"Wow, this Stanley doesn't look like a good person!" Tuantuan complained when he saw Stanley eavesdropping. Seeing this, the netizens also asked, how did Tuantuan know that Stanley was not a good person, could it be that she discovered something incredible?

Tuantuan replied:"How can a good person eavesdrop on others? So he must be a bad person!"

Hearing what Tuantuan said, the netizens were speechless. This is the most basic logic!

Good people are upright and don't need to be sneaky. Bad people are the ones who steal and do things. So Tuantuan knew at a glance that Stanley was not a human being, bah, not a good person!

The scene changed, and the group came to the Dadaupa Valley. After a long search, they found these two so-called things that sounded awesome....

They turned out to be just two pieces of junk, but after Wendy's explanation (deception), Jack still determined that they were two weapons!

He took the two artifacts and ran happily towards home.

After Jack went far away, Wendy pointed out Stanley who was hiding behind the tree.

Hearing Wendy calling his name, Stanley had to smile awkwardly and said to everyone:"Ah, hahahaha, isn't this the bard! What a coincidence, you are here for a walk too?" Wendy smiled and said:"Yes, I came out for a walk after dinner and found something with my friends."

Paimon looked at the traveler and Wendy, and whispered:"I feel more and more that Mr. Stanley may be a liar..."

After a few simple greetings, Stanley left the scene.

"Sure enough, this is a fake Stanley!" Tuan Tuan was surprised and said:"I knew he was not a good person!"

"The final outcome will definitely be to expose this scam to everyone. I am really too smart!"

【Ahem, Tuan Tuan still thinks too simply of Mihoyou. You think it’s just you who thinks that the plot of Mihoyou is still very good, okay?】

【Alas, Tuan Tuan is still the younger brother among brothers. I thought too simply of Mi Huyou. The plot is not just like this!】

【Tuan Tuan is still too young, and thinks Mi Huyou is too simple, the ending is not like this...】


Seeing this in the comments, Tuantuan also became interested and started interacting with the netizens.

In the game, she also controlled the character to come to the Angel Tavern.

When she arrived here, she saw Stanley who was drunk not far away. The traveler and Wendy were sitting at the table next to him, listening to Stanley's nonsense after getting drunk.

Stanley was lying on the table and said,"Stanley...Tell me what should I do..."

Paimon looked confused, turned to look at the traveler, and asked softly:"Huh? Why is he calling his name?"

Everyone also guessed that there might be some hidden story in this, otherwise it would not be like this....

But everyone's face was full of confusion. Stanley, who encouraged others to be strong and talked about his glorious deeds in the daytime, went to the tavern to get drunk at night. He was really a strange person.

While Paimon was talking to the traveler, Stanley sobbed again,"Woo! Uh!...Stanley!"

"Those who died in the Sea of Silence...Why not me! Why didn't your spirit stop me when I used your name? Stanley!"

"If it weren't for protecting me, a newcomer, you wouldn't have died in that windless place!"

"You already have the reputation of a great adventurer, but, because of a loser like me, you can no longer become a legend...."

Seeing this, both the traveler in the game and Tuan Tuan outside the screen were surprised!

This is the secret behind Stanley's story!

"I have a question now..."Tuan Tuan looked confused, raised his hand to the camera and asked,"This Stanley should have been in Mond for many years, right? Has he ever been drunk once in all these years?"

"He always talked when he was drunk, but never once did he say these things? He only said them when the traveler came?"

"If other people heard it, wouldn't anyone suspect it? It's really strange...."

After this was said, the viewers in the live broadcast room were all silent. The question asked by Tuan Tuan was too consistent with the logic of reality....

【Tuantuan, this is just a game, there's no need to take it so seriously...】

【Tuantuan, your question is in line with real-life logic, but not with game logic. What if it's just a coincidence that the traveler said these drunken words when he came?...】

【I think it’s better to just play the game, watch the game and the plot, and don’t pay attention to those details!】


Tuan Tuan just smiled. She was just saying it casually. If she insisted on arguing about these things in the game, it would be too ridiculous!

In the game, Stanley sobbed and said,"Stanley...I have been afraid for so many years. I am afraid that the people in Mondstadt have forgotten you completely, so they tell everyone about your adventures...."

"I want everyone in Mondstadt to remember that Stanley reached the center of the Sea of Silence....He is the greatest adventurer alive!"

"Stanley won't die because I am!...Because I am...Stanley..."

At this point, Tuantuan nodded and said,"Perhaps other Mond people have heard those words and just thought they were drunken talk...."

Stanley lowered his head and said,"I'm sorry, Stanley...I am old too. I am old too...."

Sighing, Stanley turned to the crowd and said,"How long do you guys want to eavesdrop?"

After the traveler stood up, he talked to Stanley.

Stanley glared at them and said,"Let's go, don't ask anything, let me be alone for a while...."

When they didn't know what to do, Jack called them from a distance.

They looked in the direction of the voice, and Jack told them that thanks to them, Jack's parents agreed to his wish to be an adventurer.

When he looked at Stanley again, Stanley was lying on the table again....

Stanley called Jack a few times tentatively, and Wendy told him that Jack had gone back.

Stanley had heard Jack's conversation with them just now, and thanked them for keeping it a secret for him.

After thanking them, Stanley took advantage of the alcohol and confided a lot of his thoughts to the travelers and Wendy.

"Hans, Archibald?"

Hearing someone calling his name, Hans Archibald raised his head in a daze and asked Wendy,"How did you know?...My real name..."

Wendy looked at him, and a gust of wind blew from his side....

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