrown into the sea.

Fortunately, there was an island nearby, she climbed ashore, gasped for air, now her body was wet, and her figure was even more proud.


Many players swallowed their spit, and some even asserted: "I can guarantee that it won't be long before we can meet Lin Shasha in the 3D area." "

There were many crew members drowning in the sea, in front of Lin Shasha, there were several companions who were discussing, but they couldn't see clearly in the night, and the next moment, Lin Shasha felt that the back of her head was smashed hard and fainted.

The screen went black, and a production by Qingyun Game Company appeared on it, followed by large characters.

"Producer: Zhao Chen."

Four Six Kai was also amazed: "Wow, the old thief is really getting better and better." The

barrage brushed up frantically.

"That's right, it's getting bigger and bigger."

"Well, it's getting whiter."

"It's going to get longer and longer."

Some viewers said directly: "Good fellow, the Manchu Dynasty is civilized and martial, why are you supportive?" So obscure? What is our slogan? When

the introduction inserted in the middle passed, the screen slowly opened as if a person's eyes opened, and Lin Shasha only saw that she was being dragged along.

Above the line of sight are wood and strangely shaped patterns, as well as many candles, and dripping water above the broken window.

It was also accompanied by Lin Shasha's moaning.

Then, Lin Shasha felt like she was being hanged.

Then, the picture appeared, Lin Shasha gasped, she fell with her head down, struggling with her chest, the picture was reversed, all players could see clearly, Lin Shasha was directly hung upside down.

"Where is this?"

"Gotta find a way to go down."

CG ends.

The player can start manipulating Lin Shasha, who is bundled into rice dumplings.

Four and six open hands on the keyboard and mouse, the barrage is also brushed.

"The streamer finally started playing, and I was afraid that he would accidentally put his hand under the table."

"You're wrong."

"Wow, the old thief, this motion capture actor is really right, I think I can stare at Lin Shasha all day alone."

Then, according to the prompt, Lin Shasha shook left and right, and in the game, Lin Shasha shook onto the burning wood on the side, and the flames ignited her tied legs, and finally, the rope burned.

The next moment, Lin Shasha fell from mid-air, and a steel bar above the ground penetrated her waist.


Four or six gasped, and all the players' scalps were numb.

"Lying groove, isn't it, so cruel?"

"Didn't you say good sexiness and passion, why show me this as soon as you come up?"

Lin Shasha screams, and then the player needs to control her and pull things out.

Everyone only saw Lin Shasha howling in pain, and then pulled it out forcefully.

At this moment, they couldn't help but swallow their spit.

This time, it was because of horror and fear.

Then, he manipulated Lin Shasha to run forward, running forward in this narrow cave.

The picture is shaking, Lin Shasha is panting, a little weak, and the picture is also turning black and white.

She covered her wounds: "What is this place, I need to escape first." "

And in the cave ahead, it is like a cult picture, and there are people who are pulled up by ropes, and the lower half of their bodies are gone."

Four and six kai were also attracted by the plot and no longer paid attention to Lin Shasha's beauty.

Then, using torches to ignite the object in front of her, continuing forward, squeezing through a simple gap into the room, and constantly moving forward, entering a narrow cave, suddenly, her feet were grabbed, with the horror music, she devoted herself to four or six openings, and was directly startled.

He quickly pressed the arrow keys left and right to break free and continue forward.

Lin Shasha entered the water, passed through the narrow hole, only saw that the front was like entering a water hole, after entering, only saw the left side is a stagnant lake, the water flow down from the right, there are many debris piled on the left, and there are even oil tanks during the period, and when you come to the right, you see that there are several simple things here.

Kerosene torches, with a debris tied by a rope in the upper middle, an iron railing platform on the right in the middle, also suspended in the air by something like an iron chain, and an iron cage on the opposite side.

The screen prompts, escape.

"Get out? How can this escape? Four

Six was stunned for a moment, and he didn't know how to play this picture in front of him.

Fortunately, Zhao Chen still gave a hint, holding down the survival instinct key to find the corresponding useful decryption item.

Four or six opened and pressed, and found torches, those iron railing platforms in the middle and the iron cage on the opposite side useful.

The player also reacted: "This is decryption. "

Decrypt me in the line, anchor, don't worry, observe the situation first."

Four Six Kai said, "This is simple, look at me." "

He began to try, first by lighting the tied rope with a torch, burning the hanging object on the far left in the middle, and letting it burn, and then, then four or six and I didn't know how.

Like a headless fly, he tried many times, jumped to the hanging platform on the right side of the middle, and the burning object on the left fell directly, and these two were like a scale.

I tried the opposite cage again, pushed hard, but there was nothing.

"What's going on?"

Four or six are stupid.

For twenty minutes, he controlled Lin Shasha to jump back and forth, trying many times, but still scratching his head.

Barrage mocked: "Laugh at me, that's it."

"The anchor didn't go to school, did he?"

"The other anchors have passed, you first set the debris on the left side of the middle, and then jump on the gondola platform on the right side of the middle, so that the burning debris on the left side of the middle falls into the cage on the opposite side, and you push it again, no."

Four Six Kai looked at the barrage: "Is this like this?" "

He flew the snapshot to do.

This time, I successfully pushed the burning object down, and I saw the burning flame drifting to the opposite side with the water flow, igniting the blocked debris, and the oil tank exploded.

With a boom, an exit appeared.

"So it is!"

Four or six open spirits!

Here's how puzzle solving works.

Then, manipulated Lin Shasha to continue to flee, a hole appeared, Lin Shasha held a torch to move forward madly, the rapid music sounded, the hole on the left was blocked, Lin Shasha turned around and ran to the right.

Then the road collapsed again, Lin Shasha fell into the ground and slid down, and the entire cave began to collapse with the previous explosion, as if running for life.

Finally, he came to a broken road, jumped, and narrowly grabbed the edge, and then Lin Shasha frantically crawled towards the exit with a bright light in the distance ahead!

After dodging falling rocks in the middle, after the tense atmosphere, at the last moment, Lin Shasha escaped from the cave.

Like the exit of the roots of a big tree, Lin Shasha's face was covered in blood and mud, she stood up with difficulty, looked forward, only to see that this was an island, in front of it was the wreckage of a fallen plane, in the distance was the waves lapping on the shore, seabirds were circling, there were half-sunken ships in the distance, and further forward, the sun broke through the dark clouds and shone in.

Lin Shasha stood on the right side of the picture, and four large characters appeared on the left.

Tomb Raider.

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