Now, as long as there are posts and short videos related to Honkai Impact 3, there will be news from Honkai Impact 3 players saying that Teacher Jizi is not dead! Players who had quit the game because of the completion of the shooting of Infinite Tower Jizi re-downloaded Honkai Impact 3 after seeing this news. Although these players are a minority, they are also an indispensable part!

The first thing to do after downloading it is to draw out the new card pool. Those who don’t have enough crystals can only choose between pushing the map and krypton gold!

Of course, not all players are die-hard fans of Infinite Tower Jizi. There are also many players who like the Herrscher of the Sky!

After all, who doesn’t love the queen’s powerful strength, handsome appearance and the look of smashing?

Time flies, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye!

The first month’s revenue of Honkai Impact 3 is also placed on the official website of Honkai Impact 3. Although it is a little less than that of Genshin Impact, it is almost the same, which is enough to make people jealous!

Although Honkai Impact 3 has had many twists and turns since its launch, the revenue and player retention are still good!

The game industry is also very concerned about the revenue of Honkai Impact 3. When they see the revenue of Honkai Impact 3, they all gasp!

This single month's revenue is basically better than the previous one!

This is just the beginning. Just like Genshin Impact, they will continue to launch new versions and new card pools in the future, and the revenue will increase!

In the same month, Zhuchang also launched their new game"Onmyoji", which won many praises as soon as it was launched!

Players are commenting on social platforms. This year, due to the emergence of Mihoyo, game companies have launched many games! Those who have not launched games are also rushing to make them!

Mihoyo took advantage of the revenue of Genshin Impact and Honkai Impact 3 to expand and recruit people, and its scale gradually showed a trend of becoming a giant! At the same time, in this month, Genshin Impact launched two characters, Albedo and Ganyu, and the revenue should not be underestimated!

Honkai Impact 3 also launched the subsequent plot and the trailer of the new version when everyone was looking forward to it!

The trailer is very simple, with the subsequent plot plus three new characters, plus some bugs of Honkai Impact 3!

It is now 7:00 p.m. in Dragon Country time.

Tuantuan is sitting in the live broadcast room, watching the announcement with his fans!

Tuantuan read the announcement several times and said to the camera:"In this new version, Teacher Jizi is not resurrected!"

During this period of time, a lot of news about Teacher Jizi's possible resurrection in the next version has been hyped up!

Everyone is looking forward to the official announcement of Teacher Jizi's resurrection, but unfortunately, there is no news about Teacher Jizi in the new version.

【It seems that only the later versions can revive Teacher Ji Zi. These versions are meaningless. Let’s go play Genshin Impact!】

【By the way, has Tuantuan drawn Ganyu? How many draws did you prepare?】

【Since there is no Himeko in Honkai Impact 3rd, let's just play Genshin Impact! If the game doesn't work, we can just change it!】

【That’s right, everyone should go and draw Ganyu, Ganyu is so pretty!】


Seeing what the viewers in the live broadcast room said, Tuantuan also closed the Honkai Impact 3rd announcement and opened Genshin Impact!

On the one hand, most viewers in the live broadcast room wanted to watch Genshin Impact, and as the host, she would not spoil everyone’s interest!

Secondly, she had originally planned to live broadcast the extraction of the character Ganyu. The character Ganyu has been out for a long time, and various strategies have been developed by players!

Ganyu’s popularity has also risen accordingly. After all, who doesn’t like a beautiful and sweet Wang Xiaomei who can fight?

While chatting with the viewers, she opened Genshin Impact!

After Tuantuan logged in, the careful viewers discovered that she had been under the Seven Days Statue in Fengqidi since the last time Tuantuan went off the air!

It has been a long time, and she is still under the Seven Days Statue in Fengqidi!

【Zizizizi, what has Tuantuan been doing recently? He hasn’t even logged into Genshin Impact yet?】

【Tuanzi is not only always late for live broadcasts, but he even stops playing games. What has Tuanzi been doing during this period?】

【This original god hasn’t even logged in yet, so I guess he doesn’t have many original stones!】


Seeing that her fans had discovered that she had been slacking off recently, Tuantuan's mind was working rapidly!

The next second, her eyes lit up!

"Let me tell you, why haven’t I played Genshin Impact for so long?"

"At that time, we were in trouble. The sky suddenly changed, and there was a strong wind blowing outside. It was blowing so hard that it was whirring and whirring!"

Tuantuan described it vividly to everyone, fiddling with his hands.

"At this time, I discovered that my computer had become a spirit!"

"It turned 360 degrees and ran towards my door!"

She pointed outside the door.

"At this time, I said directly to it, Hey, you goblin!"

"You little goblin, you still want to charm your grandpa Tuan, I will just give you a slap, and then beat my computer back to its original form with a stick!"

At this point, Tuantuan's forehead was covered with sweat, and her whole body was sweating, as if she had really experienced a big battle!

She looked tired, and said to the camera:"It becomes a goblin once a day. It is not easy for me to beat it back to its original form. After live broadcasting to you every day, I have no energy to play other games!"

Tuantuan said, tears were still in her eyes, looking very pitiful!

【Tuantuan's abacus makes such a noise that I can hear her calculating on Earth even from another planet!】

【Don't accept it, don't accept it. I am too embarrassed to expose you. You just lie in bed and sleep every day and don't want to get up....】

【Watching the live broadcast every day, you can not only see Tuantuan playing games and watching videos, but also listen to Tuantuan making up stories on the spot. This is amazing!】

【I really didn't recommend that Tuanzi be discharged from the hospital at that time.】

【I am the attending physician. I have tried my best. There is really nothing I can do.】

【Thank you for your hard work, both of you!】

【Thank you for your hard work, both of you!】


However, fans who are familiar with Tuantuan have expressed their disapproval. After all, they are tired of hearing these reasons when Tuantuan is late for live broadcast!���Seeing that the fans were not buying it, she changed the background music of the live broadcast room to erhu music, and she also sobbed.

"I was wrong, I shouldn't have made up stories!"

"Now that winter is here, I just want to sleep a little longer and stay in bed a little longer!"

"Who knew that time would pass so quickly once I slept, and I would have no time to play games!"The fans who learned that Tuantuan had no time to play games every day because he slept in were also relieved!

After all, this is the truth. Tuantuan really has no time to play games because he sleeps in and is late for live broadcasts....

Author's words:

Friends, time is money. Look, in the blink of an eye, another month has gone by!

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